Tuesday, September 10, 2013

Jenn Berman Gets Divorced

There are so many couples that get divorced that it never really makes sense to talk about it unless there is something juicy about it. However, when you make your living telling people how to stay married and have made millions of dollars counseling couples and even are the doctor on a television show about keeping couples together then your own divorce gets noticed and you end up in the tabloids.

That is exactly what happened to Jenn Berman who recently finalized her divorce. Jenn hosts Couples Therpay on VH-1 and has books and a website that make her a ton of money offering advice. Her career will probably go downhill from here. Think about Patti Stanger. She has never had any luck in relationships and people finally asked themselves why they should be listening to her about who they should date or her rules for successful dating when she didn't even follow them herself. Yes, she is engaged but she was engaged before and before that and has never been able to have a long term forever type relationship. Her ratings went way down after all of this became public and Jenn is probably going to face the same type backlash.

According to Radar, Jenn's husband is going to get about $500K in a lump sum payment and will get a whole lot more in child support help after he finds a job. Yeah, the guy didn't work.


  1. She should've just pushed him off a cliff.

    Btw, is that Alexis Arquette?

    1. Anonymous7:12 AM

      Wash your mouth out ethorne! Alexis is MUCH hotter!

  2. There is no shame in a man staying home to raise the children while a woman with a more lucrative career is the bread winner. More Fugazi Enty MANsogyny tainting this blog. Fucking revolting.

  3. Who? Is she married to Chris Berman? His commentary put me to sleep during last night's game.

  4. LOL I used to watch her show with her sister called Berman and Berman on Discovery Health or some such.

  5. Perhaps if she went to therapy instead of therpay, she might have saved her marriage.

  6. This place is such a dump. So many moron commenters these days, it's amazing.

    1. Welcome to the bunch!

      Get it? Cause you're a grape!!

    2. Thank you @TGrape- I think I'm pretty amazing too! Sometimes I pretend I'm Paul McCartney & sing 'Maybe I'm Amazed' into the mirror.

    3. @Merry B - I snorted. Thanks for the giggle.

    4. I'm here all day folks, much to the chagrin of Sour Grape up there.

  7. I bet that guy was cruel to her, knowing the power he had, given her career is all about keeping couples together. And now he gets rewarded with monthly cash prizes.

  8. She probably did the math and decided it's easier to just cut him loose.

    I'm always distracted on Couples Therapy by the blinding amount of eye makeup they
    paint her with. Hard to take her seriously.

  9. It is so cute when women project their desire to be a victim in to stories they know next to nothing about.

  10. Don't whine...make wine! :)

  11. Relationship counseling is about learning how to be with the one you're with, but there are no guarantees. Some people break up because they are not meant to be together long-term, and some relationships burn out as people change or things get stale. I wouldn't fault a psychologist or counselor for getting divorced. Who knows how big the mismatch was originally between her and her husband.

  12. I don't think it's Patti Stanger's lack of her own personal relationship that makes people question her matchmaking abilities for others, but that she parades around on her show like a world-class bitch. Even when she has a valid point for a client, she screams and shrieks like a complete, unhinged psycho to get her point across. Not exactly a confidence builder.

    1. Agree Dewie - she is total bitch - esp when vetting her dating pool. Playing to the cameras a little. That being said just because someone like her sucks at getting her own man( or berman getting divorced) doesn't mean they can't help those looking for help. A lot of people have problems following their own good advice.

  13. @Count, I can't believe this but I agree with you.

  14. I hate it when you can so obviously tell that a blonde should be a brunette. Her hair doesn't match her eyes or skin tone at all.

    And, yes, she is reminiscent of Alexis Arquette!

  15. Unlike Dr. Drew & Dr. Phil, Dr. Berman actually gave alot of great advice to the various couples. She really delves into why the couples do the things they do to their partner. I normally hate the rehab reality shows but this show is different. I am glad Dr. Berman can take her own advice and leave someone who is not good for her.

  16. @Borg, I only watched the season with Courtney Stodden but I did think Berman came across well - *until* she let that walking tramp stamp return to the house.

  17. He stayed home with the kids? Sounds good to me.

    And marriage counseling is a means to an end. It should help resolve issues and behaviors in a marriage but not change the people themselves if they are not fundamentally compatible.

    I'm sure her career will suffer, but I'm not going to assume her whole career is a lie b/c of it.

  18. Patty did try to match someone with a heroin addict. That didn't help business I'm sure.

  19. I wonder if Perez Enty's husband stays home to care for the kids while s/he blogs.

    Sometimes a dad does stay at home with his 6 year old twins while his wife works. But you know, he's getting the Chevy Volt and small appliances in the deal, so he's obviously a sponge.

  20. I agree with Count. Why is it OK for a woman to stay home and WORK but not a man. There is nothing easy about looking after a house and raising children.

  21. I have never seen a less professional "doctor". She is constantly swearing at her clients and yelling.

  22. "Therpay" is how I imagine a valley girl would say therapy.
