Monday, September 09, 2013

Michael Douglas Moves More Stuff From His Home

While a group of men moved some boxes into a truck and drove away, Michael Douglas packed up a suitcase and some other bags from the home he once shared with Catherine Zeta Jones. Even though Michael says everything is great in his marriage and this whole split thing is being exaggerated by the media it sure looks like a couple splitting and not just a break. Sure there could have been some extra boxes that needed to be donated but why did they end up at Michael's place later that day? Sure, Michael could have just been heading on another trip but when he came back from his most recent trip he didn't bring any suitcases or bags back to his home with Catherine but he took more bags out.

Maybe they are trying to settle this whole thing before they announce it all or maybe they really are taking a break until Catherine decides what she wants and in the meantime Michael can keep hanging out with the young women that were all over him in Europe over the past couple of weeks. He didn't really look sad about all of the attention. Maybe they can help him figure out how he got HPV.


  1. Can't imagine he took all that much out....but he still needs his personal items...

  2. Their separation is so sad to me. I love them both and I hope they can work it out.

  3. I hope CZJ can live well without this STD seeker, and doesn't need help with her mental problems. If she thrives, I will be happy for her outside a relationship with the cheater.

  4. I wouldn't waste your worry on CZJ, Kermit. She knew EXACTLY what she was signing up for.

  5. Maybe its no ones business what he or she is doing, so he doesnt feel like discussing with media. It has nothing to do with his work. I will say tho, he seems happy and almost buoyant, like hes got a new lease on life. And I dont even tjink hes such a great guy. And how come whenever couple split, the man has to move out?

  6. Anonymous7:51 AM

    I've been fond of him Evert since he shagged glen close on her sink full of dishes in fatal attraction. Michael would sooooo shag a bitch on her sink full of dishes in real life. That scene was totally orchestrated by Mike. Something tells me he shags like a minx.

    Thanx Austin (Powers)......thanx for that one.


  7. not sure if her bouts of depression have contributed to this break up or her problems with her husband have contributed to her bouts of depression....

    either way sad.

  8. Anonymous8:16 AM

    Minx: female.

  9. Anonymous8:19 AM

    @rach......I know, sweetie. "T'was" a joke.

    "T'was" = it was


  10. Hey lets be honest she never expected him to make a full recovery,,,

  11. She was the popular guess for the "poisoning husband/ moaning in a drug induced coma while partying"guess. Cold feet? : )

  12. Anonymous8:47 AM

    I liked them together but i could never see them lasting,

  13. I don't remember the husband poisoning thing....enlighten me!

  14. Maybe Catherine tossed him out for not telling her previous to his public announcement that his cancer came from HPV in the throat.

  15. Does anyone remember the way CZJ blew cigarette smoke in her husband's face while he was battling throat cancer? I don't think she was the height of sensitivity.

  16. MD doesn’t have an assistant who can pack & carry his shit to his new place for him while he’s out of town? No basement garage to load up his car and drive to another basement garage under the cover of darkness? No taxi/car service/personal driver to drive him a few blocks to the new apt? “She put me out!” Please. He’s lovin’ every minute of this press.
