Tuesday, September 10, 2013

Blind Item #4

This former A list tweener who is still an A list celebrity/singer and a bane to the existence of the world freaked out because his bodyguard lost his cell phone. The cell phone that the bodyguard carries and has videos of our tweener having sex with a few different women. The ones he calls the nasty ones. He thinks any woman who has pre-marital sex is nasty but what would he do without it. Who calls women nasty?


  1. Replies
    1. VIP- you're right but can't figure out why he would want video of him getting pegged by these nasty chicks?

  2. And LOL'ing @FSP!

  3. Obviously Biebs.

  4. Anonymous8:18 AM

    Ew. I hope these images are never thrust upon an unsuspecting world. Watching a teacup dog try to screw a Great Dane would have more sex appeal.

  5. Did anyone see the Biebs milk mustache at NYFW?

    1. Lotta, I read that as Biebs milk mustache at NSFW & there's no freaking way I'm clicking on that!

    2. @ethorne bwahaha, it's safe for work! No bj's invovled. :)

    3. I preferred it when he did the John Waters ;)

    4. I read the same exact thing. Ha. Was like WTF? Gross

    5. Anonymous8:53 AM

      XxJohn WatersXx
      His mum let him loose with a texta

  6. Can this be anyone but Biebs? Maybe Danny Bonaduce? Those damn gingers.....

  7. There isn't enough alcohol in the world to get me to have sex with that hairless cat.

  8. Do none of these celebs have dropbox or google plus? Seriously, the whole "phone with photos" thing gets old fast.

  9. please just make him go away.....

  10. enty, who calls a woman nasty? do you ever read the comments section here? women are regularly called sl*ts and wh*res. every single day here. I find it very distressing that nothing is done about it.

    glass houses enty. glass houses.

  11. Anonymous8:54 AM

    One of the jonas brothers?

  12. I don't recall slut being used often, but women who sell their bodies for sex are whores. The women who have problems with the use of the word whore, generally are the ones that identify with being whores. Women who aren't remotely near actually being a whore have no problem with whore being used.

    So, annabella, can you tell me your rate and the menu items available? Full hour or just one pop?

  13. "Women who aren't remotely near actually being a whore have no problem with whore being used." - Really. And in what world do you live in?

  14. Not cool, Count. And, I have never minded your endless lists but why go at another poster? Save your ire for Jaxx..;)

    The Beibs is such a little bitch- countdown to Arron Carter territory.

    1. @Urban lately anytime CJ uses the word whore there are a few posters who go on the attack about how dare he use such terms, I can't believe the words whore and slut are being uttered and no one wants to riot and burn houses. People take the interwebs very seriously nowadays.

  15. I'm just tired of the whining. It isn't like I call women who rack up multiple bed post notches whores, I call whores whores.

    I do use "attention whore" from time to time, but that is specific purposes, and an entirely different meaning. I don't even think I call casting couch broads whores.

    If someone wants to complain about the use of whores then they should do it in the thread where the term was used improperly. Since they likely won't be able to find an example, they do it somewhere where it is off topic, so they can skew the argument and gain support.

    1. Nothing worse than reading comments from gossip site readers complaining about the language and terminology being used. Give me a break!! You keep on keeping on Count and let them tune into some other politically correct venue.

  16. Oh people, stop recording things you dont want shown!!!! Jeesh!!!!!

  17. Fair enough count- cant hate on the response. Precisely why even though I may not agree with everything you say it's nothing that impacts me, you offer character for sure!

    Jsierra- gossip is serious business, where's our old conspiracy CIA operative?;)

  18. @Iceberg: OH NOES! Your words, then cut me like a knife. I am wounded and hurt that someone on the interwebz doesn't luv me. WAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA! What am I going to do??????????

    Seriously though, I didn't know this joint was the break room the whores on BackPage used in between tricks.


  19. So apparently whoever this is must think he is nasty himself because he is also having pre-marital sex. He also could refer to them as nasty because they are extra fun/kinky in bed and doesn't mean as a bad thing.

  20. He is one fucked up little man.
