Monday, September 09, 2013

Blind Item #10

This openly gay female talk show host caused a scene at a hotel two weeks ago when she refused to pay money to an escort who had shown up at the hotel room of our talk show host who did not find the woman she had hired attractive enough. The escort demanded to be paid and started yelling and the talk show host started yelling and wouldn't back down and called security.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. How many openly gay female talk show hosts are there?

  3. Is Rosie still a talk show host? Hoping this is not Ellen!

  4. This isn't so much a blind as a 50/50 guess, right? I am only going to guess Rachel Maddow because I don't see Ellen cheating on the lovely Portia.

    Looks like she forgot to pay the Kill fee; wasn't that what it's called when you decide to kill the deal for whatever reason? Someone posted it once, can't remember the exact term.

  5. Rachel Maddow? Seems like her show is more a talk show than news.

    1. Rach, rosie-who shouldnt be worried about anyones attractiveness-, ellen all in long term committed relationships. Im thinking wendy williams but she is not openly gay. There is also bethany franklin or something. Interesting.

    2. auntliddy - Thousands and thousand of men in committed relationships get escorts- and cheat. Don't kid yourself because he think you know them or the state of their relationships. Doesn't mean they don't love or are not committed to their partners.

    3. Tex, guess i just dont want to believe it.

  6. Whoops! Forgot Rosie! Maybe her

  7. Isn't Ellen supposed to be a bitch in real life? That her happy, dancing persona is BS? If so, I can believe it was her.

  8. There's also Sarah Gilbert, Rachel Maddow, Suze Orman, Tammy Bruce... Blind doesn't specify whether its tv or radio talk show.

  9. Suze Orman? Is her show a talk format?

  10. I didn't like the way Ellen handled that dog fiasco.

  11. I would say Queen Latifah, but she is not openly gay.

    1. Good idea forgot about her she did come out but by the time she did nobody cared anymore

  12. And yes there is kill fee which was probably in the contract which stipulated when a cancelation has to happen. The escort could have had another paying job.

  13. this seems fake to me that someone would risk others finding out for what would be to them very little money.

  14. If the escort shows up and you don't like them for some reason other than they are not as advertised it is expected that the client pay a nominal cancellation fee to cover time and expense of escort traveling to you- usually $100 or so. Usually a fraction of amount negotiated for full service. Of course every escort and client are different so shit happens because cancellation policy usually not discussed when booking.

  15. It is usually better to offer them something to avoid scenes and items like this- esp if you are a celeb/married ect.

  16. I doubt Ellen wouldn't pay the kill fee. She's loaded.

    I'm guessing Rosie.

  17. Sara Gilbert is with the 4 Non Blondes front woman and song writer, Linda Perry.

  18. I believe that when Ellen and Portia first got together, they were both in other relationships.

    If that's true, then...

  19. TexasRose is correct, and I believe I just explained this here a week or so ago. You must get some high end hookers, TXrose, cause $100 kill fee is steep. I've read it is usually $50 to pay for the driver.

    You should do the old hooker trick of telling the broad the room # across the hall from you, then checking her out through the peephole when she knocks, if you don't want to pay the kill fee. Either that or mill around the lobby or vending machine on your floor to check her out as she walks past.

    From everything I've heard, Rosie has no problem picking up chicks. I could see Ellen trying to get some discreet strange.

  20. Well, if this IS someone in a committed relationship then they're an idiot for making a public fuss.

    1. Cee Kay - Agree although some celeb egos don't like being challenged and they might have flipped when escort didn't walk away.

  21. Is/was Wanda Sykes a talk show host? I could see her yelling back!

  22. I am cracking up over the hooker trick that Count Jerkula described. That's hilarious.

  23. @Chief: They wanna be sure there aint 3 cops in the hallway, or a couple thugs.

  24. Anonymous2:46 PM


  25. I'm envisioning a new line of PSAs or perhaps an After School Special...

    "Escort Etiquette with The Count"

  26. I hope this gets revealed. If the woman is causing a scene in a hotel, all privacy gets thrown out the window along with the ugly hooker.

  27. @OneEye
    F'in hilarious!

    I think it would make a great YouTube series.

  28. Anonymous3:06 PM

    LOL, yup gay people don't cheat. They all know each other too.

  29. I was thinking Wanda Sykes too.

  30. If someone did a Bait and Switch on me, I'd call the service while the chick cooled her heels at the mini bar. I sure as hell wouldn't cause a scene...

  31. Wanda running down a hooker in a hallway would probably be hilarious and should be a bit in her next comedy special.

  32. Wendy Williams?

  33. Man, that shit happens to Tyla Banks.

    Tyla Boink
    Tyla Carpet Munch
    Tyla Dykstra
    Har de har har

  34. I hope it's not Sara Gilbert.

  35. Don't forget Jane Velez-Mitchell.
