Friday, September 27, 2013

Blind Items Revealed

June 21, 2013

This A list mostly movie actress was spotted smoking at a restaurant. This is despite the fact that she is pregnant. She has said that she cuts back, but does not quit smoking while pregnant.

Penelope Cruz


  1. I stopped the day I found out with my daughter. Eight years later and it took me about 3 months to completely stop with my son. I feel for her, it's one of the hardest things to do, but it can be done.

  2. Yeah...okay. I know, it contributes to low birth weight. But I'm not really down with shaming someone for smoking while pregnant. Should we do the same for fat women who get pregnant? Their babies have at least as many risks.

    1. Wow, really? Dumbest thing I've read today.

    2. Anonymous10:25 PM

      Ermmm asthma, lung damage, early death rate?

    3. That is not even remotely accurate

    4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. Nicotine crosses the placenta. It doesn't seem fair to expose your baby to that.

  4. What an idiot, I hope (not really) that her kids get cancer and then she'll realize what a tiny little sacrifice it would have been to give up that habit for 9 measly months.

  5. I've never smoked a thing in my life (seriously), but I do believe it when smokers say how hard it is to quit. The guilt alone would kill me, if I smoked while prego.

    My husband, who is pretty chill, was insane about my coffee intake. I quit cold turkey when knocked up. My OBGYN straight up told a glass of wine was a.o.k, but coffee was a definite don't.

    There are so many rules and regulations, one of the reasons the state of pregnancy is not exactly my fave.

    It is so easy to judge when you're not in that person's shoes. Just a reminder to all of us born in the 70s or before, our parents were probably chain smoking and loaded, and we're all here. LOL.

    1. Anonymous10:52 AM

      Susan - as a newly quitting smoker, I disagree. Our parents in the 80's also drank and take a look at fetal alcohol syndrome. Quitting smack is hard too. Ever seen a smack baby? We know better now.

    2. Anonymous10:27 PM

      With Rach. It might be hard but the baby should come first

    3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  6. I get pissed when I hear this. I did everything right in my pregnancy yet my son was born with a serious heart defect. Fucking luck of the draw.

    1. Anonymous10:50 AM

      Ms Cool. That majorly sucks and is unfair.

    2. It does seem a bit unfair how things turn out. My nephew has had heart issues since birth, w/ no known cause. Hope all is well w/ your son now

  7. Anonymous10:49 AM

    Okay, I'm up at 4 am, knowing I've got 3 days of social events and partying, because I'm quitting smoking. And drinking. Because we're starting a family soon and these are my only vices. It's killing me : believe me! Nearly 3 weeks without a smoke and I'm fucking antsy. But I'm doing it so my health is premium before we start trying. It CAN be done. My friends have done it and its disappointing Penny put her bubby at risk. Research it people, you have the Internet. Smoking bad. Smoking with baby = badder!

    1. Anonymous7:04 PM

      Hang in there Rach -- I tried quitting a few times and found the two weeks are the hardest. I finally quit for good ten years ago. Good luck!

  8. However did women "back in the day" manage to have healthy, thriving babies without all the restrictions? It's a mystery...

    1. And back in the day everyone took up smoking, even kids as young as 10. Break the cycle. Children can be born with addiction in their blood(literally).

  9. Her choice. I'm sure people judge the pregnants for exercise, breast feeding & having wine during pregnancy too. It's her decision.

    1. It's kind of lame that if she got into a car accident, it would be attempted murder for a fetus but if a mom wants to destroy her body it's her choice.

  10. @Rach Around - Good luck with quitting! It is tough. I'm 37 weeks in myself & would slit my husband's throat for a glass of Riesling or some warm apple cider spiked with rum, but I figure that it's only a little while longer.

    1. Anonymous10:54 AM

      Ha ha Erin! Congrats! We should start some online support!

  11. Congrats @Rach! Quitting smoking was the hardest thing I've ever done. Good luck on the baby front too!

    1. Anonymous11:07 AM

      Cheers Reno! I'll use your success as further inspiration. I'm trying to exercise and read and not become cranky. So sweet, my husband cane home with a big 100 ml bottle of Dior Forever and Ever. He said it was a reward. I thought it was for making 3 weeks without smoking. He said it was that, and for not being a bitch whilst quitting! Vacant wait to be a mummy!

    2. Anonymous11:09 AM


  12. My mother later told my 2 sisters and I that she continued smoking through all of her pregnancies. We turned out fine (honest!). It was the late 70's/early 80's so she knew it was wrong but like everyone on here acknowledges - it's the devil to give up. I don't think it's the smartest thing a woman can do and the risks don't seem to be worth it, but I think it's done more than people want to accept. Especially in Europe.

    1. Anonymous10:29 PM

      I'm in the UK and no we don't do it. Do you or your sisters have an allergies, asthma, hayfever???

  13. I have a friend who was a smoker and her doctor actually told her to cut back not quit, because the shock to her system could do more damage and she could lose the baby.

    1. This is true. I have heard it from a drs. lips

    2. This is true. I have heard it from a drs. lips

    3. Agreed. I was on some meds for a chronic medical issue (not trying to get pregnant) when I 'fell pregnant' and my Dr said not to stop cold turkey as it would cause more harm, rather slowly taper off. I'm happy to say that my baby is healthy

    4. Exactly!! My doctor told me the same but I still quit cold turkey and my sister in law was told the same but she kept smoking a little. Thankfully, my nephew came out fine but still that is a risky thing to do now a days.

  14. Also my mom smoked with both me and my brother and we turned out A.Ok! Not saying it's the best thing but I don't agree that it's the worst!

  15. Anonymous11:01 AM

    My mum smoked with myself and my sisters. She also held us and smoked. She also had really bad shoulder pads and shiny track suits and bad perms. We know better now!!

  16. totally selfish
    why expose your unborn child to potentially have birth defects cause you cant stop something
    its completely selfish imo

  17. BTW, I have no idea how hard it is to quit smoking. I just get passed off if people don't even try knowing about the problems it can cause. For all we know, she tried very hard to quit.

    Thanks, Rach. Good luck to you!

    1. Anonymous12:03 PM

      Cheers Ms Cool. I hope your little man is doing okay.

  18. I knew this girl in college who smoked while prego because she wanted her baby to be nice and skinny. Girl was pure trash, the best of good ole Lubbock

    1. Anonymous11:12 AM

      Dear gawd. In all seriousness, did she have an ABI?

    2. Anonymous12:03 PM

      Acquired brain injury - sorry!

    3. Ahhh! Unfortunately, no. She wad just that...I don't even know a word for what she is.

  19. Though the reality is that many of us were born to mothers that smoked and drank during pregnancy and we're A-OK. Before it was the common wisdom not to. FAS is usually associated with alcoholic mothers, not social drinkers. In fact a recent study said mothers could loosen up a little on that no alcohol rule, I would guess after that formative first trimester. Many babies are conceived when mom's been drinking and they're OK.

    But yes now we know better and so yes let's stack the deck in favour of the best health for the baby.

    Though my mother was never a chain smoker and she was not a drinker. She had a bad morning sickness with me. The best thing for me was her doctor was ahead of his time, he told her not to gain more than 20 lbs, not to smoke and and he also refused to give her thalidomide for her morning sickness. Thanks Doc!

    1. Anonymous11:18 AM

      Dear Jebus, thalidomide!

  20. I was going to say what HB19 said. I've never been pregnant, but that's exactly what a friend's doctor told her when she was pregnant -- that cold turkey would stress her and the baby out more so than the smoking. She DID cut back to just a few a day, though.

  21. Yeah Rach Aroundm thaloidomide was the common prescription for morning sickness when I was a fetus, dating myself but her family doctor was ahead of his time, he did not want her even taking aspirin for headaches. Maybe he was fresh out of med school. Possible.

    1. Anonymous12:06 PM

      Tina : I know what it is. My mum told me, and I learned at university also. Really. Fucking. Scary. Your mum's doc was clued in!

  22. This comment has been removed by the author.

  23. Regarding fetal alcohol syndrome, I've heard that the proscription on drinking could be loosened too, but what I learned in my public health days was that timing is everything...but unfortunately, the critical day(s) aren't known for sure.

    It has to do with when certain neural pathways are being laid down. They do know it's very early in the pregnancy, often before a woman even know she's pregnant.

    Odd thing is, there's a strong association between older mothers with higher education and income and babies getting FAS, because these women are more likely to have the daily 1-3 glasses of wine, rather than engage in periodic bingeing...therefore are more likely to drink on that critical day(s).

  24. Rach Around - Good luck with quitting and working on a fam! That is awesome. I'm also glad to hear you survived a momma with perms and shoulder pads (I did, too.) Ha!

    I agree with all of you who say we know better now so there's no excuse, but I hate to be a judgy mom. I also hate to see kids put at risk.

    1. Anonymous12:36 PM

      Thanks Susan! Dear god, the 80's! *shudder* my mum traumatised me with acid wash denim.

  25. ...that is, these women are more likely to be drinking moderately but daily before they even know they're pregnant.

  26. So...any of you who are shaming her for smoking while pregnant ever eat fast food while pregnant or, Take a walk in an area with vehicle emissions present? The point is smoking is just as bad as eating a bad diet, etc... Let's be real, it's impossible to be perfect while pregnant and, while she smoked, she likely was much healthier inherently then a lot of the moms that are blasting her. It's hard enough to deal with the exhaustion, nausea, weight gain, and bloating pregnancy causes...some people cope with a cheeseburger, some smoke.

    1. Fifty years ago, 'shaming' was used against single mothers, gay people, and cross-gender people. Basically, people's crime was to comport themselves outside the societal standard. Now 'shaming' is more often used against people who intentionally put their own momentary pleasure above others' greater welfare: drunk drivers, for example, or women who smoke while pregnant. I prefer the contemporary version.

      Walking in an area with vehicle emissions while pregnant is less clear of a choice than smoking while pregnant. Eating a bad diet is certainly inadvisable, but French fries do not put poison directly into the bloodstream in the way nicotine does.

    2. Anonymous1:17 PM

      Agree with Nutty Flavour's very articulate riposte.

  27. Smoker here! I tried soooo hard to quit cold turkey while pregnant with my daughter. But there were times and days where I thought I was going to lose my sh*t! So...I would smoke 1/4 to a half a ciggy on a really bad day! I also did have that glass of wine and a fully ciggy every Friday!
    As far as drinking is concerned...some people don't know when enough is enough and so they imposed the no alcohol rule.

  28. A friend of mine has fostered three babies from the same mother, all who had FAS, she adopted the one baby. The mother was an alcoholic and a strong case for sterilization. After Baby #1 they would take the next babies right away from her at birth but a little late for the kids. She apparently has had more children since.

  29. Quitting smoking can't be any harder than deciphering Enty's posts. I quit years before I had my son. It's nasty, smells bad, you don't even get high. No positives.

  30. It can be done, I quit cold turkey a year before I got pregnant, gave up drinking two years before that, little one is 2 now and I'm still booze and smoke free. No desire to do any of it. Good luck to everyone, You can do it! :-)

  31. Good Luck, Rach! Also, I like your knew icon.

    1. Anonymous12:37 PM

      Cheers Orvilla! We named our cat Mr Crowley, so when I saw the satanic kitty, I knew I must use it!

  32. If her son is also j.bardem's (she is/was such a slut that everything is possible), her vices while smoking are the lesser of the kid's problems.

  33. @Nutty_Flavor, not to be obstinate here but, if you would perhaps review the ingredient list in a mcdonald's french fry you would realize that is most certainly does "put poison in your bloodstream." Sorry...just the facts.

  34. i think it may be european thing. when i studied abroad, one of my prof's wife's drank wine at dinner and smoked a cig from time to time. i don't think there's that same concern over there, whether it be from a cultural perspective or maybe their own set of tests that say its not that bad. it's not something i would do but i am not a smoker so it's much easier for me to say.

    1. The complete opposite in Europe, we have a very big anti smoking and drinking culture when pregnant, UK advice is zero not even one drink is safe. Big stigma if you do anything like that here whilst pregnant. Think it's just down to the individuals.

    2. Anonymous1:14 PM

      Little Broken Bird : we noticed a few years ago imported booze from the UK had the pregnant woman with a glass of booze with the cross through it. We thought it was rad. Now they've got that image on booze in Australia too.

    3. They changed all of the eating advice too. Apparently you only need an extra 500 cals a day equivalent of slice of toast and a banana, fuck that I ate like a horse, good food though no crap, well maybe some chocolate :-)

  35. Good luck Rach! Yeah who's mom didn't smoke and drink when they were pregnant in the 60's?

    I think I need a support group for "My mama STILL has a perm".

    1. Anonymous1:19 PM

      Ha ha Sherry! A support group for the offspring of permed mother's (or man in the sky forbid) fathers.....

  36. Anything in moderation isn't bad so people need to stop being stupid and learn to fix themselves before they open their mouths about other people.

  37. @rach mr. crowley funny or satanic either way, i dig :)

  38. Anonymous1:21 PM

  39. So what, it is car fumes and pollution in the air in general that causes all these diseases and lung damage, stop blaming smoking. God my dad smoked in front of us whist growing up, never did us an harm. Just far too many do-gooders in the world nowadays.

  40. My mate was told, by her doctor, the stress of cold turkey was worse for her and the baby than the odd fag (she tried so hard to quit and was an absolute monster).

    @Rach, when I was in oz I was astounded by the multitude of don't do shit signs on the trains, I thought it was hysterical.

  41. It is said that smoking while pregnant is what led to the respiratory problems and then death if Jackie Kennedy's baby Patrick. She didn't know the risks at the time and apparently was devastated and guilt-stricken when she found out years later about the links between smoking and fetal respiratory diseases. Seems foolish to me to take the risk if you want a healthy baby, but it is her body and no one else's business. Society needs to stop assuming that it has a proprietary prerogative over women's bodies. But, yeah, if it's going to judge, it should at least be consistent. Obese women put their fetuses in danger, too. Has the Fat Acceptance movement made it taboo to acknowledge that publicly?

  42. People have seen her drinking cocktails as well.
    She doesn't give a crap.

  43. Anyone who smokes is a moron. Sorry, that's the plain truth of it. Not only are you almost certainly ensuring that you will have a cancer, but you are exposing those around you to the same risks. And anyone who smokes while pregnant should have the kid removed from their care and given to someone who actually gives a shit about them. Then they should be sterilized.

  44. Um, she's Spanish. In most of Europe they don't tell women they MUST NEVER SMOKE OR DRINK until the baby has been weaned. They tell women to cut back. Yes, it's terrible for the baby. But millions of women who smoked while pregnant have babies every year. It would be better if she didn't but the world isn't going to end.

  45. Good Luck Rach I am a non smoker of 10 years I did the Allen Carr thing. The book not the seminar but I think all of us have a different way of quitting and one size does not in fact fit all. Bless you for wanting to be a Mama and good luck with that too!

  46. My mother smoked while pregnant with me, but that was 1970. She was also told to eat for two and did. It was different in previous decades because the science wasn't in. Now, Penny knows better but doesn't care.

    Oh, I'm fat and pregnant, and it's not the same as smoking and being pregnant or even drinking while pregnant.

  47. I don't believe any of you who say that you were told by your doctors not to quit smoking cold turkey while pregnant. Unless you were pregnant before the mid 1980s and lived in Kentucky. I'm in the medical field and I call total BS.

  48. My mum smoked when she was pregnant with me. Nothing wrong with me however I really resent her for not putting my life first. I could of easily been born with defects.

  49. My cousin was born in 93 and my aunt was told not to quit while preggo, to cut down

  50. My cousin was born in 93 and my aunt was told not to quit while preggo, to cut down

  51. Rach Around, Hang in there and good luck with quitting. Later counts too, you know. I couldn't get my mom to quit. At 10 years old I broke her cigarettes and put them in the trash. She gave me hell, and she was overall a really great mom! She did try to quit. She died of lung cancer in '05. It was the hardest thing I've ever been through, watching her die. So believe me, your future kids will thank you.
