Tuesday, September 10, 2013

George Zimmerman Involved In Domestic Dispute

George Zimmerman just can't seem to stay out of trouble. For the third time in as many weeks he had a confrontation with police. The latest incident yesterday occurred after Zimmerman's soon to be called police and reported that Zimmerman had beaten up her father and then threatened them both with a gun while moving possessions out of the family home. Apparently the argument started over George Zimmerman's affair with an ex-girlfriend that he had been having for a long time prior to the killing of Trayvon Martin.

When police arrived at the home they took Zimmerman into custody but couldn't find any gun or any sign of violence and then Shellie recanted her story that George had a gun so the police released him without filing any charges but are still looking to see if there was a gun involved.

I don't see any kind of future where George Zimmerman does not end up in jail or dead. He is just too confrontational and now thinks he can do anything without any consequences.


  1. He's a real winner. Even his most ardent supporters must be questioning the Travon Williams case.

  2. Er, Trayvon Martin. Sorry - lack of sleep.

  3. Because he got away with murder he probably feels he can do whatever he pleases w no consequences. I think he'll be dead before the end of the year.

  4. Bitter ex trying to fuck with him. Happens everyday. Next.

  5. I think he got away with murdering a child. He should be in jail.

  6. Enty said:

    I don't see any kind of future where George Zimmerman does not end up in jail or dead. He is just too confrontational and now thinks he can do anything without any consequences.

    I say: I don't give a rat's ass if this killer dies. I do, however, care that he may likely kill someone else who crosses him.

  7. Who compared him to O.J ? Looks like he's headed in the same direction.

  8. He's always been a loser and bully, so he will be watched extra carefully now.

  9. I just watched the CNN recap of what happened, I am pretty surprised he didn't flip and shoot anyone yesterday. I bet that jury is kicking themselves right now.

  10. I agree with count.

  11. Anonymous7:15 AM

    I think we all can agree, Zimmerman is one dumb bunny.

    This idiot goes to his father in lawa house, batters the guy and waves a gun around after getting acquitted on murder charges.

  12. Zimmerman sickening slut. Hope he rots.

  13. I agree with Jerkula.

    And in another news, a cracker was murderer by an African American who, pursuing his racial duty, vowed to beat “the next white person who walks by”.


    The African American would be barack hussein's relative "if the president had a son".

    1. Anonymous7:32 AM

      Why the racist terminology-,cracker? Your point would have been just as understood by using respectable racial vernacular. Just curious...

      Also, youre twisting the intent of obamas words by your usage and intended context. i will spell it out.. Obama meant that he could hsvr had a son who looks just like trayvon who's only crime allegedly was getting iced tea and skittles from a convenience store.

      Also ANY crime, racial or otherwise is tragic, mostly brcause it creates the kind of hate you're peddling in the comments section.

    2. As usual, my eyes are about to roll out of my head at your repulsive, racist trolling, IckyDicky.

  14. "Bitter ex", ROTFLMMAO!!!!!!!! I'm sure her stupid bitter ass alerted the police both those times when his disgusting ass was stopped by police too! Evil conniving bitch!!!

  15. So she says he threatened her with a gun.
    Then she says she made up the part about the gun.
    And the police do not find a gun.
    But Young GZ is the bad guy here?

    Tough crowd.

  16. His own lawyer said last night that he did have a gun on his person at the time.

  17. Three encounters with the police? Two of those were for speeding, which I have had 2 encounters within the last year as well.

  18. He assaulted her father. So much for "bitter ex" setting him up.

  19. It's all on surveillance video supposedly so the truth will be revealed if he had a weapon or not. When he was stopped for speeding twice, he had a gun, but maybe he left it in the car.

  20. Oh great, here comes the race trolls. I just hope our resident "criminal paralegal" takes time from her busy Law and Order viewing schedule to pop in and contribute a thought or two.

  21. Oh Dewie, if you loved God and the constitution, you would love Zimmerman. He's like God wrapped in the constitution, with a side order of patriotism!

  22. What a mess.......something is really off here

  23. @Barton, I know, I'm a terrible person for not embracing him. I also hate bacon and don't believe in unicorns :)

  24. @Misch, I was thinking the same thing. He'll be OJ'd. He may have had to pay for what he did to TM but he'll get caught for something else. Hopefully like OJ not murder.

  25. Dude has a concealed carry permit. If he had his gun holstered, and didn't say "I'll shoot/kill you" then he wasn't threatening with a gun, IF he had it on him.

    Anyhow, the ex recanted her story, and y'all still wanna act like he went off the chain and pistol whipped her and her father. Heaven forbid we allow reality into the conversation.

  26. @DewieTheBear, I think I heart you.

  27. Trouble just seems to follow this guy wherever he goes. What a loser.

  28. @Count - Like I said, let's wait for the tape. Domestic abuse victims recant all the time so I wouldn't put much in that. Cops frequently arrest people even when the victim recants, but they didn't in this case. If the gun was on him, & he threatened with it, the tape will show that.

  29. @Erin: Sure domestic abuse victims recant all the time, but not usually when the relationship is over and they are divorcing.

    Although, with a pending wrongful death suit, the divorce could be a ploy to shelter 1/2 his assets.

  30. @Count - They should both get restraining orders & stay the hell away from each other. Seems the best for both sides.

  31. Interesting: http://www.thenation.com/blog/175270/domestic-violence-and-george-zimmermans-defense#axzz2eVEb6zIU

    How's that acquittal working out for ya, Florida?

  32. Well, what gets me is that during the T. Martin trial, he said that TM was the aggressor and he was scared for his life, am I wrong here? It seems to me that HE is the aggressive one and is showing his true colors here...BUT, remember that the wife is a proven liar in court sooooo, would a jury believe her if this did go trial? But it seems to me that she perjured herself again yesterday by recanting...and I agree that this guy thinks he is invincible and he's going to end up dead by his own doing...and no one is going to care.

  33. Roly poley piece of sh+t

  34. Wow. Enty has a hard-on for Zimmerman. LOL Talk about emotional thinking. Whoever Enty is - he/she seriously needs therapy. LMAO

  35. police now questioning statements from ex.......

    to the person who said he murdered a child....Trayvon was 6'2" 180 lbs, what a big "child". You must have been fooled by the picture when he was 12 that kept being used.

    I'm wondering, who here would not have defended themselves against a "child" like that, while they were banging your head into the ground.

  36. Age not size is what constitutes a child

  37. @digal704: Exactly. That is why once bims are 18, they are fair game.

  38. dewie - thanks for the laugh.

    kpist - for legal purposes - TM was a child (under 18). Also, you can't go after someone, and then surprise, surprise, when they respond, claim self-defense. The bottom line is TM is dead because Zimmerman didn't stay in his car. End of story.

    Also - major breaking news - Zimmerman's main lawyer, Mark O'Mara, dumped him this afternoon (though he did say he would continue representing him in his lawsuit against NBC).

  39. 8=====D - RememberKermitGosnell, the murdered man was not a "cracker." He was a 62 year old man who took care of his 92 year old mother, and was murdered for being "white." I don't see a media uproar in this story.
