Monday, September 09, 2013

Blind Item #2

This almost A+ list mostly movie actress was talking about donating time and giving to charity and the actress said she leaves all of that to her husband because she doesn't have time and that people should help themselves. She then did add, "Oh wait. I have given to charity. I once took a bag of clothes our maid left behind and donated them. So there."


  1. Supposed to be Nicole.
    But I don't believe it.

  2. Julia Roberts because I hate her.

  3. I don't believe that Nicole is almost A+ at this point. I'll go with Julia just because I hate her too!

    1. I have 100% proof JR worked on a charity project-once-because it was when I worked for a foundation (not naming) and I was tasked to deal with her nasty, snotty ass, where she spoke to me about 3 sentences and each sounded like she was talking to a piece of dog poop. This was over a decade ago, though. She may have had an Eat,Pray,Love conversion. Doubt it...

  4. Anonymous7:41 AM

    Who could b dumb enough to let that comment fall out of their big stupid mouth? Lets make a list of the top 10 female morons in HWood and start eliminating one fool at a time.

    ((Hard eye roll))

    1. Fancy-ehy i just love the way you expressed that sentiment, and i agree.

  5. Was Reese drinking when this was said?

  6. I could see Paltrow saying this.

  7. Oh. It's the "Kidman is as bad as Hitler" Enty.

  8. Only a kid says "So there" .

  9. "Mostly Movie" implies there is some TV. Wouldn't that rule out Nicole and Julia? I know that Roberts did an episode on Friends years ago, but would that really count?

  10. Anonymous8:43 AM

    So the husband is big into charity...

  11. Tu- Yeah, I didn't think about the TV thing for Nicole. I can't think of any TV she's been on... I got nothing then.

  12. Gwenyth is the only one I can think of who'd be uppity or snobby enough to say something like this.

  13. Nicole did Hemingway and Gellhorn for HBO.

  14. How about Jessica Biel? All her paps are about her "going to the office". It might have sparked the question and she seems childish and dumb enough to say this.

  15. I thought Jessica Biel's pap shots were all of her shopping! I know Jessica Alba is always shot going to the "office," however, she does actually do some charitable things and has her all natural bath and home cleaning product line. I was thinking Paltrow for this, only because she has led such a privileged life, and I don't recall ever seeing her in the press doing anything charitable.

  16. Could Goop be that dumb? She really wants to give off the Martha Stewart/royal family vibe, maybe even the Oprah vibe. All are publicly committed to goodwill efforts. She's also attached to 17 charities:

    Nicole even donated some kind of autographed item to an orangutan charity drive, so it seems that she's involved enough..


    Now whether this is a small donation on behalf of her manager/agent/camp or the celeb was actively involved, was a spokesperson, etc. I don't know. Obvious rule-outs are Angie, Meryl (who has a foundation), Aniston (St. Judes, not married), Charlize (all movie and also involved in African charity and also unmarried), Portman (active to some degree in charity involvement).

    I don't know who this would be. It sounds so cartoonish, too.

  17. Amy Adams only has 6 listed charities, is married, and those charities are more entertainment/actor related (a few LGBT ones and some actor ones)?

  18. Well Julia does have the mouth for this.

  19. Again, don't get stuck on the mostly movie / mostly TV part. It's just a term that replaced formerly used all movie / all TV, because someone would always point out some obscure TV gig a lifetime ago.

  20. Probably some famous person's child who has gotten everything handed to them and has no idea how hard it actually is to "help yourself" when things are really bad. Gwynnie is a good guess.

  21. This shit be Whoopie. She do shit like that. She was a stone cold junkie bsck on the day y'all

  22. Why does Enty hate Kidman so much? Kidman and Keith Urban are always seen around Nashville (No Paps) and they're well known as a couple in love.

    Yet on here, he's addicted to coke and hookers - She's drinking her own piss and lives like a vampire.

    This site is getting less and less realistic, the personal hatred for people is out of control.
