Wednesday, September 18, 2013

AMC Drags Out Mad Men For Two More Years

The gap between mad men episodes is already longer than any other television project I can remember. In my mind at least it seems longer than some of the gaps I suffered through on The Sopranos. There are only going to be 13 more episodes of Mad Men. I can't wait to see them although this past season was a notch or two below the product that used to be offered. Instead of giving the audience all thirteen episodes in 2014, AMC is dragging out the show like a franchise movie that has no more books. Seven episodes will be shown next year and then the final six will be shown in 2015. So, a little over two years from now you will get six weeks of Mad Men which makes 13 new episodes over the course of the next 120 weeks.

To me they are just being ridiculous.


  1. I think once it hits the 70s, it's pretty much done. I don't want to see Dan Draper in bell bottoms and polyester.

  2. Whereas Netflix is cranking out original quality series and making all the season's episodes available on line...

  3. 2015 is when the Walking Dead spin off debuts.

  4. @Henriette, but wouldn't you want to see him in the 1980s, the go-go 80s, the Reagan years? Greed is good! And some great shoulder pad outfits on the ladies.

  5. Anonymous6:36 AM

    Oh, AMC. Mad Men is not the force that Breaking Bad is.

  6. Mad men has huge following, and public now used to waiting btwn seasons.

    1. But agree, its dopey to play it out like that, and run risk public will be sick of it by end.

  7. They only do that because they know people will go crazy. Sorry, the only show I've been willing to wait for is Louie. And the Boondocks.

  8. @Nutty_Flavor
    A big "no" to Dan Draper in the 80s. I think this show lost it's charm when it hit the late 60s.

  9. Totally agree, Enties. That gap is going to kill me. And at the end of the first set of epis, I'm going to be dying for more.

    This season was awesome for me just because Skinny Betty was back with a vengeance. When she Don Drapered Don Draper during the camping weekend, I was fist pumping while downing my wine. It was AWESOME.

    Sally Draper blew my mind this season. I hope the girl who plays her becomes a huge star.

    I really wish they did more with Joan and Peggy getting the Avon account. The Mad Men women make the show, although Megan is the weakest link, IMO.

    1. Kiernan Shipka is the name of the actress playing Sally. She sure IS an amazing actress. Check out the link where she and her bff are interviewed. Oh. My. God. So ridiculous. She is a true actress. No way did I think she could be such a dork in real life.

  10. More Hambone? Sign me up, please!!!

  11. I think "Mad Men" wants the time to end it right, to maintain its legacy. I'm a fan and it's fine with me as long as they use the time wisely. I'm so glad Breaking Bad took the time to do it right (so far, my oh my).

    I don't mind waiting for art. Better than slapped together/running out of time & ideas. If you want 'yer stories' shown on a tight schedule no matter the awful quality--watch network shows.

  12. Agree. It's gotten to the point where I barely care about the show when it returns and can't for the life of me remember where we left off because I saw the last episode 18 months ago. There's no momentum when you drag a show out that long, and in 10 episodes 3 things will happen that matter. Mad Men is still very well done overall, but the gaps and short amount of episodes have ruined it for me.

  13. Welcome to the world of being a Walking Dead fan. The split seasons are both a blessing and a curse.

  14. 2015 should be Sally hanging out at Studio 54.

  15. LOL. I'd laugh my ass off if someone leaked it!

  16. This is just stupid. I was nearly done with the show after last season, and now they're dragging it out over another 2 years? Ugh.

  17. I won't be watching...I was a diehard fan but this last season was a total snooze, with dangling storylines, sloppy unresolved scenes and characters that came out of nowhere. It was like they cut out key parts of the sub plots and never bothered to explain anything.

    Matthew Weiner is a greedy little troll and for all the money he just negotiated last season sucked.

    It's just way too long in between, they should do one long season. The show jumped the shark when Don married Toofs anyway.

  18. It works for the British...if you write good material, people will return, even if you have short seasons and huge gaps (Doctor Who, Sherlock, Downton Abbey, Absolutely Fabulous, etc., etc.). The British have done stellar tv like that for years.

  19. Susan - some over for the MadMen party at my house for the season opener! I can't wait. Dress up period show clothing optional, drinking is not optional.

    I'm not a JJ fan but I love skinny Betty and Sally.

  20. Look, I love Mad Men. I even loved last season though I thought they wasted a bunch of time and not necessarily on Megan...there just seemed to be a lot of filler.

    With that being said, I do NOT want to watch only 7 episodes of the show next year. To me, it usually takes 7 episodes for the season to even get obsessively good. They had better pack every punch imaginable into those 7 hours. (probably more like 4.5 hours with commercials)

    Sally at boarding school, Joan's rising career, Don's inevitable 3rd wife, Pete's demise or huge rise (hard to tell right now) I just don't see it happening.

    And judging from last seasons ending *SPOILER ALERT* it looks like we're going back to Don's roots anyway. It'll take at least 3 episodes full of those often horrible flashbacks just to get the season started.

    I hope they turn out something epic, though. If it ends horribly, it'll be the second time in my 25 years that I became obsessed with a show from day 1, only to watch it die from a cheesy horrible ending...the first one being LOST. (DONT even get me started on that shitshow of a final season...)

  21. Can anyone explain this show's appeal to me? Seriously, anyone. After hearing all the hype I watched an episode, and I was never so bored in my life. And I'm someone who LOVES traditional soap operas, with the drawn-out scenes and slow reveals! I'm sorry, I just do not get the appeal. And Hamm's sure not it.

    1. I watched it on Netflix, over about a year. It gets good about six episodes in. I personally HATE the 60s styles, but the costuming, styling, and period decor are simply impeccable. The acting-cruelty, despair, and reeling from the impact of thoughtless, reckless actions-are unlike anything I have seen. Because a lot of this show is quiet and subtle, you can come up with an impression of it being boring. I almost quit watching. I am glad I didn't.

      Sad it is almost over, and I think stretching the seasons into two is a bad idea. But since I am watching on Canadian Netflix, I will just wait til they all land and have myself a little bonbon party.

      For the record, I think Toofs is a great nickname. AND i think Megan ROCKS. She fights Don toofs and nails for her independence. I very grudgingly respect her, especially how he treats her.

  22. You get attached to the characters. And the writing is well done, however, it's no "Breaking Bad" as far as edge-of-your-seat action and quick moving storylines. I'd love to see Vince Gilligan take over "Mad Men".

  23. Oh, and the eye candy...

  24. The gap between mad men episodes is already longer than any other television project I can remember.

    The Sherlock fans think this is adorable of you, I'm sure. ;-) It'll be close to two years since the last episode of season (series) 2 aired (15 January 2012) when the first episode of season 3 premieres (still unannounced).

  25. AMC only have a few golden gooses left and they are going to milk it for all it's worth.

    Not surprised, but there are plenty of other shows to entertain me in the meantime.

    Gee, I can't wait to see the next episode of 'Low Winter Sun'- said no one ever.

  26. mikey - Hells bells, I'll be there - with a bottle of whiskey and canape.

    Agree with whoever said the show was all over the place with multiple storylines. And many were not tied up at the end of the season. Also agree with timebob, that AMC is milking this for all it's worth. Who could blame them? It's all about the bottom line. Remember the days when the show first started and each epi was sponsored by one product, such as BMW. There were about 3 ads per epi. Memories....

    I actually felt like the season was too short this past season. I could totally do without the Don Draper/Dick Whitman flashbacks. He was raised by a prostitute. He has a mother/whore thing going on. WE GET IT, Weiner.

    CeeKay - A lot of peeps in my real life world, say the same thing. I find the secondary characters to be much more interesting than Don Draper. Peggy, Pete Campbell, Roger Sterling, Joan, Betty, Sally - They are all FASCINATING.

    The props and wardrobe alone are really great for me.

    I also find the dialogue for the most part to be very convincing. I also watch the Newsroom right now, and one of the things that really bug me about it is that I'm always thinking, "Nobody talks like this. Ever."

    Mad Men also is very interesting to me because of the story of the women. I just think to my own parents and my grandparents and aunts and reflect on how they came up in the world during that time. Ironically, they all think the show sucks, too. Ha. One of my sisters is obsessed with it, too. And one of my aunts. We panel discuss.

  27. That is the worst promo pic this side of Kuntrashian Kristmas. SOOOO BAD.

  28. They crossed the line in the sand for me- I'm a die hard fan but I'm not going to support AMC's ineptitude or Weiner's sloppy plot developements anymore. Remember the cat fight over proceeds for this series that delayed it before? And the last season sucked?. It appears that they think that this show is unsinkable...

    I'm out- call me when its on Netflix.

  29. It's going to be 7 episodes each season for a total of 14.

  30. Mad Men fan here, too. Hated the last season (enough with Megan already!). From what I read, the reason they're splitting it is so that they don't have to extend the actors' contracts. It's not another season, it's a single season split in half, so the actors are contractually obligated to continue. Weiner is hanging on to his beautiful Titanic while ignoring the water seeping in around the plot lines.

    @Susan, Kiernan Shipka (Sally) is an amazing actress! Even Suri loves her. :)

  31. @Dolphy
    The Walking Dead is my favorite show on television, and I think 16 episodes is too much. They did fine with 13 and their split seasons are nothing like this. They just take December to February off. I think there is a bit too much saturation of the show. AMC knows how to kill their series.

  32. Yeah, Low Winter Sun has been a huge disappointment to me. I didn't even get to The Killing, and I'm glad after the way they left the 1st season in a cliffhanger.

    But I do get now why AMC is doing this: They're giving themselves more time to create some series that can replace Mad Men and Breaking Bad (and it won't be LWS, that's for sure).

  33. If they ditch Megan in the first episode of the upcoming season I'll have no issue waiting for 2015.

  34. I’m so over Mad Men and their stunts! I will probably watch the first 7, but then I’ll get annoyed and boycott the last 7 until right before series finale. Then I’ll spend an entire day catching-up on what I missed before the final show.

    That’s what I did for Breaking Bad. I actually stopped watching BrBa after season 2. I guess I got too impatient with it? I loved-loved the 1st season, then it seemed like they spent season 2 making-up for killing off all of the interesting characters. Yes, I totally understand the pacing and the premise of the show: We witness the tragic metamorphosis of the family man as he slowly compromises his values and goes down the homicidal drug dealing rabbit hole, etc. Blech! I didn’t start up again until these final shows and I couldn’t believe that I didn’t miss a freakin’ thing!

    Hank still didn’t have a clue? Walt & Jessie were still messing around with the chicken man until 5 minutes ago? Saul is still breathing? Walt’s son never got a hold of his blue magic and stumbled home high as a kite? Holly is still a baby? WTF is going on with this slow-assed moving show? Then Walt mentioned in an episode that only 8 MONTHS had passed since they 1st cooked. That’s it? The entire series is only a span of 8 months?! After I thought about it, that kind of crazy money and dangerous lifestyle has such a small window that Walt & Jessie would’ve been whacked by Tucco ages ago in real life.

    Anyway, this isn’t a Breaking Bad thread, it’s about Mad Men and their shenanigans. Absence will not make the heart grow fonder. It will be outta sight, outta mind, Weiner! Of course I’ll be watching the final show, so what am I bitching about?
