Tuesday, September 10, 2013

Blind Item #10

This former A list Disney tweener apparently lots a testicle. Not, not like he went looking for it and couldn't find it but he got into a fight with a woman he was dating because he was cheating on her and she hit him with a broom handle. It wasn't that hard but got him right where it counted and he had surgery a couple of months ago.


AnonPLS said...

Is this even English? Undecipherable even for Enty!

LottaColada said...

How many testicles are we talking? Lots?

FSP said...

Selena Gomez

Seven of Eleven said...

I hope he had her arrested and charged with assault and battery. Domestic violence against men shouldn't get a pass and what she did (because he cheated? wth?) was reprehensible.

AnonPLS said...

@Lotta lots of testicles is the new bag of dicks

kpist said...

tweeners have testicles?

Sophie Helene said...

What is lotting a testicle?

Marisa said...

Waiting for Count to chime in about liking to be punched in the testes...

Jason Blue Eyes said...

he was looking for his testicles but couldn't find them?

Hate when that happens.

wrekehavoc said...

this might explain the whole beiber diaper pants phenom. you need room to heal after surgery...

DewieTheBear said...

Did Dr. Lyle Evans perform the surgery?

LottaColada said...

Lotting a testicle is a technique I'll be showing the class tomorrow. ;)

Little Miss Makes A Mess said...

“The minute you read something that you can't understand, you can almost be sure that it was drawn up by a lawyer. ”
― Will Rogers

I told all of you that Enty really IS a lawyer! Doubters be silenced!

cool cool cool said...

It is very easy to bust a nut. A friend of mine dated two guys who each only had one ball. You gotta protect those babies.

Snapdragon said...

@Seven -- AMEN!

geminigirl789 said...

wrong of me to wish that twit-boy Beiber was ex-Disney?

Little Miss Makes A Mess said...

Ah, well, the truth is always one thing, but in a way it's the other thing, the gossip, that counts. It shows where people's hearts lie.
Paul Scott

Uhhhh... said...

Throw the Jonas Bros in a bowl and fish one out

nevarmore said...

is this why Biebs always walks bent over and wears loose diaper pants? Who knew?

Anothergrayhare said...

@Count. Lovely. Go back to your basement. You'd be lucky if a woman got close enough to you to kick you in the balls.

PotPourri said...

IS Bieber Disney?

I feel sorry for the guy. I don't care who anyone is, you don't deserve to lose a body part to domestic violence. You just don't.

Little Miss Makes A Mess said...


Very Delicious.

First thing first, you should peel them.
Clean them with lemon juice and wash them with cold water.

Cut them in 4 or 6 pieces, they usually shrink once cooked, just like meat and chicken.

In a frying pan, put sunflower oil or vegetable oil, the testicles, a little bit of salt, black and brown pepper, and simply fry!

Once cooked, you will know by the change of color, put some lemon juice and turn off the heat under it. Leave it for 2 mins and tadaaaaa ready to eat!

Very good with any type of vegetable salad,

Anothergrayhare said...

Thanks for that Little Miss. So much for dinner tonight. Ick Nast and all that.

Anonymous said...

The kid that played on cody banks..?...ive heard a smack to the balls or even lightly grazing them can be painful...A broomstick to the balls had to be on a 10 pain scale.

I guess he will think twice before cheat ing or shemay come back for the other one..

Little Miss Makes A Mess said...

In Internet slang, a troll (/ˈtroʊl/, /ˈtrɒl/) is a person who sows discord on the Internet by starting arguments or upsetting people,[1] by posting inflammatory,[2] extraneous, or off-topic messages in an online community (such as a forum, chat room, or blog), either accidentally[3][4] or with the deliberate intent of provoking readers into an emotional response[5] or of otherwise disrupting normal on-topic discussion.[6]

While this sense of the word troll and its associated verb trolling are associated with Internet discourse, media attention in recent years has made such labels subjective, with trolling also used to describe intentionally provocative actions and harassment outside of an online context. For example, mass media has used troll to describe "a person who defaces Internet tribute sites with the aim of causing grief to families

Little Miss Makes A Mess said...

Jimmy Joe's Rocky Mountain Oysters Recipe

Looking for a way to spice up your next NASCAR tailgate or Super Bowl Party? Why not a heapin’ helpin’ of Rocky Mountain Oysters!

Also known as Prairie Oysters, Lug Nuts, Montana Tendergroins, Swinging Beef, Chew Chew Pees, Fried Flint Stones, Moo Marbles, Dinner Danglers, Juicy Jewels, Cowboy Caviar, and Kyle Busch's Ball Bearings—they’re actually dang good, especially if yer guests don’t know what they’re eatin’!

Now gnawin’ on animal genitalia in many parts of the world ain’t only considered a delicacy, but an aphrodisiac, too. But if you got the balls to eat’em, I ain’t gonna guarantee that yer gonna get some tonight!

Servings: More than a mouthful!
Prep time: 2 hrs (of course a while longer if ya prefer to hand harvest them balls from the bull yourself)


2 pounds calf testicles* (ya can also use lamb, sheep, or turkey balls, or those from your number one nemesis)
A few cups of beer (preferably a nut brown ale but any beer will do)
2 eggs, beaten
2 cups all-purpose flour
Half cup yellow cornmeal
Couple cups of milk
Garlic powder, salt and ground black pepper to taste
Bottled hot sauce (if fried in fat)
Vegetable oil or fat for frying

*Ya can get yer raw Rocky Mountain Oysters at most butchers. Be sure to ask for calf testicles, not bull balls. Calf testicles are the size of a walnut (no pun intended) and are much more tender.

Preparation: Have a ball at your next tailgate with Jimmy Joe's Rocky Mountain Oysters Recipe

Shuckin’ the Oyster: With a good, sharp knife, split open and remove the tough skin-like muscle that surrounds each “oyster”. (The skin will come off much easier if balls are frozen, and you peel’em while they’re thawin’). If the thought of it all makes ya bit squeamish, just pretend yer peelin’ a grape, a very large grape. (ladies, ya can’t always think about your “Ex” while peelin’. That can really help the process.

After the balls are skinned, slice each testicle into approximately 1/4- to 1/2-inch-thick ovals and place’em in a large pan or bowl with enough beer to cover them; cover and leave yer balls alone fer about 2 hours.


1. In a shallow bowl, combine eggs, flour, cornmeal, garlic powder, salt, and pepper.

2. Take your balls outta yer beer and drain.

3. Roll each ball slice into flour mixture.

4. Dip into milk.

5. Roll again into flour mixture. (repeat procedure for a crustier ball).

6. In a large, deep pot, heat oil or fat seasoned with bottled hot sauce) to 375 degrees F.

7. Deep fry yer balls 3 minutes or until golden brown (They’ll rise to the surface when done).

8. Drain on paper towels.

Serve with a fine cocktail sauce (pun indeed) and have a ball!

Trust me! They’re goooooood!

lostathome said...

Corbin Bleu?

crila16 said...

Can't be Justin Bieber...he never had any to start with.

Is it Zack?

Little Miss Makes A Mess said...


What a name! And if that isn’t bad enough, wait until you hear what this stuff is: corn smut is a disease of maize which can infect any part of the plant it usually enters the ovaries and replaces the normal kernels of the cobs with large distorted tumors analogous to mushrooms. In the United States it is (rightly) considered a pest. In Mexico… it is a delicacy. In Mexico corn smut is called huitlacoche, a Nahuatl word reportedly meaning raven’s poo. It is considered a delicacy, even being preserved and sold for a higher price than corn. For culinary use, the galls are harvested while still immature — fully mature galls are dry and almost entirely spore-filled. The immature galls, gathered two to three weeks after an ear of corn is infected, still retain moisture and, when cooked, have a flavor described as mushroom-like, sweet, savory, woody, and earthy. This “delicacy” has had difficulty entering American and European diets – for obvious reasons!

Count Jerkula said...

Oh, Grayhare, if I wanna get close to chicks, I go in my crawl space, not my basement.

Little Miss Makes A Mess said...

How Exactly Do Internet Trolls Abuse Others?

Ans: internet trolls seek to be disruptive and hurtful by using any of the following techniques:

Trolls will post abusive and hurtful comments directed at a specific person (aka "flaming" another person)
Trolls will incite broad arguments and provoke angry responses by making controversial statements. (e.g. racism, religious intolerance, bigoted or elitist views, mysogyny, extreme political views)
Trolls will narcissistically dominate conversations, trying to make themselves the center of attention. (e.g. nonstop comments about themselves and their accomplishments; repeated self-centered statements and bragging)
Trolls will start many off-topic threads, seeking to derail users from the focus of an online community.

Seven of Eleven said...

Trolls will narcissistically dominate conversations, trying to make themselves the center of attention.

That's the truth right there, Miss Mess. Congratulations on achieving your goals.

Little Miss Makes A Mess said...

Claire Hardacker studies troll psychology. A member of the linguistics and English language department at the University of Lancaster in the U.K., she noted in an e-mail that the site TechCrunch saw trolling plummet after using the Facebook option, but it "also lost the 'sparkle' and interesting debate that anonymous users had felt safe to engage in."

Trolls have many motivations, she says. Some are ornery, some sick, some dislike authority.

And they reflect deep currents in our culture.

"This is a litmus test for our society," Cauthorn says. "This is the id speaking. A lot of people see name-calling as entertainment."

Horrors . . . we like snark? Some "may actually enjoy this 'spice' in the comments, and be very disappointed to see it go," Hardacker writes. "Humans are, by their very nature, entertained by conflict and aggression."

So, she's lukewarm on the anti-troll movement. No matter how good your strategy, "it is almost impossible to prevent people from registering with fake accounts and trolling.. . .

"If they're psychologically motivated to do so, then they will find a way."

Anothergrayhare said...

Speaking of trolls, you wish Count. You wish.

urban chaos said...

Considering they are inset tweezers are you certain they may not have descended yet entward?

Btw- does anon (and the multiples two post) have issue with Jaxx or of Enty?

Little Miss Makes A Mess said...

You might not be aware of this, but there are a lot of dickheads on the Internet.

Since this phenomenon seems to get worse with the size of the crowd, it is theorized that we will reach a critical mass; an Asshole Apocalypse, if you will. That's when casual Internet users--and the corporations who want their business--will step in.

There are ways to solve this crisis, but I'm telling you now, you won't like some of them.

DewieTheBear said...

@Seven, seriously. Let's hope the doctors take away Little's internet access for the rest of the week. We're seeing some quality cray cray coming from that one.

Tara said...

Perhaps the Sprouse twins? (headlined two very popular shows, are still recognizable, and are familiar to older and younger people for their movie roles)

Bieber wasn't Disney. Other possibles include Zac Efron (High School Musical) and the Jonases.

NaughtyNurse said...

Which one of the Jonas bros has the famewhore girlfriend?

Claudea said...


Claudea said...

just because

Claudea said...


Pip said...

Cheaters suck, but move the fuck on ladies. Assault and battery isn't any better!

Little Mess was once kind of funny, awhile ago. It got old fast. Her and Rach Around should just change their profile names to LOOK! PAY ATTENTION TO ME! Talk about beating a dead horse.

Publicus said...

TimberlaKe for the win. He is widely hated, especially by Cameron Diaz

Anonymous said...

I agree with what Pip said, don't let it land you in jail if someone's cheating, success is the best revenge, imo. I so wish Wilmer Valderrama was a disney tweener right now. I'd love it if he lost one or both, just based on the string of messed up tweener girls he's left behind him.

The BLS said...

Zac Efron FTW.

esseva said...

Best comeback ever

Anonymous said...

@little miss: nope, no need to skin them, you leave skin when you castrate cattle and the muscle (cremaster or tunica dartous) are left on to cook as well, you can remove the vas defrens as it can be sinewy.

Count Jerkula said...

Thank you esseva.

Unknown said...

David henrie

Woodpecker Service Apartments said...

very nice all comment


ms snarky said...

Any time you get popular, jackass hangers on will try to infiltrate your group. Eventually they go away if you ignore them.

di butler said...

Disney Tweener A listerz-Corbin Bleu, Sprouse Twins, Zac Ephron, Mitchel Musso, Jonas Bros, Cody Simpson...?

Bieber has never been on Diz, folks.

Zeeky_Boogy_Doog said...

This post sponsored by Uniball pens!


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