Monday, September 09, 2013

Charlie Hunnam Is Ready For The Sex

Dakota Johnson hasn't said anything about her casting in Fifty Shades Of Grey yet but Charlie Hunnam has and he's excited for the explicit sex and that his girlfriend will just have to deal with it. He told The Hollywood Reporter that he and Dakota have chemistry and that you can feel it in the room when they are together. He says that he has no problems getting naked for the cameras and has no problems with sex on camera and that if he could have explicit sex scenes with men when he was 18 he won't have any trouble now having sex scenes.

It's interesting that Dakota hasn't been heard from yet in all of this. She's probably waiting until the furor dies down or she might be having second thoughts about the whole thing. What might have seemed like a great idea might seem like a crap idea now that people are hating the casting decision. People seem to hate it as much as they hated the Ben Affleck casting decision for Batman. I know people are being vocal about the Fifty Shades casting but I wonder what kind of box office the film is going to do. No one was sure how Twilight was going to do which is why they hired no name actors and paid them cheap. Look at all the huge bestselling books that don't do well at the movies and it's hard to commit that kind of money to something that might bomb, especially a series.

Where's that second installment of Girl With The Dragon Tattoo? Yeah. In Sweden they kept it cheap and it was good and they could afford to make them all.


LottaColada said...


cool cool cool said...

Did he really say that his girlfriend would just have to deal with it? I doubt this. Enty is a shit-stirrer.

greenmountaingal said...

I pictured Anastasia as a brunette. Yes I read the first book and am kind of embarrassed about it.

Lucas said...

The exact quote:

"Of course, it's difficult being with an actor, you know?" said Hunnam. "She is required to share certain parts of me with the world that she wouldn't necessarily choose to do, but we have a great relationship and she loves me and wants to be with me and we've been together a long time now, and I think she understands and has come to terms with the fact that there are certain elements of me that she is going to have to share. This is an extreme example of that, but thankfully we do have seven and a half years of history together, so it won't be a big problem."

Found here.

Cleodacat said...

I think if I was his girlfriend, I would be concerned about the "chemistry" which we all know to be "I want to f*ck you". Outside that, I pictured Christian Grey as smooth ala Matt Bomer as opposed slimey like Eric Trump.

cool cool cool said...

@Lucas, thank you! That's how I imagined he would address the topic.

Brady88 said...

I wanted Gosling and J.Law as the characters, i didn't get my hopes up or anything. I think it could be good, kinda like an updated 9 1/2 weeks.

I thought they did great with first GWDT and would definitly watch the 2nd one.

MM said...

I can't imagine the film will be any good. The books are AWFUL. And I'm not clutching my pearls here--it has nothing to do with the subject matter and everything to do with the sophomoric, unimaginative prose. Still better than Twilight though. That's still the ultimate low bar in fiction writing.

annabella said...

the decline of western civilization. that is all.

VanVan said...

If I was his gf, I could have gone without the "chemistry" comment. But I think he was as straightforward as he could be.

I saw Ian Somerhalder as my Christian Grey, mmm!

VanVan said...

If I was his gf, I could have gone without the "chemistry" comment. But I think he was as straightforward as he could be.

I saw Ian Somerhalder as my Christian Grey, mmm!

auntliddy said...

Thank you lucas, i was going to look for same article. Just goes to show ya the spin that can be done!

auntliddy said...

The chemistry prob refers to how it wld play onscreen, dont think he meant personally. As for dakota, shes gorgeous and seems talented. And it will be a MONSTER hit, with everyone wanting to see the sex, or see how closely movie follows book so they can bitch.

greenmountaingal said...

Oooh good choice! Ian is hot hot hot!

Kelly said...

I did too! @VanVan

I'm sure Dakota will dye her hair brown for the part.

trudi said...

If the old adage that great books make bad movies is true, the opposite effect would have "50 Shades" up there with "Citizen Kane".

Anonymous said...

Take it off, Charlie!! Take. It. All. Off.

rajahcat said...

Ian is super hot.......

that "chemistry" quote is def a problem.......

that Dakota is cute and I think she is just the right amount of girl next door to be Ana

i really wish they would make GWDT book 2-but isn't the gorgeous Daniel Craig holding it up? That movie was great......

Oopsy_Daisy said...

Ian was my choice. He's exactly how I pictured Christian. I shamefully read the books, despite the awful writing.
Dakota looks too much like Sharon Stone. It's unnerving.

Seven of Eleven said...

@Brady88, I would pay to see a Gosling/JLaw movie even if it was terrible.

@annabella, so true.

Anonymous said...

How dare an actor accept a role and be prepared to do what is required of that role? God, he's such a dick.

chopchop said...

I just started watching Sons of Anarchy last week. And now I "get" the whole Charlie Hunnam thing. Fucking A he is h.o.t.

What's this about explicit sex scenes with men when he was 18??? @VIP, I'm sending up the CDAN Bat signal (it's in the shape of a penis) for a clicky link!

Anonymous said...

@chop chop: I assume it's referring to his role in the original "Queer as Folk"

Anonymous said...

Cant wait. Hes smokin hot and smoldering. Cant wait cant wait!

Justanothercommentor said...

He got his start on Queer as Folk. I want to throw in that Little Finger (no pun intended) from GoT was also on that show and I believe TV movie.

FreeTibet said...

I read the first book & was kinda bored by it. I did not plan on seeing the movie but I will now that I know Charlie Hunnam is Christian Gray...Jax is WAY WAY WAY HOTTTT and as a loyal SOA fan since Season 1 I can say he's got the chops to pull off Christian Gray.

rajahcat said...

yes the Queer as Folk is what he was talking about-and then there was the GoT.

Agreed he is hot-but not sure as Christian. I can't see it.

I second that Gosling/JLaw comment though

lostathome said...

Idgaf about anything as long as I see him naked.

Henriette said...

They look like brother and sister.

Tara said...

They do look....not alike, but they do have very similar coloring, especially when she's a blonde. Even though they're both not, they together have a very Midwestern look to them, which is I think what set the fans off. Somerhalder and Bomer have a very European, icy coolness and the Anas they described were very CW Girl - like Lucy Hale or Lyndsey Fonseca or whatever her name is, or else someone more European like Alexis Bledel. So I get the annoyance, I suppose. While I enjoy Charlie and Dakota, for some reason I'm really not interested in seeing either of them (who I know for sweet characters like hers on Ben and Kate and his in Pacific Rim) get all nasty and corrupted...

chopchop said...

Ok I just checked Charlie's IMDB page ... holy shit he was the hot British roommate in Undeclared! Mind. Blown.

NaughtyNurse said...

I'll take this as yet another opportunity to say how truly horrible the decision was to cast Dakota Johnson as Anastasia!!! She looks like she's well into her 30s--easily--and doesn't look like she can pull off the innocent/ingenue role in the least bit.

auntliddy said...

Chop and all-as a watcher if SOA from start, rest assured hunan is totally up-get it-lol-for the oart. The scene where he has sex in the bathroom with Tara-wow! Sizzle!! Try to find it on you tube.

Pookie said...

i feel awful bc i'm trying to muster up some give-a-damn about this charlie whatsisname. he just looks like some flyover state, bland, mechanic type who only listens to journey. absolutely nothing wrong with that (i love journey), but it does nothing for me. nada.

califblondy said...

I'll give them a chance, they're not what I had in mind, but I'll be the first one in line when the movie comes out.

TalksTooMuch said...

I can't see this movie being big in theatres, but huge in On Demand. I just can't see how they are going to do some of the scenes (if there is a gawd there will be no tampons).

The reason everyone pictured a dark, slim brunette and a brunette aristocratic European-type dude is that these books were written by a fan of Twilight that ''fan-fic'd'' or copied the whole book as a tribute, then changed some details and called it something else so she could get alls the monies. So really, what we clearly need is Kristen Stewart and Robert Whatshispickle. I vote for Ian

Jacq said...

I will see your Hunnam and raise you a Hamm-dong.

Sandy said...

50 Shades is pure disguised-Twilight-fanfic garbage, and the movie will be its equal. Hunnam may feel impervious because he's been through the mill, isn't really going anywhere and thinks he has nothing to lose, but Johnson may be realizing it's a stupid move. Where will she go after playing that trick? Back to sweet comedy roles on Fox? Um, no. And it will do nothing to aid a film career.

Actually, they should have cast someone like Lohan or Kim Kardashian in that role. Both of them have already reached their nadirs as far as sex on screen is concerned.

As for a sequel to Girl w/Dragon Tattoo, the first US film was a failure. No one wants to see a sequel.


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