Tuesday, September 10, 2013

Blind Item #1

This A list mostly television actor made use of his private jet for some sex. How is that blind? If he is having sex with this former A list mostly movie actress and didn't tell his girlfriend. "It smelled like sex and they were half naked when they had to buckle in for landing."


  1. Replies
    1. Scratch Wiig. Not former A list.

      Hamm was at the US Open. So was Goldie Hawn. Blammo! Solved!

      I got nothing.

  2. This should be easy, how many TV actors have their own jet?

  3. Someone flying back from TIFF with a costar?

  4. Demi and ASHTON!!!

    1. Definitely Asston and demi. Pics all over about them flying together yesterday.

  5. Ummm, unless you're John Mayer, sex doesn't have a smell...

  6. Anonymous7:27 AM

    I love that sex smell. Well the smell my hubby and I make. I'm very olfactory driven. Yum.

    1. I wish I could get my mind erased MIB style so I'd never have to remember reading that disgusting comment.

    2. Anonymous7:41 AM

      I love you too MerryB. Xxxxxx

    3. Anonymous8:12 AM

      This comment has been removed by the author.

    4. Anonymous8:20 AM

      I knew it! People using multiple identities to be mean.....BLESS! Xx

    5. LMAO. I am not one of Anna's many personalities.

  7. See, this is the way to do the Mile High Club. Not the dirty,, cramped bathrooms of a commercial 737.

  8. Sex does smell.....as one who has ridden in an elevator with a guilty couple...it def smells.

  9. Demi and Ashton for sure!!

  10. Sex does smell.. Who said it didn't? Virgin alert.

    Also, this was such a badly written blind.

  11. I would live to have sex on a plane with jon hamm. Imagine?!!!!!!

  12. @Kristin I love the Hamm/Hawn visual! I bet they'd have a blast together.

  13. Explain the sex smell please

    1. Fish and boiled ass.

    2. Latex and shame.

    3. @Kristin - latex and shame? You must not be doing it with the right person!

    4. Pepsi. Well, that's what Lana Del Meh said.

    5. @V I cannot, in good conscience, disagree with you on that.

    6. Aww Kristin, that makes me sad, but try to have fun searching!

    7. CDAN Prayer Circle for me? ;)

    8. I am LOLing about Fairmaiden327's comment - you must have walked in on my college roommate with her boyfriend of the minute like me and smelled the same thing I did!

  14. Gross, no lets not. With this crowd I can imagine what these posts are gona read like. Jhc
    I want to see u ppl discuss the creepy blind from yesterday- thug murderers!!!

  15. Sweat, jizz, pussy funk. For safe sex smell, add cheap lube and burning latex.

    Worst thing about condom sex is eating pussy before round 2 and tasting cheap lube and burnt latex. BLECH! I don't know how hookers give BJs w/ rubbers on.

  16. People might be sweaty after sex, but that smell isn't unique to having sex. If there's a strong odor after, then I really suggest you see a doctor to look into a possible infection. And anyone who exclaims, "virgin alert!" is either a virgin themselves or seriously compensating for something.

    1. RACH! You should heed Cathy's warning.

    2. Anonymous9:01 AM

      You got me MerryB. I'm a virgin.
      Sex does smell of people's natural lubrication & sweat.

  17. Anonymous8:13 AM

    Love the demi\ashton guess. Probably doesnt work though... I think they flew commercial recently...

  18. Sex does have a smell. It's natural.

  19. Ashton and Demi!


  20. these comments have started my day off right. lol

  21. That "Valerie" nutcase who popped up on Friday is the crazy lawyer who was posting under another name for a while, right? I'm drawing a blank on the username but the person from Maryland who claims to be a former prosecutor who is obsessed with the "Enty isn't a real lawyer!" thing. There was just way too much common crazy going on in the GZ post on Friday.

  22. @Dewie
    Marcie Wogan, former criminal prosecutor, as always, M?
    Not the same :)

  23. @Sunny, thank you! I didn't remember her real name, though I suspect I jinxed us and conjured her username up - canopener just appeared in a new post, that's the ID I couldn't come up with. Ack!

  24. MerryB, you win the internets! I also want one of those mind-blanks for the Ashton/Demi mental image.

    So Valerie IS the ranty blog lawyer? Yes?

  25. "Cathy said...
    People might be sweaty after sex, but that smell isn't unique to having sex. If there's a strong odor after, then I really suggest you see a doctor to look into a possible infection. And anyone who exclaims, "virgin alert!" is either a virgin themselves or seriously compensating for something."

    Honey, when was the last time you had a good dicking? During the war? Because that might explain why you didn't smell anything, your nostrils were already filled with burning rubble and Jew teeth.

  26. Sex smells, and you can be a virgin and know it because It smells the same if you wank, leave the room and go back soon (I'm a male, it probably happens when a female does it alone too, but I'm not sure).

    1. No Kermit, females usually don't leave their wank spank around to come back and smell later. Unless you're Backdoor Farrah.

      I bet your house smells amazing.

    2. @ethorne- it must smell like garden roses.

  27. Obviously I'm not discussing my (lack of) sex life, just saying that I've used the internet the same way as 99% of the dudes.

  28. Ian McGrinty said: "Honey, when was the last time you had a good dicking? During the war? Because that might explain why you didn't smell anything, your nostrils were already filled with burning rubble and Jew teeth."

    Well folks, I've been reading this blog and commenting for years, but the weirdo newbies (I'm not saying all newbies are weird, to be clear) have officially driven me away the same way they've already driven away so many wonderful commenters. My sex life is wonderful enough that I don't feel the need to share the vivid details here (or hear the details of someone else's) when I'm just on here to guess the subject of a blind item. I'll still read posts, but I'm done sifting through the comments. Adios.

    1. @cathy - who cares what some dumbass comments on here. I like your guesses/logic. You know you have to read he comments to help with guesses- just ignore the ones you don't like.

  29. I'm just sitting here laughing about all the broads who are going to go out of their way tonight or tomorrow to bang their dude and take deep breaths afterwards.

    "Honey, do you smell something?" Why did you fart? "No the sex, does the sex smell?" If I didn't wipe off my cock it would smell. "No the ROOM you asshole, does the room smell?" What the fuck do I know? I just had my face buried in your ass warming you up. "You're NO fucking help as usual. I hope you enjoyed it, you won't be getting any of that again for a while."

    Or is it funnier that some chicks will now finish every love making session with a few spritzes of Febreez and try to avoid answering when their dudes ask why?

    1. LOL! Count, that's your comment of the month!!

    2. Hahaha I love this

    3. Count, best comment ever!

    4. Count, best comment ever!

    5. Thanks Cam & Rez. I figured it would hit close enough to home for some to be funny.

  30. Ian Mcgrinty - you, and the last sentence of your last post, are disgusting. Way to go with that offensive remark.

  31. I think Demi and Ashton. They both attended the Techcrunch Disrupt conference over the weekend, on behalf of their joint charity THORN (their re-named DNA Foundation). They flew back from the Bay Area into Burbank airport via private jet on Monday night, while Mila was doing the red carpet at the Toronto Film Festival for "Third Person"

  32. Is Ashton mostly television? He just did the Steve Jobs film.
