Sunday, September 29, 2013

Blind Item #2

Earlier this week this former B list celebrity and now D list ex was playing golf with some friends and the topic of his A list celebrity ex came up. He said that he should have got an Academy Award for the acting job he did on her and a couple of years and sucking it up has led to a lifetime of never working again. He said the fact they were both blitzed 95% of the time made it much easier to make it through everything.


  1. I 2nd the Kfat guess (typo and it stays)

  2. Idk, i think he was fond of her. I hope so anyway, for her sake.

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. Anonymous11:58 AM

    I think Kevin loved Britney too. I'm hoping this is someone else.

  5. I tried to make it JLo but she rarely has much impact when she splits from her previous formers (prob why she hooked up with Caspar. If she leaves him, he' ll be financially devastated once he blows thru her settlement.)
    I go K Fed. Even loving her ,She had to have a level of neediness that was insane. No doubt he had to act.

  6. I think the A list ex would have been identified as a singer if it was Brit Brit. And for all if kfed's issues, he's remained silent on topic of Britney and kids.

    I think it's the ex of Anna Nicole Smith, whatshisname.

  7. D-Fed was never famous. Sounds like David Arquette.

  8. Gabriel referring to Halle?

  9. KFed had a pretty tight pre-nup, his lawyer tried to break it but it held up in court. He didn't get much alimony and all he has now is the child support. But those checks stop at 18.

  10. It's supposed to read K-Fed (remember him walking alongside a golf cart - with a fat joke - in the random photos last week?) but @timebob has a good point - the pre-nup doesn't settle him for life unless he's made some very good investments or plans to cash in on the story with a tell-all at some point. He really does seem to have loved her but couldn't deal with the issues.

  11. the guy that dated Julia Roberts - he was on Law and Order

  12. I don't think this could be Kevin Federline, simply because Britney couldn't have been "blitzed" 95% of their time together. Clearly, she wasn't sober by any stretch, but there were two pregnancies in that few-year period, and her sons were born relatively healthy, thank God.

  13. Kevin Federline. Britney hunted that man and he was a willing victim as he liked her lifestyle. Now that he has remarried he will be losing his $250 000 spousal support. I'm guessing in a few months he will talk much nicer about Britney. What a loser!

  14. Anonymous1:19 PM

    oh KWell Fed, you're such an ass. A gold digging ass.

  15. TI was thinking more Nick Lachey/Jessica Simpson. Because Nick was more famous prior to their marriage, they (joe Simpson) insisted on NO prenup....Nick got mayjah money.

  16. Ooh, I like the Nick Lachey guess. He looked very irritated with her quite a few times on that reality show they did. Didn't he get a big settlement in their divorce?

    I think K-fed liked Britney and would have stayed with her for as long as she'd have him.

  17. Tate Donovan....went out with Aniston for a long time, engaged too I think?

  18. Wow, I'm way off, I was thinking Ben Brat, and Julia Roberts.

  19. Benjamin Bratt ...spelled his last name wrong.

  20. I was thinking Nick and Jessica first, too, but they dated for a long time, broke up, and got back together before getting married. I'd like to think he really loved her. Sadly, this sounds more like KFed.

  21. I was thinking Guy Ritchie and Madonna.

  22. Ryan Phillipe and Reese Witherspoon

  23. +1 on ryan .. he got money to go away and keep quiet

  24. Madonna's other baby daddy, the model guy. Lordes's father.

  25. k-fat talking about brit

  26. I think nick lahey...

  27. I could see Tom Arnold on a golf course dissing Rosanne, Does anyone think for a minute he didn't have this plan from day one of their first hookup?

  28. Why wouldn't be the kardashian ex? the basketball guy...he was just on the mindy project.

  29. @Elissa, a lot of people have speculated Jayden has Fetal Alcohol Syndrome, so I'm not sure about the "Britney's kids were born healthy" part.

    KFed may not be getting alimony but he is getting a mountain of child support. He has a big-ass house and is well taken care of. This could indeed be him.

  30. KFed - remember when BritBrit shaved her head to avoid drug tests (allegedly). I think she was either drunk or drugged most of the time.
