Tuesday, September 10, 2013

Jane Lynch's Ex Wants $93K A Month

Jane Lynch and Lara Embry were married about three years. During those three years Lara claims that she grew used to a certain lifestyle and now has expenses that justify asking Jane Lynch for $93K a month in spousal support. So, yeah, she wants about $1M a year to make sure that Jane keeps supporting her the way Jane was supporting her before. Lara is a doctor but doesn't seem to make any of her own money and really enjoyed using Jane's money. Lara did get really lucky because Jane had a dramatic upswing in her yearly salary after they got together and especially after they got married. Jane earns about $250K a month so Lara thinks that $93K is a fair amount. I don't think a judge will give it to her and unless Jane can get another series that pays as much as Glee does when the series ends its run Jane will just end up going back to court to get it reduced.


  1. Yeah, that sounds awfully high.

  2. What the fuck? Talk about greedy.

  3. I read this somewhere else & she listed a breakdown of her monthly expenses, including child care. Shouldn't that fall under the father's responsibility?

    1. @ethorne Love the new pic, betch! You look fabulous :)

    2. Thanks betch! Fall is all about the zebra print!

    3. This!
      And, of course

      I think I just discovered my klondike. .. :))) btw, I highly recommend reading Patsy's bio. Impressively fabulous!

    4. Anonymous10:19 AM

      I heart Patsy.

    5. @Claudea- <3!!

  4. Well so much for equality, who didn't see this coming ? As my mom said " the lawyers are all smiling"

  5. Opportunity knocks. She might as well go for it marrying stars is as close to winning the lottery as you can get.

  6. Wow! It's nice to see greed in all orientations. I think gay divorce will be the new norm. Welcome to the marriage world.

  7. You know, if there wasn't a prenup: "The fault dear Brutus, is not in our stars, but in ourselves..."

  8. Will someone please please PLEASE explain to me why "I've gotten used to a certain lifestyle while being married to this person" is a valid reason in court to be granted an exorbitant amount of spousal support? I don't get that! How is that a reason?? It's one thing if you're granted enough to live or to comfortably raise your children, but sometimes the amount is absurd and it's simply because the spouse is accustomed to living the high life. Well then go out and make your own money if you want to live rich!

    1. I think the argument makes sense when one spouse has put the other through school, or taken care of the home and kids while the other builds an empire.

  9. This seems unreasonable.

  10. The lawyers have won. I just wish someone would have had the foresight to barter legalized weed for gay divorce with the Bar Associations.

    I'd love to have a % of same sex relationships that ended once the excuse of "when it is legal we will" went up in smoke.

    1. Anonymous7:26 AM

      Count: same sex attracted people have the same right the rest of us do : to get married and to get divorced. Fuck, it's rare for marriages to last statistically speaking, whether gay or straight.

  11. Unbelievable! I can't believe these Hollywood divorces - makes me wish I would have headed to Hollywood & married a rich fella back when I was young & beautiful!

  12. Let this lara chick make her own dough. This is bullshit. You were used to a certain lifesttyle? Well youll get used to your new reduced circumstances too. Sickening greed. I feel for the divorced mom raising 2 kids and child support is late or non exsistant. Ill save my pity for her.

  13. I agree Nutty, however the "I am accustomed to living like......" and only been married for 3 years, while being a doctor should be laughed out of court!

    It's not like she put her career on hold because of kiddos, or relocated to another part of the country..

    Maybe she is highballing and willing to take a lower amount?

    Now I am really rethinking my retirement plans.. maybe I should move to Hollywood and marry some old fucker and divorce after a few years.. ;)

  14. Anonymous8:28 AM

    Beer drinkers salary with champagne tastes....

  15. Jane is like the sweetest lady ever. Hope she hooks up with someone awesome soon.

  16. That trick said she spends $4500 going out to eat. Maybe you need to prioritize your spending, betch!

    1. Anonymous9:18 AM

      Disco: if she likes to "eat out" why not find a consenting partner who doesn't charge? Boom boom!

  17. Anonymous9:56 AM

    How cruel.

  18. They didn't have any kids, right?

    This seems pretty ridiculous to me. Three years and she didn't leave the work force? There are good reasons for alimony/spousal support but I'm just not seeing any here.

  19. Good morning, Perez Enty!

    Actually, Jane is nonchalant and very classy about the divorce settlement.

    Now Lynch tells Bush that she expects to give a pay-out to her estranged spouse from some of her "highest earning years." "[California] is a half and half state, as well as it should be, so that's fine … It's just money."

    The wife is a psychologist who moved to a state in which she wasn't licensed to practice and stayed home to raise a child (she has a 10yo daughter who Jane has called "our daughter"). Those super high living expenses probably include rent on their home, school fees, the costs that she will incur in getting back into her career, etc. and will undoubtedly be lowered as circumstances change.

  20. I love Jane. She is my girl crush, and I am totally a Kinsey 0. I hope this works out well for everyone because there's a child involved, but especially for Jane. She's good people. I just know it.

  21. If I was rich I would never get married because of things like this.

  22. I'll marry and divorce her for one-tenth that amount.

  23. Oh, please. Lara Embry needs to get her ass into work.
