Monday, September 23, 2013

Blind Item #3- Emmy Awards

This almost A list mostly television actress who makes a whole lot of money on her hot show should watch out for her new boyfriend. Our actress has been great to him and has ponied up a lot of cash to make him happy with gifts and other things but he is repaying her kindness by getting as many phone numbers as he can from other women. Last night our actress went to the bathroom and within seconds her boyfriend was hitting on women. The guy is slimy.


  1. Cuoco? Or is this bc Rach and I were just talking about her?

  2. Anonymous7:29 AM

    Kaley Cuoco is my guess.

  3. Anonymous7:33 AM

    Kristin - I think you're spot on!

  4. Betty White, hot show=Hot in Cleveland

  5. Kaley Cuoco must have switched agents or had a meeting and said "Listen...GET ME FAMOUS!!!" about a year ago bc for the entire run of her show she has been in the background but all of a sudden she is EVERYWHERE: Shilling for Priceline and Toyota and all over every red carpet and talk show. Good on her though...she obviously gets how lucky she has been to land on Big Bang and to cash in while she can...cuz she ain't all that special...

  6. Get rid of him Kaley.

  7. @ethorne, LOL---I was thinking the same thing! PS, love your avatar.

    1. Thanks @Dolphy! Patsy's my betch!

  8. Kaley is dating a tennis player who was never any good and never made much money so I cannot imagine he would blow this gig. That would make him the dumbest ex-tennis player evah!! I don't think it's her.

  9. I immediately thought this was Kaley and now she knows what's up.

  10. I'm probably completely wrong, but I thought Sofia Vergara and her guy.

  11. Kaley, one of the highest paid actresses on TV, endorsements, unlucky in love (would buy a bf tons of gifts to keep him and turn a blind eye to bad behavior)

  12. I imagine that Mayim and Melissa Rauch, both who consistently nail their scenes and are super entertaining, have lessened Kaley's role and spotlight on Big Bang. Her role has really been reduced the past few seasons. I agree that her team is now finding other ways of putting her front and center.

  13. Who is this tennis never was Kaley is dating?

  14. Sofia V for sure. She's the highest paid actress on TV right now.



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