Friday, September 27, 2013

Michael Lohan Slams His Daughter Because She Isn't Making Money For Him

Yesterday I told you about Ashley Horn. She is the daughter Michael Lohan fathered when he was cheating on Dina Lohan. No not that time. No, not that time either. Yeah, I can't keep track of the times. No, it wasn't after the time he beat her. Although maybe it was then. Who knows. What we do know is that Michael Lohan cheated and fathered a baby. Ashley just turned 18 and celebrated by spending a ton of money, hopefully that fifteen years of past due child support money from Michael and got some plastic surgery. She wanted to look more like Lindsay.

Instead of being supportive like Michael tries to be with his other kids unless he needs to make rent money and sells a nasty story or two, Michael decided to slam his daughter Ashley and called her a stalker. Huh. Nice words. This is the same man who just fathered another baby with a woman he cheated on and also has beaten. And stalked. I'm wondering whose side I'm going to take on this one.

Michael says he would never condone Lindsay or Ali getting plastic surgery and Dina feels the same way. Umm Michael have you seen your daughters? Lindsay has had fake breasts since I can remember and at one point probably weighed more than the rest of her body. Ali used to have fake breasts before she became a "model." Ali has also had work done to her face not to mention all the work Lindsay has had done with her lip injections, botox and other procedures.

The reason Michael slammed Ashley is that he can't make money off her as frequently as he can Lindsay. Plus Ashley can't give him money or let him borrow money. Of course since Michael probably got paid for his story yesterday he can now say Ashley made him some bucks too. Oh he also got paid money to show up on television and find out he was the baby's dad after denying it for years.


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