Monday, September 09, 2013

Blind Items Revealed

October 23, 2012

At a recent event, this former A list rapper could not help but remind this current A list rapper how the current A list rapper's girlfriend had been passed around recording studios a decade ago and yes, the former A list rapper had his turn.

50 Cent/Kanye West/Kim Kardashian


NaughtyNurse said...


Seven of Eleven said...

Kim is famous for a sex video with another rapper, it's not like that would be news to Kanye.

He pulled the trigger when he hooked up with that clan. I can't stand his pouty face but even I feel sorry for him.

Anonymous said...

50is such an ass. He starts shit with people for no reason at all. *His mother was murdered by rick James when he was like 7 and he is in such pain he like to push that off onto other people.

He'll always b a mad, hurt, emotionally distant (and stunted) lil shit.

his autobiography, GET RICH OR DIE TRYING.......

Beetlejuice said...

The best part of these reveals is reading the comments from the original post.

Jessie said...

Oh, Kimbo.

Anonymous said...

*his autobiography.....

dee123 said...

In other news the sun rose and set, a dog barked, the sky is blue and water is wet.

sandybrook said...

I think every black celebrity in America had their turn with this ho

HannahBanana said...

Damn, I had no idea that was 50's mom!!! That's the one Rick & his gf held in a hotel room & beat isn't it??? Cocaine is a helluva drug.

But I agree 50 always has a chip on his shoulder towards everyone. Especially his own kids. Tho, I guess if my mom got killed when I was little & I'd nearly been shot to death twice...perhaps I'd be a little bitter too. Still, he needs to STFU on this one, cuz that shit is LATE.

MISCH said...

She's such a pig

Unknown said...

All 50 is doing to yesus is calling his baby momma a whore, which she is. Ya fuck hos who have done most of the familiar rappers and athletes not breed with them! Ye was being reminded he's slumming and the kid is going to pay for it in the end.

Steampunk Jazz said...

Guys are so cute. " I left your ass for this guy cause at least He washes his crotch." and they call it passed around. Mama may have tossed Kim into the pool but cant we believe that she picked her own players?
Here's a thought...What if her sex vid was her rebellion Against mommy Fearest. A "See! You can't control me!" but it backfired when Paris's bid got hot.
Instead of Independence it became slavery.
*sniff* *blow*
(Sorry, bill paying time. Makes me emo)

rajahcat said...

and this is a reveal? shocking stuff

SueRH said...

@Steampunk - I agree. "passed around" is pretty sexist.

Anonymous said...


no. lol

its a reference to a line in the movie.

His mother was shot to death by a "rick James looking mutha fucka". His friend inthe movie though 50 had said that the real rick James had killed his mother.

Topper Madison said...

Rick James didn't kill anyone.

AKM said...

Wikipedia said that his mother drank a drugged drink and then suffocated from a gas leak. Of course, I don't know 50 Cent from anyone, so maybe Wikipedia is wrong. (Because that never happens, ahem.)

Anonymous said...

50s movie painted his mother as a low level drug dealer who was set up and shot, if I'm not misttaken. Saw the movie years ago and found that scene really funny. The scene where the friend thought RJ had killed her.

That's all.....

__-__=__ said...

Like mother, like daughter.

crila16 said...

Ummmm...Kanye doesn't care that Kim slept with 50 Cent. He's probably upset that 50 Cent slept with Kim.

Barton Fink said...

Oh, Fiddy can buy better men than Kanye for twenty bucks. I wouldn't pine for Kanye West if I were him!

nevermindthat said...

Ray J is not a rapper. Not all Black men rap, some sing R&B. :)

Barton Fink said...

I suspect that Kanye's main attraction to Kim K is that she smells like penis, lots and lots of penises.

Anonymous said...

Hahhaa amen! The media always say Chris Brown- rapper. jason derulio- rapper. Luther vandross - rapper ffs!! Ok i may be lying about the last one, but u get the idea.

Pookie said...

*pictures kanye's canyon jowls grinding*

Sherry said...

LOL Baron.

cece said...

Her mother arranged her sex video, so it couldn't have been Kim's rebellion cause her mother was in on it.

ForSure said...

Yay, another 'woman has sex, so she's a whore, but men have sex and they're great' post.

mistang said...

Meh they're all the same in this business. The men, the women - if sleeping around gets them ahead in the game, they'll do it.

auntliddy said...

Hey, thats keeping it all classy!

Elissa said...

Wait, what was Kim doing in a recording studio?!?!?

@FS, not everyone thinks that 'woman has sex, so she's a whore, but men have sex and they're great'. I think they're disgusting. However, in this scenario, each of those men had sex with ONE woman, while that woman had sex with EVERY one of those men. So, yeah, there's a difference.

KTVerclempt said...

the village bicycle... again. *yawn*

Unknown said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
KTVerclempt said...

I can hear the commercial for the new cologne now:
" Calvin Klein..."

ForSure said...

No Elissa, there is no difference. We know who that one woman had sex with, we don't know who or how many those men had sex with, but we know they had sex with a woman that had already had sex with other men that they knew. So yes, all are equally sexually active. So, either they are all consenting adults engaging in an activity for whatever reasons, or they are all whores. It is a very clear double standard, and it is tiresome.

MrWolf said...

Kim was a knock around girl. It's not all that unusual in the music industry.

Nemesis said...

I think it was awful tacky to state the obvious to her current beard.

Seven of Eleven said...

Ah, thanks. I don't listen to rap so I get the monikers confused (Jay Z, Ray J). Luther Vandross - RIP!

gee-gee said...

There are no winners here.

KTVerclempt said...

Um, her beard? Not quite.

Rome said...


Jenn said...

Oh.. I think the men are whores too. Liquored up whores with bad judgement and absolutely no taste.

50c is a twat who needs to stop using that Rick James killed my mama BS to excuse his twatty moodiness. He ain't frickin Rap's answer to Batman.

Jacq said...

But true.

Jacq said...

Love it

Jacq said...

Once you go black, you never - well, you know...

What happens when you go Kardashian??

Anonymous said...

You forgot the most famous rapper - Rev Al Green.

Steampunk Jazz said...

Her mother arranged the Release of her video.

Anonymous said...

Barton, if I could I would bestow a knighthood upon you for that comment


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