Tuesday, September 10, 2013

Beyonce's First Boyfriend Says He Cheated On Her

Beyonce has always said she only had two boyfriends in her life. Lyndell Locke and Jay-Z. You and I both know that Beyonce has been with way more guys than two. Actually she was never with Lyndell. That much we know to be true because the guy would have made a living talking about how he was her first. Instead he gave an interview and said that he cheated on Beyonce five times which means it was likely ten or twenty and that he didn't tell her until they split. He probably did that to make himself feel better because she wasn't going to remember his name unless her career crashed and burned and found herself back in Houston.

Beyonce keeps spinning the whole two boyfriends thing and how she saved herself for marriage and apparently people believe her when she says things like that. Why? Has she ever been honest about anything in her life? I can't wait until someone gets the nerve to write a tell all book about her. Of course if she is still married to Jay-Z the writer might end up naked in a Miami mansion being tasered to death by police, but still, there is hope.


  1. Beyonce is probably asexual.

    1. Did she beard for first guy also?

  2. I have no idea how many boyfriends she has had but she isn't saying that is how many guys she has been with. It's none of our business though. You don't have to have a boyfriend to have sex.

  3. Loving the sexy bewb signed Hilfiger tube top. The overalls make the look though.

    1. @ethorne- and look! She's a natural blonde! ;)

  4. Yeah really, if it came out that she was really with 10 guys...the only place the columns can go that is slut shaming, and nobody's got time for that.

  5. She looks the same albeit a few small cosmetic changes but nothing drastic

  6. I am in no way a Beyonce fan (for me it's Kelly Rowland, with those legs and a face that actually looks human) but ... seriously, I can totally believe that Beyonce's focus has been money and clothing and being wrapped around her mother's little finger 24/7 since birth. Maybe Beyonce kissed a few boys, but I can't see her being sexually motivated in this world. She's all about the money.

  7. I read an amazing rumour about B the other day. First of all, according to this rumour (and we've all heard this part before), she is actually 37 years old, not 32. And also, she got pregnant when she was 14, and gave birth to a girl. She named her...dun dun duuunnn...SOLANGE. And then Solange was presented as her little sister for all these years. The main reason this rumour is awesome is, of course, that that would make Beyonce a grandma. That's pretty sweet.

    1. Anonymous8:47 AM

      Maja: sounds juicy! Where do you get your gossip from?

    2. Isn't her sister 27 tho? So B had her at age 10? Assuming that B is actually 37 as you say.

    3. This rumor has been around for years. If Beyonce is that old, explain Kelly? Explain how if Solange is six years younger than Beyonces "fake" age and you add five years (37-32) you get 11....so she has Solange when she was 11?

      Your math could at least be right.

    4. Anonymous9:07 AM

      Maja, thats some very juicy gossip!

      Ive heatd the age rumor before....but not the baby one..

  8. ethorne, the overalls are pretty bad, I agree. I remember the early 90s, when we thought that it was acceptable to wear overalls. I had a pair of overall/shorts, and ... the shame as I remember it. The shame.

    1. @Barton- Ssshhhhhh!!!!! Those of us that dressed ourselves during the 90's prefer not to talk about it! Anyway, did you have both straps up or one up/one down?

    2. Had to be one strap up one down lmao I miss the 90's

  9. She needs to talk to Angie they suffer from the same selective memory loss.

  10. I'd heard the birthdate rumor before, but Beyonce was one of the celebs whose proprietary info was leaked earlier this year and I was curious enough to check hers out. The birthday on file with the IRS is the younger one.

  11. I believe that she has only been with about maybe five guys tops. Marques Houston, Nas, this guy, Jay, and Mos Def. I've had the same boyfriend since I was 18 and I'll probably only have one more after him, if that. Some people are just loyal and don't sleep around. And some do. its all gravy. Why is it so hard to believe that Beyonce of all people isn't very sexually experienced (in terms of numbers)? She seems like the type that is all about her work first and even besides the Christian thing, her dad was pretty freakin controlling so she probably didnt do that much.

    Now her sister that got preggers at 17? Another story.

  12. B actually claims she saved herself for marriage?! Yeah. Right. HA HA HA !!!

  13. All the comments about Bey's love life or lack thereof, and no mention
    Of Jay Z making problems disappear in a permanent way.

  14. No, supposedly, Solange is actually YOUNGER than they say she is, they've fudged both their ages to make it work *L*. I don't really believe this particular rumour myself, I just think it's hilarious.

  15. Yes, what does *L* mean?

  16. I believe it kinda means LOL.
    *waves at maja*!

  17. This is a big, fat who cares.

  18. Hi there Renoblondee! *waves*

    Yes...I was Laughing. Just not, you know, Out Loud.

  19. So Enty just revealed yesterday's blind?

  20. Who cares how many she has had and whether she saved herself. It took me years to own up to my libertine past but it was no ones biz.

  21. Is Enty referring to the bodyguard of Lady Gaga that was tasered to death?

  22. This comment has been removed by the author.

  23. Wasn't there also a rumour Solange was a product of someone ele's affair? ::cough, her dad, cough::

    Anyhow, the juicy part is is Enty(ies) hinting at Jay making problems go away..between this and yesterday I suggest Enty watch out.

    Now would be the time for VIP to swoop in with the whole 'you in danger, girl' gif

  24. Well considering there are pictures of Beyonce and Solange as children in the same photos and Beyonce was far from child bearing year, that would be the stupidest rumor of the century by far.

  25. Shes saving herself for a REAL marriage..not a fake one (cough)

    She cares about what otherss think wayyyyyy too much

  26. I don't see how the number of Beyoncoe's sexy times partners is relevant to anything, really.

    Her outfit in that pic is such a throwback. I love seeing the fashions from my teens and 20s on celebs and shows like Friends and Sex and the City. We all thought we looked so fab in our tube tops, half-tops and flannels.

  27. How princely if him to bring it up. What a douche.

  28. This girl is such a narcissist. Her HBO documentary was unwatchable. She's so self absorbed. She's also in her late 30's...and that girl was no virgin until she was married. What a liar.

  29. The rumor is that Kelly was a product of Matthews affairs.
    One thing I know to be true is beyonces abortion with Chico debarge back I'm the very early dc days

  30. I have never heard that Beyonce claimed to have saved herself for marriage. I remember back in that era when the press was obsessed with Britney and JSimpson's virginities. It was weird and gross and inappropriate and established a norm of asking young women about their sex lives. But I never caught wind of the DC camp claiming Bey was on the V Train. Maybe I just missed it.

    Enty says she was never with this guy b/c he would sell stories then quotes him talking about cheating on her and says he must have cheated on her more than five times. Those statements are contradictory. The post doesn't even make sense except to basically slut-shame the woman b/c she was with five guys, including her husband.

    That said, this Enty clearly has a hate-on for Bey and Jay. I'm not defending them (Bey takes credit for songs she doesn't write, which is super shitty in my book, for instance), but you realize we'll never get a post on CDAN that doesn't fit the narrative of them being liars and cheats all. the. time. By all accounts, Bey has been working her ass off since she was a little kid. Say what you will about her, but she's got a hell of a work ethic (except for those song-writing credits) and knows her business (I think her dad taught her that song credit trick).

    1. @Nom, all stars use that songwriting trick, including Madonna.

      Songwriting is where the long-term cash is. Look at Lknda Ronstadt, broke today because she didn't write her songs.

  31. I've heard the Beyonce age rumor but this should be very provable along with Courtney Stodden. Didn't they go to school, middle school or high school? Where are the yearbooks? Surely there are kids that went to school with them that can verify if they aren't the age they say they are. That must be worth something to a tabloid and there is a someone always looking to make a buck.

  32. @Rose, I believe the yearbooks have been examined and show that Beyoncé is the age she claims to be.

    I read a biography of Joan Crawford, and even though she was married 5 times, her primary love affair in her life was always with her image and with her fans.

  33. Who cares if she has been with two guys or two hundred? I don't buy her music because of her sex life. The only thing she owes me is a beat I can sing along with and dance to. Her life story or the story she wants me to believe is of no consequence. Unless she is a child molestor, child beater, murderer ... Who cares?!

  34. thats not the ex boyfriend in the picture. random fan.

    1. Thank you!! I only met them once at a gas station over by Lake Olympia when she lived over there and he was cuter and had big hair. Lol! If you look him up online, he's aged decently...much better looking than J.

  35. Beyonce certainly isn't a girl

    was that a reveal of yesterday's blind JayZ?

  36. How do you know she's never been honest? Some of these post are right up there with TMZ posting on what Lamar Odom ate. Who cares how many ppl she fcked? And yeah, I like her, she's a great performer and most certainly not a narcissist!

  37. I had a pair of velvet overalls in the 90s. Purple velvet. Horrific.

    I love how Enty hinted at yesterdays blind. LOVE.

  38. I had a pair of velvet overalls in the 90s. Purple velvet. Horrific.

    I love how Enty hinted at yesterdays blind. LOVE.

  39. I am 37 and graduated from a high school she went to...I guarantee you that she was not there at the same time. She is NOT 37, she is younger. Plus, my ex went to her church (St. John's) and his family was friends with Lyndell's family - she cheated plenty and aborted plenty. It is no secret here in Houston.

  40. She also hooked up with Kobe. Read that one on another site-I think she was 17 at the time.

  41. the first boyfriend cant talk because matthw knowles made him sign a gag order, so he wouldnt spill anything on the abortions
