Tuesday, September 10, 2013

Blind Item #2

This former A list mostly movie actress is used to getting her way with guys. Well, she has to pay them, but she is used to getting her way. Our actress thought she was getting along really well with one guy half her age that she met and asked out. He gladly accepted but when she invited him back to her place at the end of the night he said he would have to charge for it or else he wouldn't get excited enough because he wasn't attracted to her. Our actress broke down in tears at the restaurant but ended up paying the guy. He was cheap compared to most of her past guys.


  1. Sharon looks amazing for her age, I can't believe there aren't guys lining up for her.

    btaim, I think she's the subject of this blind.

  2. Anonymous7:35 AM

    God, this post is so fucking DEPRESSING!

  3. Faye Dunaway or Kim Basinger.

  4. Seriously! I'd rather go home alone than have to PAY someone for it - she needs a dog and a good book.

  5. It is depressing! Try harmony.com for pitys sakes!!!!!

    1. Anonymous7:40 AM

      Ha ha Aunty! We have that here too. Dodgy adds where people say how every match has been perfect. And yet, they're still single, promoting the site.

  6. As a woman of a certain age, I can heartily recommend men of the same age group as oneself. They get older as I get older. Innovative, no?

    1. Agreed, and they've also heard of the same bands and movies.

  7. Nothing about Vince Gill confronting Westboro Baptist picketers?! I hope an Enty catches on later and posts it....that video is gold! ;)

    1. Anonymous7:42 AM

      Don't rain : was Amy with him?

  8. Meryl Streep's character in "Death Becomes Her"

  9. Male or female, gay or straight, if you go after people half your age, it's going to end in tears.

    Some 50-year-old guy would be pleased to bonk her, and might even pick up the dinner check.

  10. I bet the tears got him hard, so he gave her a discount.

    Sharon Stone don't want a lover, she wants a trophy. Remember the story of her taking her paid dudes shirt off and letting her friends rub on his torso?

    Just like broken down old men, you want the young stuff you either got to find something with heavy damage or open your wallet.

  11. Girls start to lose their prettiness and their appeal from about age 35. By the time a girl is 50 she's done. No guy wants to boink her becase she is all wrinkly and flabby. Why would a guy want to boink something in her 50's when he can go on the internet and find something in her 20's? Some of you ladies need to face reality.

    1. Anonymous8:10 AM

      Mr knuckles im afraid youre looking at this from a purely sexual objectifying one night stand perspective, i know shallow younger men may see things this way but do you really think someone closer to her age range wouldnt find her attractive? If shes fifty say, and a guy is 55 or 60 you dont think hed be excited to have a meaningful relationship as well as sex with sharon stone? I think her problem is she thinks young guys should find her just as hot at any age. I also think this is why you get and stay married,so you wont be alone unwanted and unvalued jusy cuz your past your sell by date

    2. Anonymous8:16 AM

      Harry, go google image pics of middle aged men. They're LUCKY to get women their own age considering their paunches, hanging balls and moobs. Not to mention the ear hair and saggy arses.

    3. @Harry Knuckles - disagree. I just saw Meryl Streep on something last night and I was like "I'd hit that" even though she is close to 30 years older than I am. Oh, and don't even get me started on Elizabeth Warren. I know quite a few guys who find her incredibly sexy. Give me an intelligent older woman over the 20 year-old bimbette of the month any day.

    4. Anna, yes I'm talking just about sex, not making a life with someone. And as for the 55 year old guy who would be happy to bang a 50 year old woman, I'm saying he would be maybe just a little happier to bang a 22 year old one.

      Rach, I'm middle aged myself. Your characterization is hurtful.

      Lucas, sure, I'd hit Meryl too if there was no one better available, but my point is, and I'll actually let you make it for me, prettier and tighter wins every time.

      You can only sex one of these ladies, so pick:

      1. Meryl or Arianna Grande
      2. Meryl or Selena Gomez
      3. Meryl or Victoria Justice

      Case closed, I believe.

    5. Anonymous11:02 AM

      Middle aged Harry Knuckles or ANYONE!

    6. @Harry - I'd go Meryl Streep over all three of those, even if I could have the three of them at the same time. And hell yes to Helen Mirren. See, I just can't seem to feel good about fetishizing girls that are young enough to be my children. Something about it weirds me out. Call me crazy.

    7. Lucas, you're crazy. But good for you. For real.

  12. Anonymous8:01 AM

    I dont think that its so much about her age or looks if this is about sharon stone,but more about her personality,think about it,if she cant get a man to stick around for a real relationship if she HAS to pay then her personality flaws must be obvious really quickly. I cant imagine that the gorgeous sharon stone cant drag any guys back to her cave for a little cougar action unless shes truly boner killing obnoxious and insufferable. Its not because shes not hot,because she really still is.

  13. I would have told him to bugger off.....money doesn't change the attraction it's the only attraction

  14. Michelle Pfeiffer.

  15. Posts like Harry Knuckles make me seriously consider suicide...gah is that REALLY all we're good for?

    1. Anonymous8:51 AM

      No Brenda, cos middle age seems to be much crueler to men. Obviously someone "young" made that post. And someone who doesn't value the beauty of age appropriate relationships where your love & attraction grow as you get older.

    2. Rach, I'm not "young" and all I'm talking about is sexual attraction. Given a choice, a guy will go with youth because the younger girl is prettier, firmer and tighter.

    3. Anonymous11:14 AM

      Harry : a d women would choose someone firmer, younger and hotter than you!

    4. Brenda, I'm only talking about sex. You have to know that guys have a whole different attitude about it than women.

    5. @Harry, you have no clue what you are talking about. Back away from the generalizations plz.seriously wrong.

  16. I hope you are right, Rach Around, I really hope you are right.

    1. Anonymous9:06 AM

      Trust me Brenda. Men who chase women half their age with success are usually loaded and/or wealthy and it makes up for their inadequacies. Harry in a few years will find young women dry wreach as he tries to approach them.

    2. Rach, it's a numbers game. I "throw" it out there and every once in a while it comes back: I gets my freak on with some sweet little piece that makes all the others wretching at me totally worth it.

  17. It's just crazy to have gone through as much as we do in life, only to have it all come down to:
    1. Am I hot?
    2. Am I the proper weight?
    3. Am I wearing the right brands?
    4. As long as a guy can still get it up for me, then I am worthy of life.

    I think I'm overdosing on Hollywood.

    1. Anonymous9:10 AM

      Brenda: it all comes down to bring happy in yourself & finding someone (or not for some people) to share that with. If reading this & other gossip sites has taught me anything, the wealthy, famous and beautiful are for the large part, unhappy. Look at people like Vivien Leigh & Laurence Olivier. Talent, beauty, adoration, fame, fortune, but we all get older. And we can all get sick. And everything in life is fleeting, so make the fucking most of it & concentrate on being a good person and a happy person for the short time we have.

  18. Knuckles is absolutely right. Men want tight tight. There's box, carton, and container and men want box and a bitch with a few babies on her us container

  19. Jimmy Woods got that shit nailed down

    1. Anonymous9:14 AM

      Publicus: you ain't James so good luck with that dude!

  20. Mr. Lioness and I have been together 18 years. We watched our metabolisms tank and our BMIs skyrocket. Yet we're still happy.

    Let's face it. If I weighed the same now (I'm 43) as I did when I was in my mid 20s, I'd look like Skeletor - the He-Man version. So I traded worrying about looking "hot" and thin for not giving a shit and being content. Not a bad trade-off.

    I told my kids that if something ever happened to Daddy and I wound up single, I was going into a cloistered convent. It was said half jokingly, but then I read what Harry Knuckles said, and it's looking less and less like a joke...

    1. Anonymous9:21 AM

      Lioness : I'm with you. My hubby & I are still relatively young. But if anything happened to him, there'd be no one else. Ever. What I wake up to every day is my greatest joy & reason to live. I feel sorry for people who either don't have that, or don't appreciate the value of it.

  21. Rach - you forgot balding heads and nose hair.

    1. Anonymous9:29 AM

      SueRH: ha ha ha ha!! I did! I think I missed those cos my dad has a full hatch of hair & I'm guessing there's nasal grooming involved! Man, middle aged men thinking THEY'RE hot is the saddest thing. Unless they're LOADED, they usually end up waving dollar bills at strippers & whacking off to exercise equipment infomercials.

  22. This sounds like Sharon, except I can't see her crying. I can see her bitch slapping the guy. So I'll go with Demi, who is a sobby mess.

    Men who are not looking for a true relationship get the women they can afford. The women of this ilk get the richest man they can attract based on their looks.

    This leaves normal folks for the rest of us, win-win-win.

  23. Del is right. Check out David Lynch Interview Project. It's an interesting look at life. So many old men haven't seen their own dick in forever. Why would I blow that?!?!?! Crusty feet that can't even grow toe nails any longer. No teeth. No hair. Moobs. Marry the rich older guy and you get that SATC episode where Samantha runs out on the geezer after getting a look at his saggy butt. Better to have someone age appropriate.

  24. Knuckles is pouty cuz he hasnt been laid....ever...cough... for a while

    Its called a womans 'touch' and jt only gets better w age

    1. Erika, I'm talking about the visual difference between a girl in her 20's and one in her 50's. One is boner inducing and the other is boner reducing.

      And I get laid. Don't worry about me.

  25. Yeah....I know. Sigh.

  26. Don't mind me, I'm just having a midlife crisis over here.

  27. This is sad as hell. If this were S.Stone, I'm about 20 years younger (almost half her age) than her and she deserves a good banging. I wouldn't date her, but definitely would give her a ride on my 3 inches wonder.

  28. I haven't had a date in 8 years so I'm not picky....then again I'm a waste of life.

  29. This is Sharon Stone...but she's gorgeous. This guy was just trying to be a dick.

  30. Lucas, I heart you!

  31. I don't understand how any female would have to pay for sex unless they were super fussy about who they slept with.

  32. Rach wins the Internets today (well, for this post!)!

    Lucas - thanks - well said and much appreciated.

    Harry: I would take a grown man with life experience, hands-down, any day, over some tweener without a wrinkle. Age (and the wisdom that comes with it) is a huge turn on.

  33. Sometimes a great sense of humor and a little intellectual convo is the biggest turn-on. My hubs & I are over 50, still quite attractive (we don't look our ages), wrestle, smack-talk, reminisce & laugh our heads off with each other- much sexier than young, dumb, & fulla you know... boring.

  34. Seriously? You'd have to be sideshow circus to be any list celeb and not get laid, dudes are cruel, she shoulda left.
