Sunday, September 29, 2013

Blind Item #1 - ***WARNING - GRAPHIC****

This former A list rapper who is now a B- list but has A list name recognition had some women on his tour bus. One of the women he was into asked if they could stop so she could let her dog go to the bathroom. The rapper said he would take care of it and took the dog from the woman and then killed the dog and told her now she didn't need to stop.


  1. I don't even know what to say. :(

  2. Disgusting. I hope this is revealed.

  3. I'm sorry I LOL'd.

    This is straight up BS. SNL comedy skit.

    That being said I'll go with Nelly?

  4. Reveal this! Out and shame this subfucking human, if this is true! I would fucking kill someone who fucked with my animals!!!

  5. Friend of mine met Flo said he was a sweetheart.

  6. I'd guess DMX but he doesn't seem to be on tour.

    TI, Nas, and Rick Ross are.

    1. DMX is touring. Was running and naked in a Detroit hotel about two weeks ago after a show.

  7. .........oh my god. That's horrifying.

  8. I don't know anything about rap and who is A/B list, but I know we can rule out Waka Flocka.

  9. You post blinds about pedophiles and put graphic on a story because someone kilt a damn dog, really?

    1. Yes! Thank you, Tae Scott!

    2. Please don't ever get a dog

    3. Please don't ever get a dog

    4. Kilt? It's killed you uneducated fool. Please don't ever get a dog.

  10. I vote Nas. Asshole.


    I hope you're right Dragon.
    Even if it's fake, who in the hell thinks something like this is a good idea to post?

    If it IS (and I hope it is) fake, did that guy think killing a dog would keep her in the mood?

    She should sell the story and shame him.

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

    2. if it were true I wouldn't be surprised. Fucked up people out there.

  12. I call BS on this. The owner's still alive. A pet owner would throw a fit that would end in Someone's death! No body no death. No pet body no pet death.

  13. Jeez I so hope this is total bullshit. Why would you kill the pet of the woman you were into? That would end any attraction for me.

  14. Definitely not Nas or TI. I say Rick Ross for this one. That fat bastard is the king of the assholes and is always doing crazy shit for street cred. He is also VERY violent towards women he dates.....As if having a fat bastard like that humping and sweating on top of you isn't enough violence....geez

  15. hell this is no way, shape or form NAS!!!! don't start no BS

  16. This sounds like one of those urban legend stories. I bet this story gets passed around so many times that it gets attributed to a bunch of different people. And we will never really know who (if anyone) was guilty of this crime.

  17. Huge dick if true. She should RUN.

  18. Chris Brown isn't a rapper, right?

    This BETTER not be Marshal Mathers,

    Oh hell, this BETTER not be true.

  19. This sounds like a publicist/ hanger on cook up. " how can we toughen up our boys image in a way that hasn't been done before?
    "I got it! Pet death! Our boy be so cold an cruel, he kills a strangers pet!"
    " our boy don't do parks, where he gonna meet a dog? Strangle a dog walker's shiv tzu? Not very manly..not to mention insane."
    "True, Okay! It's a groupie's pet an he kills it to keep it quiet, see?"
    Why not just kick em out of the room?"
    " THEY'RE ON THE BUS...."
    "Why would she be on the bus?"
    He likes her so much he's carrying her to the next gig."
    *Dead Silence*
    * even the crickets are thinking about this one*
    "It'll work ."

  20. Does Michael Vick have rapper friends? Just kidding.

  21. Anonymous11:51 AM

    Lol! I DONT believe this AT ALL!

  22. Nas is A list, I'd say.

  23. HA Nice job Steam. (But did you have to bring shih-tzu's into it? "frown" They are little ewoks)

    Why would a groupie bring a dog to a concert? I don't know any pet friendly venues.

    Final verdict from over here: Bullsh*t BI.

    1. Thanks Bacon, I had my coffee this morning. : )

  24. Graphic? Damn, I was expecting some description of the sexual practices of Kim Stewart or something like that, not a fucking dead dog.

  25. Maybe it's easier to believe rather than thinking this happened to a animal but I think BS. It doesn't make sense.

    How is it easier to kill a dog than let it go to the bathroom? How did they do it? If the dog or the idea of a dog on the bus was so annoying why allow it in the first place? Doesn't an A not B list rapper have other people on their bus who will do this kind of stuff so they can continue doing whatever they want with the ladies they bring on?

    If someone was capable of this surely they would have been okay with letting the woman off the bus to take her dog to the bathroom and just ditching her. It would be the less messy option.

  26. Nas, T.I. and Rick Ross are A list. Without question.
    Why is this blind? They did the crime in front a bus full of people, can't be a huge secret.

  27. Did not happen, I don't know why I even bothered to read this one.

  28. I believe it. There are a*holes who are about power and position. You want to give THE DOG attention when I'm right here? Fine, let's take care of the dog. I'll show you who's more important here, b*! It's not about impressing her, it's showing her who's the boss and the other guys who's The Man. Just look at Vick and his "I got a dog that's typically used for lethal military training in Russia because my kids need a puppy" excuse.

  29. Please reveal this soon. I am so sick of this kind of thing.

  30. I believe it. Many people don't value pets. :(

    Also wasn't expecting the dog to die while reading it. I thought it was going to deal with beastiality.

  31. Might be false, who kows, but something like that could happen. Don't you have any idea how fucked-up some people are, even those who appear normal? I wouln't be least bit surprised if some mental mess high on drugs, fame and money did something like that. It's pointless to look for logic in their actions, some people do horrible things just because.

  32. Ughhh. Hope this is fake. If not, Rick Ross, Coolio, someone who's known for being an ass...?

  33. reveal this!!!!! and report it! subhuman piece of garbage!! coolio did play in new jersey like 2 months he is touring ...although i dont know anyone who would go near that. ew.

  34. I'm going take this opportunity to ask, and no our age, you all to sign this petition (warnings the story is graphic) asking the Craigslist to ban "rehoming" and "free to a good home" ads.

    For those not in the animal rescue arena, these animals are often "adopted" by seemingly nice people who use the dogs and cats for bait for their fighting dogs and or get sick pleasure out of torturing these animals. The story of the poor puppy who is featured in this petition was preceeded by many others...including the so-called "dog serial killer" who got free dogs off of Craigslist.

    The rescue community has long advocated a ban on these types of ads or, at the very least a disclaimer warning people where their pet may be going. Craigslist does neither.

    So please, sign the petition and help prevent another animal from going through the suffering the poor puppy featured in the petition did.

    Thank you.

    (link in next post)

  35. Wouldn't be surprised if this was true. I work for an animal rescue society and yes, there are tons of sick bastards in this world who get off on torturing, abusing and killing animals. If I thought I kill them all and get away with it I would.

  36. and I have our differences, but what you just posted...I'm just gutted...sobbing. I cannot comprehend such evil. Thank you for sharing. Signed and shared.

  37. @Meloncholy...thank you. This poor baby has been in my thoughts since this was brought to my attention. The only thing that keeps the tears at bay is that her suffering was ended humanely, and in the end she knew love. That, and hopefully her story will bring change.

    There are many reasons I am no longer heavily involved in rescue, but one of them is that for all of the happy endings, the cruelty you see inflicted on helpless babies, and seeing what humans are capable of, eventually darkens a corner of your heart. I have more respect (and love) than I can convey for the people who are able to soldier on, despite the darkness.

    Thanks again for signing and sharing.

    (now I'm sobbing too)

  38. Rehoming is a big issue with kids adopted from other countries as well. I'm not aware of a petition to stop that, though. That's sad.

  39. @creepasaurus rex Yeah, hard to believe Coolio still has touring fans...but that's where I'd look, older rapper, one who was A list, truthfully, Rick Ross wasn't a good pick, in that world,he still is an A, same with Naz, Fitty, Flo Rida, and Eminem is most definitely A list, like Kanye, Jayz, I'd say A+.

  40. I agree with Rose, no rapper would kill a dog; he would have let the woman off the bus with the dog and left them there if he wanted to be nasty. There was no reason to kill the dog. You don't get "street cred" for killing animals. This is totally made up by some bored person with nothing else to do. And, don't expect a reveal on this because (1) it's not true and (2) if it is true enty would totally be beaten up by this rapper's crew.

  41. The problem isn't the rehoming aspect, the problem is giving animals away for free and not doing due diligence, including a home visit, and a follow up visit after the rehoming.

    Free animals attracts the flakes and the freaks.

    If you must rehome your pet, charge a rehoming fee to weed out those whose intentions are not on the up and up. Get references, including a vet reference. If they don't have a vet who will vouch for them, do not rehome your pet to them.

    One of my little hobbies is to contact people who advertise their pets FREE TO A GOOD HOME on Craigs List and Kijiji and politely give pointers on safe rehoming.

    Too many people out there just don't give a damn. They just want the animal "gone". Immediately. I have gone in and rescued animals that I felt were in immediate danger because of the current owners' responses to my email.

    The campaigns about Craigs List and Kijiji is more about stopping backyard breeders/puppymills from posting on the sites, in an effort to put them out of business.

  42. This comment has been removed by the author.

  43. This comment has been removed by the author.

  44. @Lola

    I signed.

    I got my kitty off Craigslist four years ago. Even though y'all don't know me, trust me, I was looking for a new pet for my kids and a friend for my (dearly departed) fat gray guy.

    Anyone who wants a pet and isn't a nutcase would go through the background check, since they have nothing to hide.

  45. Mistang... context, honey. Context.

    There's enormous paperwork and a lot of people involved in adoptions - international and local. Even with these safeguards in place, it is extremely unfortunate that a small minority of kids are adopted by abusers. When these cases come to light, steps are taken to try to prevent it from happening again.

    Anyone can list an animal on Craigs List or Kijiji and say something like, "the first person to show up can have the dog."

    How does this compare to adopting a child?

    But really... comparing the two is kind of ridiculous.

  46. Gross blind. And criminal if true. Isn't it a crime in most places to murder someone's pet for no reason?

    It begs the question: where is Enty/s getting his/her blinds? Do people randomly email them in and they just get posted, does Enty have sources at the tabs (my guess), are most just made up - anyone here know?

    Because now we're seeing blinds about murder, of people and pets, on a regular basis. Not just the usual incest and pedo stuff. Where is it all coming from?

    1. @pookie I assume they email it to him. Some come from people he actually knows tho.

  47. If it's an urban legend then it should be on I guess it could be a new urban legend, though...I mean, they have to start somewhere, right? ;)

  48. I had a long comment and it got lost...

    In short:

    Lioness...thank you. You have a lucky little guy.

    Unknown thank you for what you do. You are one of the people who makes a difference in animal's lives everyday.

    The story this petition is based on is a rehoming issue (to differentiate from the people who have "accidental" litters and are giving them away, for example). This pup had a home but the owner was forced to give her up due to breed restrictions (the pp was either all or part pit) she advertised the dog as free - just want to find a loving home and naively thought the person who took the pup was who they presented themselves to be (a loving home) instead he was a sick, sick fuck and I will end it there because of all that happened (again, a warning that the story and photos are graphic).

    Nonetheless, as a different issue, I would be happy with a puppy mill ban and would also be happy if the pet stores who keep the puppy mills in business went under. But that's a fight for another day.

    Thanks to all of you for listening to my rant and especially to those of you that signed.

  49. WTF? Someone must have been paid off big time for this to go away. I would have prosecuted to the fullest extent.

  50. If this is True, why Not just out the person. What can be gained by keeping it a secret? If to get more readers, then, you're not that far from the creep who did this horrible gruesome thing!! Why protect him??

  51. @unknown - I agree that rehoming pets is dangerous and treating animals cruel is wrong. The reason I wanted to comment was that I notice how many people got upset over this, but the exact same thing does happen with kids. Similar to pets, kids are adopted by those who think they are ready for the responsibility, but then realize they can't handle it. These kids are then "found" new homes with no checks on the new parents. It is not monitored, so they are then sometimes sent to abusive homes. All done through online sites. So yeah these kids being adopted are being treated like unwanted pets. So, sorry, if you felt they weren't similar situations, but I felt otherwise. Again, I brought it up, not to chastise, but simply to show that animals are not the only ones experiencing these horrible incidents.

  52. If this is true, I hope to god it is revealed.

  53. I don't understand why this gets a warning, but the blinds on pedophilia don't.

    There needs to be harsher sentencing on animal abuse. Two men here were recently caught by the cops after killing a dog. I wont give details, but it is gruesome, and they did it outside during the day, with neighbors (including kids) around. They face a maximum of five years, though judging by the history of other animal killers being prosecuted here, they more than likely will not serve any time. It's just gross.

  54. Oh my. Now I have to look at the petition. I had zero idea. What evil lurks in the heart of me. Count me as another animal lover too. And it truly is our duty to protect them.

  55. It should've gotten a *Very Sad, will piss you Off!!* warning! but it's not graphic. I am angry, and sad about the death of a dog. And if this is true, I'd like to know who it is so I can continue to not buy his shitty rap records.

  56. Always blows my mind to read the assholes who post shit like, "It's just a dog." Pieces of shit. Animals don't have free will, they're totally at our mercy. Killing/harming animals is a big deal. Blows my mind people act like, " wasn't a person...get a grip."

  57. That's straight-up murder. I hope this inhuman c**t gets whats coming to him.

    Usually that's screaming sluts.

    Fuck Rappers there's no decent music coming from them except Macklemore (who is a good guy not one of these nobodies)

  58. I love animals but it always blows my mind how people freak the fuck out and are ready to kill when someone harms an animal, but they seem to be pretty blasé about kids getting raped and beaten.

    To me, they are the same, both are innocent and defenseless. I just notice more people wig out if you so much as mention a dog or cat being treated unfairly. Even if they just got a tap on the nose for shitting or pissing on their owners belongings.

  59. 50 cent,dmx,nas,flo rida,rick ross,t.i was never an A listers. 50 can't even speak without gagging for crying out loud. i'll go with eminem or jay-z.

  60. What. The. Actual. Fuck?

  61. What a terrible let down. I was thinking the graphic warning was going to lead to reading a descriptive tale of depraved kink and all I we got is a dead dog. I feel as though I succumbed to a bait and switch.

  62. Who takes a dog to fuck a celebrity in a vehicle? This is virtually the definition of ratchet.

  63. Gotta be Lil Wayne

  64. This is disgusting. I hate people.
