Monday, September 09, 2013

Blind Item #5

This A list celebrity/former singer and now reality star and possible future singer was being discussed over the weekend by her celebrity ex who doesn't play music but does play something else. He says that when they were dating that they would have sex and after it was over the celebrity would tell him that she forgot to take her pill. She would do this frequently. He was convinced she was trying to get pregnant and if he tried to use a condom she would refuse to have sex with him.


Steph @ Flip Flop Chic said...

Jessica Simpson/Tony Romo?

KSam said...

Jessica Simpson/Tony Romo...

KSam said...

Great minds! :)

Steampunk Jazz said...

If she were trying so hard to get pregnant, why tell him? This sounds like a punishment game. Did she have bets down against Romo's team?

Steampunk Jazz said...

If she were trying so hard to get pregnant, why tell him? This sounds like a punishment game. Did she have bets down against Romo's team?

Count Jerkula said...

She is stupid enough to not be allowed to control the birth control pills.

Not that they had to worry, Romo is known for coming up small in the clutch.

Kristin Wigs said...

The blind says she is on a reality show now, non? Or am I reading that incorrectly?

Anonymous said...

@kristen: I think Jessica still has that clothes show. I forget what it's called but it's a shill for Macy's

Mama Bear said...

Fashion Star with Nicole Richie. And also Newlyweds with Nick.

Anonymous said...

Cause Trapping a Guy into fatherhood always works out so well.


Kristin Wigs said...

Yeah, but I thought it meant currently on a reality show. Both those shows have been cancelled.

NaughtyNurse said...

Anybody else fit? I don't watch reality shows, really. Anybody on that Braxton show? Does Brandy have a reality show? Anyone? Anyone?

MISCH said...

you can take the pill doctor told me that it acts like the morning after pill...

Patty said...

Stupid is as stupid does.

OKay said...

Unless there have been some really interesting leaps in birth control since I was on it...I wouldn't take that doctor's word for it.

Count Jerkula said...

I thought it was something like if you forget and have unprotected sex you take your next 3-4 pills. Someone should google that before attempting it though. I'm not a Dr.

Publicus said...

That shit feel real without a scumbag on. Respect

Jenn said...

If I were him, I'd have insisted on a condom so I didn't catch her damned crazy cooties.


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