Tuesday, September 17, 2013

Lamar Odom Wants A Divorce- And His Money

Apparently Lamar Odom would like off at the next stop of the Kardashian train and a chance to get back on with his life. He thinks that the family is stringing him along and pretending to be nice to him and keeping him close until they can get him on camera looking like a jerk to make Khloe look good. He only speaks to Khloe every few days at the most and just wants to get back on with his life. He says that his life was fine until he hooked up with the Kardashians and they have brought him down and he would be so much better off if he had never met them. He would also like his money and feels like he is owed money by the family although he wasn't clear on that or why he feels like it's owed to him.

There are worries that the pressure is too much for him and that he might try and attempt suicide to escape what he feels is a no win situation and that he just wishes everyone would go away.


  1. And this is a message to anyone who gets involved with that pack of Who-Ha's

  2. Well the pre-blind stories today all suck. I hope there is something interesting ahead. If the news is slow, then throw in a juicy blind you been holding back on, Fugazi Enty.

  3. Lamar, please write a no-holds-barred tell all about the klan. Please expose all the warts of this trash heap.

  4. What's interesting is that somehow, Scott Di(si)ck manages to float along and do okay. Maybe because they aren't married? Then again, he is an alcoholic, so hmm, maybe they are damaging him.

  5. Okay, I want Lamar and Kim's ex Kris to get together and write a tell-all. Not that it would be anything new, I suppose.

  6. Let this be a lesson to any man thinking about dating a Kardashian. I would like to think the Jenner girls are different though - Kendall, anyways.

  7. Didn't they get married after knowing each other a few days? What was he thinking?

  8. @annabella for real. Ye better run for the heels. keep kim as his side piece. no ring on it unless it's a cock ring!

  9. Free Odom! Free him now! (I envision a mob of villagers, armed with pitchforks and copies of People magazine, storming the faux compound of the weird clan and sending them one by one to a gillotine.)

  10. Did he call and tell you all this? I had no idea you were such great friends ...

  11. Lamar is a moron. If this is to be believed, than apparently he's waiting for permission from PMK to divorce KMoose? Lawyer up for fucks sake and just get out. And that suicide thing is ridiculous.

  12. TMZ is running that Disick/toilet paper post again. This time they are saying he is such a dick that he is actually charming and that other celebs can't pull that off because Disick has or is something that rhymes with "schmacism". For the life of me I can't think of anything that rhymes with schmacism. Can somebody help me please.

    1. Anonymous9:09 AM

      @harry knuckles: racism? Is that why other people can't do that? Because rappers never do ostentatious shit.

      Anyway, I don't know if your question was sarcastic or not because I spent a good 30 seconds thinking that was a short "a" and it was sounding like "smash-ism" and I also couldn't figure out what rhymes with that.

    2. Empress, my question is absolutely not sarcastic. It's bugging me that I can't think of the word. It might have something to do along the lines of charisma. Which is funny, because Disick doesn't have any.

    3. He's Jewish so maybe that's what they were getting at.

    4. Machismo, maybe?

    5. Machismo, maybe?

  13. The ballad of Odom! This is almost, but not quite, as bad as the TMZ headlines about Khloe freaking out that Lamar has OD'ed on heroin. Uh-huh. Nah, just suicide. Maybe.

  14. Scott is cut from the same cloth as the K's, he'll never leave--he is perfect for them. Even more so than Bruce.

  15. Oh and good luck getting anymore than 2 pennies to rub together Lamar. Khloe gets all the cars and the mansion. Also a MAKE UP ALLOWANCE STIPEND FOR THE REST OF HER LIFE.

    Next time read the pre-nupt.

  16. Oh please, the travails of the addict. Of course his life was better before he got married! No one to bother him if he wanted to disappear for days at a time and smoke dope, not show up for business meetings and waste his money on drugs. If he blew his money and now wants hers, thats bullshit. Yeah, his marriage was hell-a woman who adored him , a family in his corner , beautiful house and wealth. Sounds brutal.

    1. And that suicide threat is so played. Get a new line

  17. he is a loser

    but I would run from the Kartrashian family too

  18. Fascism? He has fascism perhaps? This is so confusing.

  19. Face of Hitler Kitty with the words "I kan haz fashism" written across it?

  20. PMK was his manager right? I bet she screwed him over BIG. If PMK has any common sense she will watch it and back off, lest Lamar gets half a brain and a decent lawyer to out their dirt and drag them through the court of public opinion in an effort to get his $$.

  21. People that grow up in Springfield Gardens projects should be a lot smarter then Lamar seems to be but at least he knows when he is being used and set up.

  22. Okay, apropos of nothing. I know, after looking closely, that the image on Lamar's top is a lion, but I thought it looked like an albatross had done a flying deposit.

  23. Auntliddy, you have no clue if he was an addict prior to the marriage. The fact that he has to be "on" all the time with the cameras may have been a trigger to self medicate to deal. Who said he blew her money?

    I have a hard time believing he was on oxytcontin while playing basketball, since it is a downer, and would have had a heavy impact on the way he played.

    1. Yeah, it seems odd he never got nabbed dirty while playing,but addicts are wiley. I didnt say he blew her money. I said IF he blew all his money, he isnt entitled to HER money. I really have no horse in this race, just looking at situation of divorce with drugs involved. Everyone can power down now!

  24. Aunt Liddy please from the bottom of my heart.... Please please please shut the fuck up.

    You aren't perfect either bitch!

  25. Poor grown man, can't figure out how to divorce. Tired of grown ass adults bitching about situations they put themselves in. You want a divorce go to a lawyer and STFU.

  26. Anonymous12:05 PM

    Hide the gin, Radiohead albums and razor blades...

  27. So why doesn't he just divorce her? They already live apart, I don't see what the problem is.

  28. Anonymous6:07 PM

    Oh look! It's LAMMY BOT.

  29. Oh Lam Lam, you got yourself in quite a bad situation this time.

  30. Uh, OR this is an addict blaming everybody else for his problems. If he attempts suicide, it's because he's got much deeper problems than wanting a divorce.

  31. It's very easy for Lamar to get what he wants... Fuck the pre-nup, all he has to do is tell his lawyers every single secret he knows about the Kardashians. Then, tell the K's that if he doesn't get what they want, those secrets are set to be distributed.

    Just don't kill yourself...all your money will go to PMK...as much as I dislike the K's, I tolerate Khloe and I know none of that money will go to her.
