Wednesday, September 18, 2013

Blind Item #8

This married A+ list actor who is only A because of his franchise was approached by a 10 or 11 year old boy who wanted to ask a question about our actor's franchise role. The actor looked at the parent of the kid and said, "You should tell your son to not bother people," and walked away. The actor had just been standing on a street corner waiting to cross at the light. Not on the phone and not with anyone.


  1. Replies
    1. Anonymous10:18 PM

      Not Chris Hemsworth. He bumped into my friend and her 4 kids in QLD, poses for photos, autographs, and was lovely.

  2. Ewan McGregor is known to be an asshole to Star Wars fans.

    (Yes, I get that it's not all he's done in his career, and far from the most important or meaningful or compelling role he's ever played, but those kids who call him "Master Kenobi" bought him his house, car, motorcycle, and freedom to do low-paying stuff that's important to him without worrying about mortgage payments. He doesn't have to play along with them, but it's churlish to insult them or be mean to them.)

    1. Steen, agree. Costs nothing to be nice.

    2. Nope. Not true. He was about the nicest guy ever when I asked for an autograph on my phantom menace DVD. He is.probably one of the.nicest actors out there along with and Hugh jackman. Now he may be a little mouthy to reporters but I've never seen it. And he has been quoted as saying how much he loves the impact his star wars movies have HAD on kids so he would not be like this to a kid. No way.

  3. So who saw this go down?

  4. This one needs to be revealed.

  5. What a bummer for that kid. I can see how it gets tiring to be bothered by adults, but have some patience for a kid who wants to ask you something. Geez.

  6. Hugh Jackman.......NEVER he's a honey

  7. I refuse to believe it's Robert. REFUSE!!

  8. Not RDJ or Hugh, they're both well known for being super sweet with fans. I can't see Christian Bale being famous only for Batman, so he can't fit. I can see this being Daniel Craig, but how many 10-11 year olds are Bond fans?

  9. Completely agree with Mandy!

  10. Anonymous11:56 AM

    This comment has been removed by the author.

  11. Anonymous12:01 PM

    Orlando Bloom? Not sure if 10 year olds are LOTR fans though

    1. Anonymous12:01 PM

      Maybe Pirates of the Caribbean instead

  12. Anonymous12:32 PM

    Christian Bale.

    You and I are DONE professionally, kid!

  13. I don't believe it's Hugh Jackman. My brother lives in NYC and when Wolverine first came out, he and my nephew (who was about 10) were in line at a coffee shop. Hugh Jackman was ahead of them. My brother whispered 'that's Wolverine'. My nephew didn't believe him, and since my brother doesn't bother famous people, was just going to leave it at that. Hugh, turned around to my nephew, pulled his hair back from his face and growled 'now do you believe it?!'. It was an awesome thing to do for a kid and he talked to him for a long time. So file Hugh under "kindness"!

  14. Anonymous1:08 PM

    I really don't think that RDJ would do something like that, given all the kindness blinds to kids and vets. Just my two cents. I could see Ewan Mcgregor saying this though.

  15. I hope she tells him not to bother with his movies either.

  16. Not RDJ or Hugh, no way. There've been many incidents of them being adorable with fans and child fans.

    There are other franchises besides superhero ones: Fast and Furious, Transformers, Hangover, Mission Impossible, many animated ones, etc. It's probably someone on one of those.

  17. Anonymous1:48 PM

    The reason I think it's Bale is because of the wording: A+ actor but only A list because of his franchise. Take Batman away and Bale doesn't have many box office successes. There is generally no question that he's an A+ actor though--he's one of the best actors alive (IMHO, anyway). That + the fact that he rages out every so often and I think we have a winner.

  18. Micky Rooney. The franchise being the Andy Hardy series of films.

  19. People - the RDJ guess is ALWAYS a joke. Childish and tiring, but a joke.

  20. I'll guess Robert Pattinson. He certainly seems to fit the profile, anyway, and he seems to be skittish at best around fans.

  21. With Bale, even though he does have a temper and a prima donna rep on set, the few times (well, two) I've been at events where he was, he was over the top towards fans; showed early, left late kinda stuff. And he does take the Batman thing more seriously than you'd expect; does a lot of charity work for young fans.
    Still, anyone might get cranky with a nerdling when waiting at a crosswalk.

  22. The Batman franchise is over, so Christian Bale wouldn't be A+.
    Ewan McGregor hasn't starred in a Star Wars movie since 2005 and he won't be back for the new trilogy.
    And McGregor has all the reasons to get grumpy about Star Wars. Alec Guinness, whose part he assumed in the prequels, refused to even read the fan mail caused by Star Wars.

    My bet is Chris Hemsworth. Part of the Thor (+ Avengers franchise) so he would be totally A+ for a 10 year old boy.

  23. Agree it's not Bale, he does tons of unannounced charity work including visiting sick kids in hospitals and visiting the victims of the Dark Knight Rises theater shooting. Chris Hemsworth is so cute describing his young daughter, I can't see him doing this either and I wouldn't really call him A+, A at the most.

    I think this has to be someone who doesn't have kids. Daniel Craig is a great guess, he seems hotheaded and blew up at that one fan who tried to take a picture of him and Rachel at the grocery store. Outside of the Bond franchise he's never been well known in the US.

  24. Didn't Bale fly in on his own dime and visit the Aurora shooting victims in the hospital with no publicity? I don't think that sounds like this guy.

  25. I've heard stories of Bale blowing up at fans years ago (1990s), but the reason I don't think it's him is that he generally looks like a homeless person when offset, and nothing like Bruce Wayne. I don't think a kid on the street would recognize him. Plus he's A even without Batman.

    McGregor seems genial and isn't A+ even by Enty standards; Craig and Jackman are A even without Bond/Wolverine.

    Vin Diesel is a married franchise guy who fits, and would be recognizable. Thor Hemsworth too, but I'd like to think he's better behaved than this.

  26. I don't think it's (my) Ewan.

    For starters, he talks all the time about his uncle being an actor in the original SW series and what that meant to him as a child.

    He's a parent, and he does lots of charity work for Unicef on behalf of kids.

    And, yeah, he probably hated what the Star Wars franchise did to him on some level, but he also talks about how fortunate he is to have done some of the more high profile stuff, because that's what allows him to do the more artsy work. He's been kind of jokey about it, actually. On one of his motorcycle trips, when a guy almost ran him over, he teased him and said, "OMG, you almost killed Obi Wan Kenobi, man!"

    Also, as much as I might like to think of him as an A+ in talent, there's no way that here in the US he's considered A+ list.

  27. Shia Labeouf, Transformers

  28. Shia is a GREAT guess. I'm on that train. Hope it runs Shia over...the twat.

  29. hey celebrities get tired and cranky too, cut him some slack

  30. Shia is neither A+ nor married.

    How is Daniel Craig A+ without the Bond franchise? He was well known in the UK before it but not well known in Hollywood.

  31. Kids of that age rarely recognize an actor out of character, especially if the role had involved costuming. The odds are against recognition if the actor is standing in the street rather than appearing at a movie promotional event. The parent is the one who recognized the actor and sent the kid over to the actor, and may have fed him the question to ask. The actor knew this was an adult-instigated intrusion, and it's why he directed comments to the parent.

  32. I'm thinking RPatz. He was probably drunk.

  33. No idea. But...when I was a kid a bunch of us went ice skating and Robert Blake was there. One of the girls had brought her little brother who was about 7. He loved Blake and for some reason I'm thinking he had a TV show with a parrot on it. Anyway, the boy skated up the Blake and said "Hi Mr Blake!" Blake was a total douche. Told the kid to get the hell away from him, that he was being a jerk for bothering him. The kid was sobbing because he was so excited to meet the "fabulous Robert Blake" and then he was so mean. Who would be mean to a little child?

  34. Anonymous10:26 PM

    Sigh. R. Patz isn't married
    Chris Hemsworth and Jackman are notoriously nice
    Bale is a cunt but has done charity acts (publicised but otherwise, not noted for being a nice person, RDJ=known for kindness to fans, Ron Pearlman = also ridiculously nice and kind to fans, espesh kids. Keep digging...a Wiggle perhaps?!

  35. Anonymous10:27 PM

    Someone from Harry Potter? Toby McGuire?

  36. Tom Hiddleston. Seems to be extremely self important in interviews. I could see him doing this.

  37. Jackman is a very kind man, so doubt it's him.

    McGregor is a good guess - he's a moody MF. A friend of mine worked on one of his films and I asked her to have him sign a UK scifi magazine with him on the cover (it was for my nephew, a gigantic Star Wars fan). He yelled at her for asking. A few hours later he apologized and signed it (they did have to work together for several more weeks).

  38. tobey maguire because he doesn't sign autograph to the fans

    i don't see Bale or Hemsworth or Jackman or RDJ refused to talk with a fan rudely

  39. @Dasha: Bale rages "so often" ?? twice the same week 5 years ago!

    my problem here is the guy is rude with the fan
    Tobey Maguire(he's not very nice with fans) or Daniel Craig (ask to the journalists who were in the Bond set in Turkey 2 years ago and he's in DM 2 days ago)

  40. Hiddleston's not married, not to mention he's also wonderful with fans. Just watch his video at SDCC this year. And there's the story of him meeting the little boy on the set of Avengers and he gladly took a picture with him. None of the HP younger actors are A+ except maybe Daniel Radcliffe and he's single.

    It does sound like Tobey Maguire or Daniel Craig.

  41. Don't think Bale would be recognizable to a kid on the street. I don't even think I could recognize him. Don't know if Ewan would be recognized out of costume years after filming. I would think Radcliffe or Bloom would at least say hi. Wait, it said married. Hemsworth seems like he'd be a jerk, as would Toby Mcguire. But is Hemworth only an A because of franchise? I am going to go with Toby.
