Monday, September 09, 2013

Blind Items Revealed

October 26, 2012

This actress is B- list on a very good day. The only reason I am not calling her a C is because of the very hit show she was on, but got kicked off because of drug use. It was while she was on that show that she says that she smoked meth on a red carpet. She had it in her hand the whole time she was walking down the carpet and talking to reporters and on camera and then at the end of the carpet she lit up. She says no one said anything to her even though it was pretty obvious she was not smoking a cigarette. She went to Hollywood when she was young. One of her first big breaks led to a threesome with this reality star turned arm candy for an A++ lister and the reality star's boyfriend at the time. Our B- list actress smokes meth everyday. She says she loves it and does not see the stains on her fingers. The burn marks on her hand. Her teeth getting ready to fall out. She thinks the roles will keep coming. She has not noticed that the films are getting smaller and the roles are getting even smaller. She thinks of herself as a huge star, but does know that she has a huge drug habit that she would like to kick but says she enjoys it way too much to stop. You would think getting kicked off a huge hit show would be a wake up call, but she said that she artistic differences with the producers and writers anyway. Uh huh.

Paz De La Huerta


  1. Gross. So who is the arm candy and the A++ lister?

  2. Anonymous10:37 AM

    Kiebler and Clooney?

  3. She was with Scott Weiland (Stone Temple Pilots frontman), captain drug abuser.

    I read an article the other day that said using meth even just once or twice could cut off the pleasure receptors in the brain that allow you to enjoy orgasms. No teeth, bad acne, no orgasms - JUST SAY NO TO METH.

  4. So, is she still using?

  5. Did she have a baby?

  6. Very quickly in her career she entered the "has-been" category. Almost before she had been on the show a month. Her behavior was off-putting to industry people.

  7. i'm w/ @barton fink on this one...she's a perfect case study in becoming a has-been before having been remotely known by the mainstream.

  8. She didn't go to Hollywood when she was very young. She was born and raised in NYC. She was best friends with dash snows wife until his funeral they got in a brawl bc Paz was high and told jade she couldn't believe dash was dead bc she had had sex with dash just last week

  9. Yeah I can't think of anyone else besides Clooney and Kiebler.

  10. Who knows? She's talked about wanting to go back to the show. Last pic I saw of her she looked really bloated.

  11. She was really good as Lucy on Boardwalk Empire. Her scenes with Michael Shannon were very compelling. I stopped watching the show because it is so insanely violent.

    I think most peeps guessed this one.

  12. Maybe Julianne Hough for the arm candy? Keibler works too.

  13. @Seven of Eleven - Ecstasy does the same thing.

  14. This blind is the only reason I even know who she is; she was the popular guess. That's what these blinds are! Publicity! And if we don't guess right (I never guess right), the blog nudges us one way or another with photos and captions. Badly, badly worded captions.

  15. i think everyone's reading this wrong.
    it says one of her breaks led to a threesome with the reality star and the reality star's BF at the time. the reality star BECAME arm candy for an A++ lister later.
    so who was kiebler with back then? this isn't about stacy and george.

  16. @suerh obviously you have never even done ecstasy because that is a lie.

    1. There are different kinds of E out there uppers and downers. It just depends what it's been cut with

  17. I understand that Ecstasy eventually destroys your ability to feel emotion naturally, so I could see that extending to orgasms too.

  18. And yeah, this is about Stacey pre-George.

  19. I think she was supposedly pregnant at one time and supposedly had a "miscarriage".

    1. @ nemesis, the last pic I saw looked more like coke bloat but she has been supposed to have been pregnant and miscarried before due to her bareback ways. Apparently, she could charge more for the ride that way.
      "Meth, it's a hell of a drug".

  20. I can see why it's appealing to her. She gains weight very easily (from looking at her pictures) and i think that exercise alone wont get her to the level of skinny she wants to be. I don't know why she can't use adderall instead.
