Gwyneth Paltrow Thinks Cheating Is Taken Too Seriously - Would Date And Marry A Sex Addict
I guess we know why The Goopster doesn't really care about all those Chris Martin cheating rumors and stories. In an interview with Refinery29 The Goopster says that cheating is taken too seriously and that people shouldn't be all that concerned about being committed to one person because then you start worrying about that part of your life and should focus on other parts of your life instead. Huh. Sounds like a woman who has rationalized all the cheating that has gone on in her life. I wonder if it goes back to her dad cheating on her mom or if this is just a Goopster way of dealing with the pain.
To really show how much she doesn't care about who she is with Gwyneth says she would date a guy with a sex addiction and also would marry a man with the same thing. I guess she is good with all of that as long as the guy is willing to pretend to eat her diet.