Friday, September 27, 2013

Blind Item #6

This former child and tween actor who had some hit shows in his youth and a meltdown as an adult when he tried to get back in the business has been named a target of a federal investigation into gun smuggling. Apparently our actor has been running guns for a white power group.


  1. Anonymous9:02 AM

    Edward Furlong?? I mean he was in American History X...maybe art imitates life

  2. Frankie Muniz?

  3. I'd live for this to be Kirk Cameron.

    I'll go with Screech.

  4. Brian Bonsall at least looks the part.

  5. I immediately thought Frankie Muniz but it says "shows" plural ... how many shows was he on?

  6. I'd go with Furlong. Just like if you start in a mob show ganster's like, you get an in, probably same thing w/ the Aryans.

    Lil fella gonna wind up shower raped in the joint, just like Derek.

  7. Kirk cameron-genius!! Lololol, kristen, good one! Furlong sounds like good guess.

  8. Fred Savage? lol but it could be

  9. Leif Garrett became a major mess. Ill take him.

  10. Danny Bonaduce. He had a huge hit with The Partridge Family and several multiple episode gust roles on big shows like CHIPS. He tried to come back with Breaking Bonaduce where he was just a mess. Plus I could totally see him with a white power group.

    1. He's lives in Seattle and has a morning radio show. He's actually doing good.

  11. I guess I'm the only one who read this as Willie Aimes (sp). I remember his epic meltdown on Celeb Fit Club.

  12. Frankie Muniz's fiance is way too hot for him. The fact she's with him is criminal in itself.

    Fred Savage is a successful TV director. He Directs many Modern Family eps.

  13. I was going to say Danny Bonaduce too.

  14. I'd rule out Frankie. I saw him pegged for another blind a while ago, too, but he only did one show (and then all movies) and he left movies to do....drag racing, I think? And for the past few years he's been performing in bands. The current one is called Kingsfoil. I follow them on twitter and it seems like they're doing well.

    Fun fact: his mother lives in my town. If we hear anything over here, I'll let you all know.

  15. My first thought was Furlong, don't know why

  16. If he's a member of a white power group, I'm surprised he hasn't shown up here making posts about how Trayvon Martin's killing was great. He wouldn't be alone.

  17. Gotta be Kurt Russell

    1. The computer wore tennis shoes was totsl skinhead fantasy!

  18. Frankie is a known right-wing nut and he's been trouble for guns before.

  19. Furlong never had a TV show to my knowledge .T2 was his biggest hit and that was a stroke of luck as he was a Jon-actor and was scouted at a Boys And Girls club.

    Muniz or Garrett sound good

  20. Replies
    1. Anonymous12:47 PM

      Hells yes nurysp! Little lord Fauntleroy!

  21. First thought was bonaduce

  22. Both Savage & Screech are Jewish, so I really doubt they're running guns to racist groups.

  23. Sounds like someone who has done a real turn in the joint. If you're white and you go into the slam, you get lumped in with the other peckerwoods and lots of 'em are white power types. Er, not that I'm speaking from experience or anything.

  24. I'm going with Corey "in the photos today" Feldman.

  25. Running guns for a white power group doesn't mean he's part of the group. Any port in a storm and all that. The group wouldn't do business with a Jew, but a white actor could do business with them without actually being sized for a gestapo outfit.

    Muniz doesn't fit, he didn't have a meltdown 'when he tried to get back in the business'. He left, has been racing, and is apparently pretty good.

    It doesn't fit Furlong, Feldman, or several other lowlifes.

  26. Scott Baio? He's a twit.

  27. I'm going definitely Willie Aames.

  28. SaintsFan - I thought Willie Aames too! Eight is Enough and Charles in Charge being the plural shows...he has been a train wreck since, with drug addiction evolving into Bible-thumping and on to divorce and bankruptcy, to his Celeb Fit Club debacle. He's been a sad mess.




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