Thursday, September 19, 2013

Blind Item #1

This former almost A list movie and television actress has been in rehab back in the day when she had a massive drug problem. The divorced and never remarried actress who still has A list name recognition has been ballooning in size again and her boozing is out of control. Her family has tried to stage interventions but the actress is not having any of it. The actress rarely works any longer because she's too controversial.


  1. was Kirstie Allen ever A list?

  2. Kirstie has a new show coming out and the blind says rarely works anymore...would think then it wouldn't be her

  3. Hard core drug problems seems to be shaping up as today's theme.

    Kirstie Alley

  4. Simon is right. New sitcom on tv land this winter.

  5. Lara Flynn Boyle

  6. Sounds like Delta Burke, but I don't think she has A-list recognition any more.

  7. If she hasn't worked in awhile and her new show isn't on the air yet, I think it's accurate to still say she rarely works.

  8. Roseanne Barr? Carrie fisher?

  9. Was Kathleen Turner ever on TV? Too lazy to look it up. I hope its not Fisher or Barr. That would give me the sads.

  10. I dunno, when you look at IMDB looks like Kirstie has been working. Also blind says divorced and never remarried which would indicate (to me) married once. Kirstie has been married twice.

  11. Kathleen turner sounds like good guess. She was on Friends as Chandler's father so she has done some TV.

  12. I agree with Simon. Kirstie Alley has been stinking up 'Hot in Cleveland' recently, so it's hard to say she never works. I wish she wouldn't work, at least as an actress. I wish she would be an enormously successful real estate agent or massage therapist, happy and healthy, and in a place where I would never have to look at her or think about her.

  13. I thought Roseanne Barr, but was she in any movies? I can only think of her in her TV show Roseanne.

  14. This comment has been removed by the author.

  15. OMG Becki! How could you forget this: She Devil

  16. what does "divorced and never married" mean?

  17. I was going to say Delta Burke but she's still married. Idk. Kirsty?

  18. I was going to say Delta Burke but she's still married. Idk. Kirsty?

  19. I was going to say Delta Burke but she's still married. Idk. Kirsty?

  20. Kristie and Roseanne have never been A list movie actresses IMO whereas Kathleen Turner has never been A list TV though she was brilliant playing Charlie's boss in Californication one season. Delta Burke again never been an A list movie actress unless you include TV movies LOL.

  21. Kathleen Turner works perfectly she was also on Californication for a season.

  22. But is Kathleen Turner controversial? If so, why? Kristy fits in every aspect except the rarely working. Of course it says "rarely" and not "never." So maybe....

  23. Is Delta controversial? I don't personally think so. She also has a lingerie and maybe clothing/swimwear line for larger women. It seems like she's doing that instead of acting or trying to act.

  24. did you seriously say that Kathleen Turner wasn't A list???????

    she certainly was A list movie back in the day

  25. I guess it can't be Cybill Shepherd. She's getting work.

  26. sean young? just because

  27. Sean Young. Crazy lady.

    She was so beautiful in Blade Runner.

  28. It sounds so much like Kirstie except for the amount she works. Maybe Enty is talking about actual acting and not the reality stuff. Then it makes sense. She is certainly controversial. Delta's married to Gerald Macrainy.

  29. Yes, Gerald McRaney and Delta have been married since the 80s. Kirstie, Delta, Kathleen-definitely A posters.

  30. Delta is married to Gerald mcraney.

  31. I don't know about divorced and never married, but divorced and "remarried" means she never got married again after divorcing.
