Tuesday, September 10, 2013

Blind Item #3

This former almost A list rapper lost all of her teeth. She says it was because of bad dental work. It was really because she can't put down the crack pipe. She used to be really popular and now she keeps selling everything to pay for her crack. Gold records? Sold. Future royalties? Sold. All for crack. She's going to end up back in jail soon.


  1. Lil Foxy Kim Brown.

  2. Are we not seeing the Enty that hates Nicole Kidman today?

    I'd say Lil Kim for this.

  3. Anonymous7:51 AM

    She was recently talking crap about how jay zs gay or bi right? This might help explain that.

  4. Foxy is deaf too right?

    1. No but she does have some disease like sickle cell or something I think I remember hearing about..

    2. Yes, she was declared legally deaf in one ear. I believe this might be Faith Evans although I do not recall her being arrested...maybe a DUI? But I've heard she's into crack again hard. Very sad....she has an amazing voice.

  5. Ian: If you are here to tell us how everyone in Nashville says Nicole and Keith are a happy couple and wonderful people, then get it over with. Only thing colder than Nicole Kidman's heart is Walt Disney's corpse.

  6. Lol Count Jerkula! True dat!

  7. @CountJerkula

    Nope, I simply point out when I see that something on this site more bullshit than anything else.

    There's an Enty on here that hates Nicole Kidman. There's an Enty on here that hates Jessica Biel. There's an Enty on here that hates Eva Langoria.

    Then there's you, a dirty old man that posts his sexual fantasies constantly for some reason.

  8. Yeah. It was bad dental work. Uh huh.

  9. This is so Foxxy. Lil Kim's addiction is plastic surgery...and anime.

  10. Anonymous8:14 AM

    All the better for sucking cock with!

  11. "Former almost A list." Shouldn't we be shooting a bit lower than Foxy or Kim? Surely they were A during their time.

    Didn't Lady Sovereign have some of her teeth filed down to look like vampire fangs?

  12. Anonymous8:20 AM

    Foxy brown

  13. SHe is not my favorite but I do not think this is Foxxy. She just got an interview for MTV she was a crying mess but her teeth looked fine and so did she

  14. Definitely, Foxxy Brown. i wish she would just tell the stories about Jayz to make some money...that would be juicy!

  15. @ian: Middle aged, not old. I'm still on the good side of 40.

    1. Wow, so young snd so perverted, lol

  16. Foxy Brown.

    If you all hate "Enty" so much - there ARE other gossip sites you can read you know. It's fucking annoying to have to skim through multiple comments about "which Enty" it is today. GO READ ANOTHER SITE. NO ONE is forcing you to come here.

  17. Is there a rule that as a person, you can only hate one person? Can't he just hate them all?

  18. Count Jerkula said...
    @ian: Middle aged, not old. I'm still on the good side of 40.

    There's a good side to 40? I like you, anyway. You seem very feminine, but in a good way. If that makes sense?

  19. @Ian: Sure it makes sense. I do have a soft side, but I choose to rarely show it.

  20. Lil Kim is still around I don't hear much about Foxy.

  21. Daily lurker reporting in briefly. In support of the Countm I can confirm that I, a Nashvillian of long standing who works on Music Row, do not believe all is well with Mr. and Mrs. Kidman. I cannot name one person of my acquaintance who thinks Ms. Kidman is a nice person, and several would likely confirm that Ms. Kidman is breathing air that worthier people could have if only I cared enough to ask. The Count is dead right there. That is all. Back to lurking now.

  22. Khia... just to be different.

  23. Peter, T Boz of TLC has sickle cell anemia - I didn't hear Foxy of Lil Kim have it.

  24. Bloggertobenamedlater

    Really? Wow. I know loads of people in Nashville, I even know Kidman's assistant's boyfriend and they're regularly seen in coffee shop and church.

    Just yesterday I saw a tweet about them being in church together.

  25. https://twitter.com/search?q=nicole%20kidman%20and%20keith%20urban%20church&src=typd

  26. Nicole must have told him he needed to be sober enough for church Sunday morning before she would let him bang her, and he called her bluff.

  27. Every week? Hah.

    Jerk, do you believe all the stories on here? Because I used to, but since I've been reading the Kidman stuff and noticed how they never go after people like Dan Schneider or Spielberg-- I think a lot of it's bullshit and the only true stuff is taken from other sites.

  28. Ian: I have thought Nicole has had an ice cold heart since before I knew of this site. The stories here just confirmed it.

  29. Ian, the problem with "I know ______________'s (fill in name here) assistant/hair dresser/realtor/cousin (choose one or sub in as appropriate)" is that whatever was said, regardless of reliability, is passed on as evidence of the gospel truth of whatever someone wants it to be. Going to church is not evidence of a sound relationship or the character of a person. In this town, it simply allows for a ton of people to take to Twitter and announce they saw the two of them at church, signifying nothing. I do not have a dog in the hunt as to whether she is a good person or not, but I can say I do not think she is a nice person (there is a difference) and I do not think she and her husband are in the throes of marital bliss.

  30. Here's my two cents. Nicole was just in town for TIFF; the night before last, I saw her interviewed (on the red carpet) on the local news. She was asked if she was going to stick around for all the parties - she said no, she was returning home to her husband and kids, as they were "going camping." Seriously, can you see her pitching a tent or peeing in the woods?

  31. Re Keith and Nicole...A few months ago Lainey did a gushy piece about Nicole and Keith and I think Russell Crowe all at some airport. The close up of Mr And Mrs showed a bang on screen kiss--not lips to lips but lips below and above just like they do in the movies. That tells me there is something up with that marriage that they are trying hard to keep quiet.

  32. Faith also got busted for pot and coke possession but she's not a rapper.

    Something made me think of Eve but maybe not. Lil Kim is a fat no. Foxy maybe.

  33. I always think of Nic Kidman as an Ice Queen but how can she be if she was engaged to that sexy beast Lenny Kravitz? that had never made sense to me
