Thursday, September 05, 2013

Blind Item #5

And she wonders why all of her boyfriends run from her. Each night, this A list mostly television actress with A+ list name recognition makes her boyfriend work through a relationship exercise. Every night. After he finishes it, she goes over it with him. Every night. The few nights she has dared leave him to go out, she calls him to discuss it with him on the phone.


  1. Anonymous8:47 AM


  2. Is it unanimous then? JLH.

  3. Anonymous8:59 AM

    I want to know wtf a "relationship excersize" is that needs to be done nightly?

  4. Man, I thought I was effed up by having behavioral rules that had to be followed or else. This is some crazy control crap!

  5. @ Empress,
    This shit is A.A./N.A workbook stuff only built around relationships
    I'd rather

    1. Anonymous9:10 AM

      @steampunk: thanks. That would be helpful in showing me I absolutely did not want to spend one additional minute of my life with that person, thus avoiding the need to waste potentially weeks or months figuring that out. So.... Mission accomplished?

  6. I know that if I tried to do one of those "relationship exercises" with my SO we'd both end up laughing!

  7. The only exercise a relationship needs is great sex. JLH definitely!

  8. Anonymous9:15 AM

    However that board game link wasn't hilarious, so I'm just going to envision watching a video that's something like "relationship jazzercise" where there's 5 perky women in leotards and leg Warmers with upbeat music saying "ok guys! Just four more! And hug! And hug! And hug! Last one! And hug! Good job! Shake it out, and lets take it down to our mats because next is spooning! 8 reps, lets go!"

  9. Poor damaged girl. I feel.sorry for the baby she is carrying.

  10. God this should have Bern labelled easy peasy easy!

  11. Men hate that shit.

  12. Only if the exercises end in sex.

  13. @Empress, I was thinking more along the lines of the Newlywed game myself only each incorrect answer led to fantasy fulfilling foreplay of the asker... with categories of Hard, Harder and Hardest, of course. : D

  14. Anonymous9:51 AM


  15. It is a overkill, but I don't blame her considering all the dbags she has dated. Now it ia real~there is a child involved. Maybe she wants to make sure her baby has the best possible stable environment to grow up in. JMHO

  16. If she's using it to spark conversational intimacy, thats one thing...but this sounds like a Cosmo quiz gone wild!

  17. Im itchy and twitchy just reading this!!!! Tooooo effen much, btfo!!!!!!!!

  18. Just to be different - Eva Longoria?

  19. Hey now, maybe they're just practicing their dirty talk. :)

  20. Sooo retarded. Who cares that much about their relationship to waste that much time and effort on some douchebag? If you want to keep a man just shut up, make him a sandwich, keep the house clean and never say no. They do not care about you, your feelings or any of that bullshit, and they will cheat. Just tell them to wrap that shit up! I told mine if he gives me anything I will cut it off and set it on fire, and I mean it. He says he doesn't cheat, but I just don't care. The upside to this kind of arrangement is he's fairly happy and I get to do what I want (no I don't cheat but I don't really care about sex) with a minimum of bitching. Win win! No feelings and no expectations make relationships soooo much easier! Hell I'm typing this in the sunshine relaxing, no worries and my husband is watching the kids..good times man!

  21. Those boobs just aren't worth it.

  22. There is nothing normal, healthy or stable about insisting your boyfriend do relationship exercise every day of the week. It sounds like she can go out and he can't the way it is written but if that's not true he shouldn't be having to do them when they aren't there together.

    All those exercises are a clear sign you have a relationship problem.



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