Wednesday, September 25, 2013

Cote De Pablo Says She Will Never Reveal Why She Left NCIS

For eight seasons Cote de Pablo was one of the reasons people watched NCIS. She was a fan favorite. She left NCIS because she wanted to and not because she was asked. She made a lot of money and had a very good life and she gave it all up. She didn't do it to go into movies or do it for the reasons that many actors leave a show. Hello Katherine Heigl. Cote says she did it for very personal reasons and will never reveal the reason she left the show. You know it has to be something dark and tragic or that she signed an agreement because it was something that happened on the show. I bet there is a blind about her departure. Something that the producers of the show don't want you to know. Ziva will make a couple of appearances early this season to wrap things up. Her last appearance will be on October 1st.


  1. She was sleeping with somebody and the romance went south.

  2. I'll bet "sex" is in there somewhere.

  3. I bet it had something to do with hillbilly heroin.

    1. Anonymous7:07 AM

      Hahahah @FSP : D

  4. Never watched show, dont get her appeal.

  5. She's the reason I *STOPPED* watching NCIS. She's terrible.
    It would have been cooler if they killed her off.

  6. Last year,she said she was tired of the character and that she needs to evaluate in a french interview

  7. What about the BI about the columbian actress with ties to a cartel? Everyone thought SV but

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  10. don't know but it's her choice who comes next ?

  11. Might be interesting to hear what's behind this, but I always thought her character subtracted from, not added to NCIS. Seriously, how likely is it that an Israeli national, closely connected (through family) with MOSSAD, becomes naturalized US citizen and US federal agent all at once? Not very. It always looked like the producers wanted to hire her, did their best to figure a way to shoehorn her into the show, and did a very clumsy job of it.

  12. SVU > NCIS. it has ample amounts of rape/molestation/incest. I bet Fugazi Enty watches it to get motivation for blinds.


    1. Yes!! I kept thinking if this blind but didn't want to dig back for it. Good work!

  14. Jaded--Who is an unmarried douche on NCIS? That blind means it wasn't Mark Harmon--he is A-list. It was a B-lister on the show who tormented the blind subject. Good catch, if that's the one. Looks right.

    (Wait, is NCIS the one w/ Mark Harmon? I get confused, but always jump to defend MH.)

  15. Jaded, that blind is from over a year ago and Cote wasn't announced as leaving until this past spring. That blind was about someone leaving in Spring 2012.

    Even if Cote is leaving because of an affair gone wrong, who's to say it was with one of the cast. Easily could have been one of the crew, especially a higher up.

  16. Long time lurker, first time poster. Answer to this is the same reason Sasha Alexander left the show . . . look to the male lead . . . Really sad.

  17. This comment has been removed by the author.

  18. That blind says the actress joined the show "a couple of years ago" and was posted in Spring 2012.

    Cote de Pablo has been on NCIS since 2005. I know Enty plays a little fast and loose sometimes, but no way is 7 years "a couple."

    Here's the truth, which is in no way a sarcastic joke of a post or comment, so everyone should take it very, very seriously and try to dispute or disprove it:

    She was a "Man from U.N.C.L.E." fan girl from childhood, and couldn't keep her hands to herself, so she was fired for sexually harassing David McCallum. The producers were nice enough to let her say she quit. Now she's trying to start a series with Robert Vaughn.

    Surely that was obvious!

  19. LOL @Count fugazi enty!! Nice

  20. @jadedlove- this makes me sad. I really hope its not true.

    Serious question- Why does everyone hate her or her character? Every TV show embellishes details or has a degree of unrealistic things about it. It wouldn't be TV if it didn't…heck, it couldn't even be reality tv. I'm really hoping for a serious answer and not just spam. I'm wondering if there is something I am not seeing.

  21. Nikki, I like her and her character, and I know plenty of people who do. I think it's just an even split with any character. Sometimes you'll see people be vocal about not liking the character and sometimes you'll see people be vocal about liking the character.

  22. Nikki815, I was wondering the same thing. I've never watched the show, Mark Harmon creeps me out, (always has since his turn as Ted Bundy), but it seems Cote's character was a polarizing one.

  23. This feels like a reveal, but not to the blind posted above, I think it is a different one... WTF is VIP? Crack this grrrrl

  24. I see I'm in the minority here or possibly I'm all alone, I liked her role on NCIS. She was my female hero, if you ever got in a jam with people shooting at you.
    Her character was very cool, calm, and deadly.
    Frankly it was refreshing to see a female in a role that wasn't a simpering, gotta have a man help me type. The character Gibbs counted on to back him up. I for one will miss her.

  25. I would think if something happened on the show, they would do everything possible to not cast suspicion on her departure. More likely, she has personal physical or mental health issues that she needs to address and doesn't care to share with the world.

  26. @Del Riser, I agree totally.

    @Topper, you may be right. Curious to see which blind is purportedly related to this event.

  27. I like how Ziva was competent and she could be counted on to do her job, unlike the female agents on other shows who cannot seem to find their way out of a wet paper bag. The female agents on this show keep leaving. That says to me that there is a creeper on set. Both left when their characters were beginning a relationship with Michael Weatherly's character, but that may just be a coincidence. Maybe she can move over to "Rizzoli and Isles" with the other escapee.

  28. Anonymous10:23 AM

    nice story for more fodder. What will you fabricate this time?

  29. Jesus, people! two major cast changes in 11 seasons does not mean there's a creeper on the set.

    How about this? She's spent 7 years on a physically demanding show. She wants a change for personal or professional reasons. Unlike most celebrities who are attention whores, Cote doesn't feel a need to share her life or her reasons with the public.

    It's called reticence. My grandma would call it class.

  30. Bacon Ranch posted:

    "She's the reason I *STOPPED* watching NCIS. She's terrible.
    It would have been cooler if they killed her off."

    I feel the same way. She arrived on the show as a Mossad assassin whom they shoe-horned into a fabricated Mossad liaison position. It was a ludicrous premise from the start. Then her character proceeded to swallow the show whole, with one convoluted Mossad-related plot after another. Not to mention that her character is supposed to be so kick-ass but she is always pathetically craving her surrogate Daddy's (Gibbs) approval. Ugh. I watched less and less frequently and then stopped altogether. Now that she's gone, I might check out the show again.

  31. A today's blind item from last week seems to go with this. It was called something like 'only 2 were married' & said 2 females on longtime hit both slept with male lead. Other female began threatening the one who is leaving.

    Something's dont match though.

  32. Never watched, but I love her name.

  33. I wish they would kill off Abby. The woman is in her 40's and still sporting shit from Hot Topic. God, that character annoys me.

  34. @Jonathan Andrew Sheen If that were true, who could blame her? I still dream of a McCallum-Vaughn threesome...

  35. @Nikki815 - I love her too!!! way to show a strong female character for once.

    and agree 100% with @Del Riser - I could not have said it better myself.

  36. oh and @Nikki815 - Cote is from Chile, not Colombia :)

  37. i do not watch enough tv to even know who she is.

    i'm a wee embarrassed about that.

    good luck to you, ms. de pablo.

  38. Love her! Love her character. She was tough with a smidgen of vulnerability. Abby is my fave though.

  39. Isn't "personal reasons" typically CelebSpeak for "rehab?"

  40. I loved her character. She is 1000 times better then Kate. KATE was the worst/most unbleieveable character and even more horrible actress...Truth is I stopped watching 2 seasons ago. It's played out.

  41. I love her character and I won't believe anything bad of Mark Harmon so I'll assume she just needed a change and wants to appear mysterious.

    Between this and the Keanu blind reveal I'm all "lalalalala I can't hear you shutupshutupshutup" today.

  42. Michael Weatherby is the creep then?

  43. I know no one reads the comments on this post anymore but I wonder whether now with #MeToo she would be game to tell us what really went done



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