Friday, September 13, 2013

Four For Friday - The Drug Dealer Turned Celebrity

As I Tweeted last night you have less than 7 weeks until Halloween, 11 weeks until Thanksgiving and about 15 weeks until Christmas. When I was in the grocery store yesterday they were attempting to sell me products for all three of the holidays. Pretty damn confusing to see Santa using a turkey as a sleigh while tossing candy out of a pumpkin. I will be around all weekend with blind items and reveals from the archives. I am probably going to go way back in the archive this weekend as I found some good ones there. I hope you will find some time to stop in this weekend and to follow me on Twitter. I am @entylawyer

This celebrity annoys me. She always has. There are certain things I admire about her, but I still find her annoying and I hate how she is willing to throw any of her friends under a bus if it makes her look better. The celebrity was most likely going to grow up into a spoiled brat. She had already made good progress on that front until her celebrity parents got a big break which launched their daughter on society.

Her fame was short lived because of her massive drug problem. Don't be fooled by anything she says, it was massive. rehab and overdoses were not unheard of words in her life. At the same time she was using she was also dealing to friends of about the same age.

One of her biggest customers was an almost A list mostly television actress. That actress is now making straight to cable movies and trying to stay afloat financially. That actress also got some bad drugs from our celebrity and ended up in the hospital. Oh, and the drugs almost killed the sister of the actress. What did the celebrity do? Stopped talking to the actress and blamed the actress for taking too much.

Our celebrity would cozy up to her friends or acquaintances who just got out of rehab and start using in front of them and get the friends hooked again and start selling to them. Nice huh? Yeah. When a celebrity would buy drugs from someone else our celebrity would trash them publicly and make up stories about the person and wouldn't stop until the person started buying from our celebrity. Then she would kiss and make up and act like they were besties. Our celebrity still uses. She pretends she doesn't, but she does. She bought a place where she takes drugs. Not her regular home but a very nice place in a very secure building where she can go for an hour during a night out and then join back up with people before they even miss her.

Lately her drug use has really started to pick up and she has been missing events and showing up late and I know if she does go to rehab she will try and sneak in quietly. I wonder if anyone will try and sell her drugs when she gets out.


  1. Kelly O
    Mischa Barton and sis whose name I forget

    1. Always talking shit about Barton, Aguilera, Gaga etc
      Her big break into society was the reality show.

    2. Anonymous11:25 AM

      Thats a pretty good guess...hard to fathom cuz then makes her a great acctress!justvwatched ...sweet/ she manage to hold
      onto the treevhuggin vegan fiance if she still toxic?
      Anyhoo...nice guess...again.

  2. Hmmm parasite, mischa & her sis.

    1. I like the kelly o guess better. Is this how she's managed to stay slim all these years. I agree with enty that no matter how hard kelly tries she is very unlikeable and snobby. I remember when jack called her a snob because she looked down on him for wanting a McRib.

    2. I said slim because she's not necessarily skinny but is slimmer than she used to be and has kept off the weight.

  3. Mischa Barton, Taylor Momson... uh, who was the other Horsemen of the Hollywood Apacolypse? Anyway, those three have to fit in this in some order. Right?

    1. Very it, four :)

  4. I was thinking Paris H as I read it, but Kelly really fits. She works pretty regularly no?

  5. Kelly Osbourne? She already has a lot of bad karma getting ready to come back and knock her on her a** as it is.

  6. I was also thinking Paris but the whole parent's big break thing. Wouldn't probably have thought of this on my own, but totally Kelly O.

    One thing that bugs me... What good could having a private crash pad for an hour a night. What drug do you only take once a day that you are addicted to??? Coke? Nope. Heroin? You would need more than one dose a night (right?). Pills, umm, don't need a crash pad for that. Meth? I guess maybe? Would you just do it one time? If so, why would you need a whole hour and a private place? I am confused? Anyone willing to share why you would have a crash pad for an hour or two here or there?

  7. I used to know a guy that would drive 2hrs to Spanish Harlem to get allegedly stellar coke. Barely stepped on stuff. I asked him what he cut it with, and he said nothing. "It is fucked up, because I sell to my friends, but I want them to get more addicted so they will want more and only buy from me." Coke dealing is as soulless as being a celeb PR hack.

  8. *sigh*

    I meant, "I was also thinking Paris but the whole parent's big break thing didn't fit..." Ugh.

  9. @KLM: I an hour a night would probably get you sufficiently high smoking meth. It aint like crack or coke where 10 minutes later you are jonesing for another. You only need more to get up when you come down.

  10. Kelly Osborn for the dealer, Mischa and Hania Barton for the sisters.

  11. i agree with the Kelly O - Mischa Barton guess. If you google their names together, a bunch of them at parties pop up. Also one of them with Lindsay too... hmmm

  12. Oh, for fuck's sake! People all'a time gotta be bitching about people all'a time bitching.


  13. Yeah, Kelly O fits, but I heard her drug of choice was heroin.

  14. Kelly O doesn't really make sense to me....this seems like someone whose parents are not nearly as loaded as the Osbournes are...and Kelly's fame is still going on...I think this is someone much less profile idea yet but Kelly O doesn't seem to fit to me...

  15. omg, Kelly using heroin in front of people as an enticement to get back on the drug train? It would be like watching Elmer Fudd practicing phlebotomy on himself.

  16. Dina Lohan arrested for a DUI!

  17. Paris Hilton, Mischa Barton, Hania Barton

  18. Paris and the Lohan sisters. From all reports Kelly O cleaned herself up and has her own family now.

  19. i loled at Dina being arrested, she prolly was some lame excuse about her ex husband force feeding her booze. Hope she gets banned from Lindsay's life.

  20. I pictured this as Mackenzie Phillips.

  21. This is DEF Kelly, Mischa and Hania

  22. 100% sure on the Bartons, remember a blind here about an actress whose sis od'ed and if you google the sis of Misha has (had?) major drug issues. And the description in this blind fits Misha like a glove. blohan was never tv and can't think of other former alist tv actresses with a sis with a drug problem.

    Like the Kelly guess because she is known for bashing ppl in public. Pretty sure her strategy helped on C.Aguilera because she lost so much weight the last couple of months :o it cant be natural unless she eats like 200cal a day, which would leave her barely functioning.
    Parasite Hilton is a huge bitch too, but think her bashing is more behind ppls back and using her money to make ppls lives miserable;blocking them from social circles and events etc. Kelly doesnt have that much power and the public bullying is waaaaay more her strategy. At least Parasite pretends to be somewhat nice, Kelly doesnt.

  23. And i also dont believe kelly lost her weight through exercise and healthy food. She lost weight waaaaaay too fast for that, same as Aguilera. Mischa drops dress sizes and gains them in turbospeed too, so yes, i can totally see Kelly as a selfmedicating dealer with Mischa and sis as the former clients and Aguilera as a current one (Kelly made some very snarky comments about her recently and booooom, Aguilera is skinny again).

  24. If insults from Kelly can make one thin, I wish she'd lay into me.

  25. If Mischa Bartin is dealing drugs, I wonder why she is not dealing Adderall yet ...

  26. Kelly has a crash pad so that she can use drugs without fear of being photographed or videotaped by paps or her "friends". It will ruin the name she's created for herself or at least attempted to. Don't like her so if this came out I would laugh at her downfall.

  27. @him Lol I love when you write that. I forget who it was that you irritated and after their rant you wrote Dun dun DUNNNN. That was classic.

  28. It's not Paris, she was known for having top-notch coke.

  29. Totally see it as Kelly O as soon as they mention throwing friends under the bus. She's friends with practically everyone. The parent thing didn't hurt either.

  30. I would have thought because of the part about her fame being short lived. She also screwed over Britney and Lindsay when they were supposedly friends. Now, Paris hardly gets the attention anymore and has a lower profile while still going to events. This also sounds like someone who would not say she went to rehab even though she could have. Wasn't it common knowledge that Kelly went?

  31. Why would Kelly Osbourne NEED to deal drugs? Her father is worth a $150 million. At least.

  32. @Sean: Because Daddy's AmEx doesn't work for dealers. If she sells enough it is like getting hers for free.

  33. can kelly o really be that evil? also, I don't consider that her fame was short-lived because of her massive drug problem.

    she's not famous for being anything but a daughter. can't sing, can't act, can't dance. she's just a talking head on the fashion police, etc. and that didn't change once it was known she did drugs.

    I can't imagine she'd be that money grubbing if her father is so very rich. it takes alot of energy to be like that, and why bother if daddy has alot of dough.

  34. I read this as Paris Hilton, with her parents getting her a big break, launching her into society with the simple life show.

    Plus, Kelly's fame seems like it has been on the up and up the last few years, while Paris is now a DJ.


  36. Is that why her hair is that color?

  37. Not matter how much weight she's lost, she's still fat. I have a hard time believing K is a heroin addict.

    1. Anonymous12:00 AM

      Baroness: there are actual normal weight or even obese smack addicts. The people on the street without money to survive will buy gear before food. If you want an example : Pig Champion from Poison Idea.

  38. Then was her seizure a seizure or was that an OD/drug-related emergency? Maybe she uses the drugs not for money but for power and influence? Because I really don't think she needs the money.

  39. I would imagine that a lot of Kelly's "wealth" would actually come directly from her parents. As any sane parents of an addict would do, they would likely control how much she gets or try to ensure that it went to the right places (morgage, investments, AmEx, ie not your local pusher [wo]man). So, in that vein, I don't think her parent's wealth is any indication of whether this could be her.

    Paris just doesn't fit because I don't see how her stab at the reality world in any way was a "big break" for them. Kelly is in the public eye, but I really don't see her role on the fashion police as very esteemed or even relevant...

    And thanks, Count, for the info on why the crash pad could be useful for meth...

  40. Maybe Tara Reid for the actress. She has a sister.

  41. Hmm...yeah...I agree. Kelly O.

  42. If it is Kelly, this is juicy. I do recall her first appearances on Mtv and how bratty and nihlistic she used to be. Now she has this public-friendly warm persona that is the complete opposite. Also, rich kids in Hollywood don't deal drugs to make a living. They do it for social power and access. And despite how hard the blind tries to portray it heinously, I think its bad ass if Kelly was a teen dealer.The idea of a natural-born-fatgirl in Hollywood, who would have a hard time getting laid at Bel Air Academy, stealingthe power from all of her cruel skinny peers by getting them hooked on the bad stuff and then leading them around by the unbelievably glamorous that it should be a tv show.

  43. I don't see this as being Kelly O - "Her fame was short lived" does not really fit her, she certainly has a more respectable career at this point than Parasite Hilton. Rick and Kathy Hilton are not loaded - Rick works as a RE agent. Yes, it's in Bev Hills, but he's still working for a living. Christina Aguliara apparently talked shit for years about Kelly's weight before Kelly lost a bunch of weight on Dancing with the Stars.

    I totally see this as Paris - Kelly seems to have friends and Paris seems to burn through friends.

  44. Anonymous5:19 PM

    Key being this celebrity was probably already going to grow up a spoiled brat, her parents big break which launched her on to society. Osborn ftw.

  45. Nicole Richie ftw

  46. I agree @Anna. No one seems to see the "big break" part!!! (which is the most important)...

    Hilton's parents never had a "big break". Paris herself did.

    Ritchie= the same

    Kelly O's dad was previously famous, but in a specific genre, her mom wasn't famous at all (and now has had multiple shows)... The Osbournes was their (and especially Sharon's) big break , that launched Kelly into the public eye

  47. Really, is it a stretch to believe Kelly took advantage of friends, when Sharon latched on to a drug addled, shot out mess. She watched how mom manipulated poor Ozzy, and applied that MO to a larger group.

  48. Kelly sounds about right.

  49. Ozzy's big break would have been Black Sabbath not a MTV reality show. They have money and fame and that's all their kids would have needed. The fame got them a show on TV. It seems like it would be parents with less fame/talent/money of their own.

  50. It's Kelly, and the Osbournes have been known to mismanage their cash.

  51. Ashlee Simpson to be different

  52. Anonymous7:38 AM

    Paris hilton

  53. The "big break" for Paris could be the Vanity Fair article about her and Nicky which launched them as rich socialites on a national level. This article was wayyyyy back in the late 90's I believe. After that both girls started getting a shitload of media attention.

  54. ...and they both got invited to all the big parties. Everything snowballed at that point. Her parents could have had a hand at getting the Vanity Fair article since they have connections like that.
