Monday, September 09, 2013

Blind Item #3

The last time this B list mostly television actress who seems to keep finding work and being the lead in television show despite no discernible talent was in a sex shop it was to find some things for her "boyfriend." This time though the actress purchased some heavy black leather boots for herself and a whip and a $2500 PVC corset that she ordered specifically for herself. That should be an interesting night. I hope it isn't her just ordering a really expensive Halloween costume because that wouldn't be any fun.


  1. Bilson? Just because "boyfriend" is in quotes.

  2. Definitely Halloween costume. It is that time of year when women from coast to coast decide how they wanna unleash their inner slut for an evening.

    The worst is when a chick spends a bunch of $$ on an outfit and wig, then won't put the stuff on after Halloween passes.

  3. Jennifer Love Hewitt

  4. Anonymous8:42 AM

    Id say jlh too but shes preggo...,perhaps the dom stuff is how she keeps getting roles?

  5. Pvc corsets aren't great. I much prefer proper steel boned, metal busk ones. They last the distance.

  6. Have you been a bad boy?

    JLH is pregnant - if that's her thing, the custom corset could be to accommodate the pregnancy.

  7. Not JLH - Enty (all of them) refer to her as A list tv actress.

  8. Rebecca. Romijn (sp?)??

  9. Woah woah woah Rachel Bilson has talent! Also, she's only led one show. The fact that she was so good in her supporting role for another show gave her the chance to be the lead in another.....Sorry, no one comes after Summer Roberts without a fight from me.

  10. This shit be Kathie Lee Ripa or whatever that honky. white slit pig bitch be named.

  11. Sarah Michelle Gellar, who I'm just meh about but who keeps getting role after role. She's married but boyfriend is in quotes.
