Tuesday, September 17, 2013

Blind Item #7

This former reality star turned porn star did a Paris Hilton last weekend and had a threesome in a club VIP area in exchange for coke.


  1. Who else could it be?

  2. Unless Amy Fisher did reality before she went to porn and after jail its Farrah.

  3. That is soooooo hot. Even if she hovered up a whole gram that is only like $60 for a 3sum. An 8ball and a hotel room would probably get a 3 hole bone a thon.

  4. "Star" does not mean what Enty thinks it means.

  5. Not really a blind... mostly obvious. Farrah Crash-n-Burn soon...

  6. My question: Was she with a guy and a girl, or two guys?

    Farrah DPed is something I'd enjoy seeing!

  7. How do people have 3somes in clubs. Is it out in the open or a room on the side. So confused. Does this mean that the stuff on porn websites showing people doing it while others watch is real?

  8. Threesome in exchange for cock? Farrah price is going down fast.

  9. I don't know, Farrah has plenty of money. Couldn't she just buy her coke?

  10. I don't get these "anything for coke" blinds. With a hundred bucks and a cell phone, anyone can have a bag of coke.

  11. @skimpymist
    Must be in a private room or enclosed booth. It's possible since all clubs are extremely loud and dark.

  12. @barton: Concern about image. Don't want to have to deal with dealers. Get to test the product. So many people don't jones until they have a few drinks and then don't wanna drive. Lunatic thought that they aren't an addict if they don't pay for it. The "I hate coke, until I'm offered it" theory. Strange town, don't have a hook up.

  13. Jonathan, don't worry. You will get to see you DP of Farrah on screen sooner or later. Probably sooner.

  14. Mom of the Year, right there.
