Tuesday, September 17, 2013

Blind Item #10

Sometimes when parents smoke pot with their kids this happens. Isn't that right A list movie star couple? You didn't think it would hurt at all.


  1. Hmmm jayden the d bag. Is enty implying jayden the d bags brain cells have been fried due to his pot smoking. Would explain that stupid face he makes all the time. Gosh I wish I could see a video of someone slapping him. I would keep it on replay.

  2. Maybe "this" is your kid telling the world that kids don't need school.

  3. I don't think it's the pot that turned Jayden into an entitled D-bag.

  4. This could be the Hanks as well.

  5. Does "this" refer to glittery neon platforms or a real estate deal or laser hair removal or a Large Hadron Collider or a horizontal tomato vine?
    Endless possibilities make this blind marginally intriguing.<-- I'm lying. (..but I used a run on sentence as tribute, so....)

  6. Anonymous12:25 PM

    The drug is Scientology. Crazy fuckers

  7. Leave the MJ out of this. It's legal now, effectively, and parents drink with their young adult children all the time. Stop demonizing weed. It's childish.

  8. Pot is legal now? I'll tell that to the cops

  9. Pot should be legal, across the board. But. It has been shown to be damaging to the developing brains of teens.

    @Kno Won Uno -- LULZ

  10. MJ is effectively legal in pretty much every large US metro area except the South. So that's about 2/3-3/4 of the US population living where MJ is effectively legal, which makes it effectively legal nationwide.

    Don't cite "MJ rots your brain" studies unless you have a PhD in neurobiology. One of my friends was one of the few Federally-authorized marijuana researchers for many years and he insisted that 90% of supposedly "scientific" studies claiming that MJ was neurotoxic were utter crap. Junk science funded by the DEA.

  11. Anonymous12:59 PM

    Kno Won - fuck that was a brilliant comment.

  12. @B. Profane - I smoke daily myself, but I'm not gonna sit there and say it doesn't make you stupid. However, I didn't feel that Enty was demonizing weed, and I have always believed that weed affects the growing brain more (as evidenced by all my stupid friends vs. me, who only started at 22). I feel like you're being unnecessarily defensive here.

  13. I'm not being defensive. Did you not read the part about me getting my info from an eminent, Federally-authorized marijuana researcher?

    I started smoking MJ when I was 13, when standardized testing assessed me as having a near-genius intellect. I smoked tons of weed all the while I was ace'ing the SAT's, ACT's, AP tests and even the freakin' ASVAB. And then the GRE's. Decades later, after all that weed (and lots of hallucinogens) I still have a near-genius intellect.

    There are idiots in the world. Some of them smoke weed. That doesn't prove that smoking weed makes you an idiot.

    1. Anonymous2:59 PM

      Slow clap

    2. Right on !!! I don't know if I would smoke it w/ my 12 yr old....but now that I think about it I was only 13 when I first smoked. W/ many long breaks off. Currently, that shit is on ;-) but The only side effect being it makes me relax in the evening. It brings out my silly side. I just can't hate on it. I think more ppl should smoke, calm their shit diwn

  14. There are idiots in the world. Some of them smoke weed. That doesn't prove that you continue to supposedly have a "near-genius" intellect, therefore, weed doesn't damage brain cells. It means it didn't damage your supposed brain cells noticeably.

  15. I think all drugs should be decriminalize. The war on drugs is am epic and expensive failure. Register and get the for a sliding scale with profits being use for rehab. The crime rate would go down and billions of court costs, prisons would be saved. Then we'd be able to keep rapists and kid molesters off the streets forever. Pot is demotivating to developing brains but most kids will figure that out once anyone can get it at a CVS. Any cool factor is gone when you're in line with grandmas

  16. Sorry B Profane the evidence is new. When we were kids the pot was mild. Now not only does the current pot have more of the active ingredient of MJ, THC, like 400 per cent more, hello, it is lacking another chemical that used to present in pot in the 1970s and 1980s that countered the THC to keep everyone mellow.

    For example, teenagers who have one of the two genes for schizophrenia are at risk of having major problems with pot including psychotic episodes even suicide. Rather than mellow them out it has the opposite effect.

    I do agree that once the cool factor is gone, kids will just find something new and dangerous cause we humans are stupid like that. Crystal meth anyone? But I doubt anyone will advocate its decriminalization anytime soon.

  17. Teens still shouldn't use pot. I don't care about old idiots, but kids' brains are still developing. Any drug on them at all will mess them up.

  18. I'm a MM user and smoked pot on and off before so I'm an advocate but I don't think kids that age should be smoking frequently - how old is Jaden now? He's still young and if he's been toking up steady since younger his brain develoent is effected.

  19. "Sorry B Profane the evidence is new."

    No, no, no, no, no! Look, you fucking morons, you don't know what you're talking about. I mean, your comments alone, Tina, show obvious lack of knowledge of the psychopharmacology of cannabinoids, neurochemistry and science in general. Don't buy this "modern killer pot" bullshit. The composition of the cannabinoids in marijuana has not changed and mankind has been ingesting it for thousands of years without civilizations being laid low by brain damage.

    There's nothing dangerous about marijuana, but universal suffrage does cause brain damage.

  20. I'm not surprised all the MJ advocates like to spout how it doesn't make you stupid and is not proven harmful, yet fail to mention it STILL IS INHALING A NOXIOUS SUBSTANCE INTO YOUR LUNGS (and that has been proven harmful). That qualifies as stupid. Brace yourself world for onslaught of stoners as lung cancer patients. Just sayin...

  21. Parents that want to be buddies with their kids rather than parent them mystify me.

  22. B. Profane, no matter how much you swear, "my friend says so" is not the most convincing thing in the world. Link to some studies that prove your point, or STFU.

  23. B. Profane- you might be a genius, but are you lazy? Sure you can ace tests, but are you doing anything? Or are you just smokin'?

  24. @B.Profane....I think you're smaht. I'm not a pot smoker, but I don't think it's particularly damaging to the intellect.

    However, I do have to take slight exception to the idea that our civilization isn't being laid low by people who are apparently brain damaged. It's just not from pot.

    Also agree that inhaling heated smoke into your lungs is very, very bad for the teeny, tiny cilia. There's plenty of evidence that the cilia that collect oxygen are damaged by smoke, of any kind.

    Ingest by other methods if you don't want to delveop CPOD.

  25. Develop COPD.

    Where's my spell check when I need it?

  26. Two uneducated parents with tremendous power and money growing on the trees in the backyard raising spoiled, entitled kids with no structured education but with Scientology and pot. Sounds like a great parenting plan.

  27. Too bad no-one wants to talk about the blind. I guess you all agree it's Will & Jaden.
