Thursday, September 26, 2013

Blind Item #5

This former A list celebrity/singer and now a B-/C+ list celebrity/singer with A list name recognition had been sober for a few months but slipped in a massive way this week and also had sex with three different guys that night. It was an ugly sight. For sure this will be revealed.


  1. Unrelated but a friend of mine said that Courtney gives the best head you could ever possibly imagine. Figured it explained a lot but then again would you really wana go there?
    She isn't my guess although she would fit

    1. Anonymous3:05 AM

      Courtney had to hone her skill to support her heroin addiction. Having met her, she really is that messy.

  2. So I want to know what constitutes "the best head you could ever possibly imagine"? Cuz if there's some magic trick involved that I've never thought of, I'm sure Mr. Figgy would enjoy my finding out.

    1. Ditto that, Figgy. I'm sure Mr. Sugar would be thrilled if I pulled out a tantalizing new trick after all these years of giving him beejs.

    2. I've no idea... And the guys who received couldn't tell me what she did either.

    3. Anonymous3:08 AM

      To quote one of my fav bands: Stroke the shaft, make it last
      Not too fast, the head's off limits
      Grip the staff, razzmattazz
      Alpha-mast, the head's off limits

  3. I read this as Keith Urban.

  4. I don think this should be revealed Its this person's business if they want to reveal their slip. And head from Love?? She's a walking germ frappe!!! no thank y ou!

  5. @nylon blond: your friend a dude or a chick?

    @figgy: one of my fave moves is when the chick does tongue out on the way down and pulls it back in on the way up. Other than that, energy and confidence are the 2 biggest factors in a good bj.

    1. My friend is very famous man been friends with her for years and the others all men who you would prob know names of too.

  6. Re remark about Courtney Love, that is what they said about Nancy Spongen, the ill fated girlfriend of Sid Vicious. She was not that attractive but her BJ skills were legendary. Odd too since Courtney was in that movie Sid and Nancy, she played one of the Sex Pistol groupies.

    1. Anonymous3:11 AM

      Courtney is who she is because she's always attached herself to talented people: billy corgan, kurt, Evan Dando....she also gave head to Ted Nugent, amongst millions (a few are my friends) of males. Most of whom were mussos.

    2. You forgot Michael Stipe, her BFF.

    3. Anonymous7:19 AM

      Michael is too smart (and gay) to fuck her. There's also Ed Norton and many more....

  7. I guess practice makes perfect too LOL.

  8. I think its Courtney nice to know she gives fantastic blow jobs too although I would never let that skank near me.

  9. Ann, I can't believe that Ricky Martin having sex with three guys would be an ugly sight, so I vote no on that. Stil, ...

  10. Keith Urban...but I would have to imagine that him having sex w/ the Stepford Wife would be an even uglier sight

  11. X Factor is tanking. The Voice is crushing all competition.

  12. Miss Love may well be dynamite in the sack but what guy would want to be caught dead in public w/ her? She's the 3 a.m. booty call, not girlfriend material.

  13. @SyDy: 3AM booty call? How do you get her to leave? Put a couple pebbles in a pill bottle, open the front door, rattle them around and throw it in the street. Soon as she's out the door, hit the deadbolt.

  14. @Count: Or fake your own death until she flees b/c she fears she'll get blamed for it...

  15. Courtney Love. She's been trying to work the sober thing again lately.

  16. Cher, ftw! 70 and loving it! Bring on the bagel boys!



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