Friday, September 27, 2013

Amanda Bynes Is Going To Be In The Hospital For Two More Years

Doctors have filed a report with the court that Amanda Bynes should remain in a mental health facility until at least 2015. At that point they feel she might be ready for release. That means she would end up being in the hospital for almost two years before she would be released. The doctors will have spent the few million she has left and release her out into the world with no career prospects and a public that won't really remember her. Of course I want Amanda to get better but I don't understand why she will be better in 2015 and not now. Is it a therapy thing? Is it a she won't take her medicine thing? What makes them think in two years she will take her medicine? I know that she was off the rails but it had been a fairly recent thing that happened over the course of the past year. Perhaps there was something that happened to her that triggered it or do we think this is a long term thing that she hid for years on end and suddenly didn't feel like it hiding it any longer? I don't get the feeling she was taking medicine before because her parents would have mentioned it.


FSP said...

Good for her. I see we have Enty, MD today. I hope her wig isn't confined til 2015.

PiscesTia said...

I feel like her mental health is most important over anything. If she has has of the money from her past career endeavors, then in 2015, she will be okay financially and can live a quiet life on her own from there on out. Or she could try to make a come back. It may be hard, but if she proves herself, someone will give her a chance. Then she will be this great come back Hollywood success that people love so much and she can write books and do interviews about her breakdown. Ya know, exploit herself if she wants. Either way, if it takes a couple of years to get better, then so be it. Who knows what she was struggling with before it all came to a head within this last year or so. I don't think this is anything that happened overnight.

Christopher Cruz said...

Oh man. I hope she gets her shit together.

Pip said...

Shut the fuck up Jax. You never went to medical school. Clearly something is very, very wrong, and will need a lot of talk therapy, as well as medicine.

tara17 said...

I think it's crazy she could be incarcerated for 2 years. I agree she should have access to help, but I wonder if the same situation would occur if this were about a poor person. Or a man.

Jessie said...

Geez, Ent, way to be a downer.

Kels said...

Incarcerated? Did you read the post?

OneGirlRevolution said...

@Pip...WTF is your obsession with Jax? Every single day in virtually Every. Goddamn. Post.

Apparently along with your obsession you also harbor a deep seated, weird hatred...and yet you come back. Day after fucking day. To feed that obsession/hatred.

Maybe you should talk to someone about that.

Just a thought.

Anonymous said...

I don't know who Jax is, being a newbie, but whoever wrote this post IS indeed fucking clueless. Obviously her mental health is of utmost importance, and the need for Tx is severe and warrants more than a fleeting visit and some valium.

Glitter said...

If it takes two years, it takes two years.

MISCH said...

She must have insurance from the actors guild....she's been working forever and has to be a union member...

Kelly said...

Poor thing. Get well.

Unknown said...

I remember how many laughed at her and said she was faking her illness. Not anyone here specifically, just in general. And now she's being placed in strict doctors' care for at least 18 months. So much for faking it. It just never played out that way with Amanda. She seemed to go downhill quickly, it was pretty obvious that something was legitimately wrong.

I hope she gets better and that those close to her give her the love and support she needs.

Patty said...

Some people have to spend their whole life in a mental facility. It happens. Hopefully she will get better.

L'auteur said...

As a person in the mental health field, I can tell you that it is rare that doctors would make a pronouncement such as "two more years in a mental hospital." There are no such predictions with mental health. Doctors prefer for patients to live in the real world with appropriate supports (therapy, medication, social workers etc.). There are, however, such predictions in a court of law when attorneys want to convince a judge that a person is not able to understand the charges against her...kind of a "get out of jail" card...

rajahcat said...

I think she does need some extensive treatment..pretty obvious

I have always thought some strange things have gone on in her child star days......and have heard the rumors also

it will take a while to untangle all of it-if it can be

Count Jerkula said...

No prospects is right. By the time she gets out, them buttcheeks aren't going to be worth seeing in bathroom mirror selfies.

Come on now arm chair shrinks, what diagnosis can take 2 years of confinement, meds and therapy to deal with? I'm guessing schizo.

amanda_jf said...

I'm from the UK so im not sure how your institutionalisation works, but I don't see how Drs can recommend that someone be confined for 2 years. I don't imagine mental health is something that can be accurately predicted. Couldn't she be nursed at home? Two years seems a long time.

Brenda L said...


Amanda Bynes is talented. Her comedic timing is/was spot on, even as a young child. If she gets her life together, she will have no problem getting work.

SueRH said...

Poor thing. :( I hope she's able to recover from this.

Woodsy_gal said...

@ Lola and pip - Jax is a real person. Leave her alone we are over it. Go away Pip! Second Lola's comment!

jw11 said...

We are obvs not talking about no polar disorder. She may be schizophrenic, in which case, she may be dangerous to self or others.
Not that weird, tho I agree that it's unlikely any dr would say, "yep. 2 yrs."
This is hear say and prob exaggerated, but she may very well be confined for 18 months.
My schizophrenic family member is in secure residential confinement for 9 months. He needs to be confined. He was dangerous.
I think "we" should leave her alone.
This is no laughing matter.

Meanie Rhysie said...

And, here's @Lola here to chastise @Pip...why do you care, Lola? Perhaps YOU need to speak to someone?

jw11 said...

That's supposed to be "bi-polar" not no polar.

Barton Fink said...

I think that she may have stabilized in hospital but her family and doctors may have determined that she would be best remaining in hospital for a while. TMZ is saying that "there has been no real improvement" in her mental status. Also, there are pending cases hanging over her in several places, and the minute she gets out she'll be in court, being photographed in colored wigs, making fishlips at the cameras and wearing blue hose and begging to get her vagina assassinated or whatever malarkey she's up to.

MM said...

Am I the only person who finds it horrifying that so much is publically known about her condition? I know she's in the public eye, but people have privacy rights. I wish TMZ/CDAN would drop it.

Desiree said...

Sounds like they can't get her programming right, so she has to be detained. :-)

__-__=__ said...

I hope they genuinely help her, not just take her money and put her back on the street. Agree the two years is strange. I'm sure they can always amend that. Doctors are scary here. It's a power profession that attracts plenty of crazies. I've walked without paying plenty of times. Quacks!

Anonymous said...

Having third party "authorities" depriving Amanda of her liberty is tantamount to incarceration- and I believe Tara is right for calling it as she sees it. You can't just lock someone up in a mental institution and permit the institution that is assessing a patient unilaterally decide how long the patient needs to be under their care. Just think of all if the abuses that can go on in an arrangement like that.

What if this was happening to you? Would you want an institution being able to decide your fate like this?

Amanda may have mental issues but I doubt she's a completely incapacitated zombie that can't understand what's happening to her.

Anonymous said...

It really makes one wonder, doesn't it Desiree?

nancer said...

jesus, the girl is mentally ill--i'm thinking schizophrenic. she's the right age for that. she needed to be protected from herself. she's lucky she's getting the kind of help she is---most people don't. is enty suggesting they should just let her out to self-destruct some more? she has no career prospects NOW, in her current condition either. and why is her career even a consideration? if she's not alive, she won't work again---that much is certain.

Notorious W.i.g. said...

Get your help A! Screw you Enty!

Desiree said...

@ hag, It definitely does! I for one totally believe that kind of crazy shit is for real.

Anonymous said...

There are too many repetitions of the same tropes for there not to be something to it. I don't know how deep the rabbit hole goes, but there definitely is a rabbit hole.

I know it seems f*cking insane, but don't knock it until you've read a lot of the articles and the patterns emerge.

Desiree said...

I agree 100%. I'm also pretty familiar with that website. Lots of interesting information there if you're willing to have an open mind!

I read the article about Miley right after the awards show. I found the piece about her dad very interesting, yet very sad.

Anonymous said...

Desiree: What article about Miley after the awards show. I'm interested in reading that if you want to share the link. Stuff like this interests me. Thanks!

OKay said...

Amanda looks so pretty in that picture. I hope she can find her way back to that girl.

Anonymous said...

Very sad! It really makes you see these "entertainers" in a new light.

You should take a look at too if you're interested in digging deeper into what's going on behind the scenes. James Corbett concentrates on the political realm and does not deal at all with celebrity/occult junk- but listening to his thoroughly researched reports plus thinking about vc stuff makes you really think about what's going on in the big picture. And quite frankly, it's scary.

Anonymous said...

Don't know how to make it clicky

Desiree said...

Thanks hag! corbettreport is a new one to me so I'm definitely going to check it out!

Penelope see hags link regarding the vma's. Happy reading :-)

PugsterMom said...

I was thinking of this diagnosis too. I had a close relative with it. The onset was in late teens and lasted til his death in his 50s. Meds have progressed since then and hopefully Amanda's future will be happier than my relative's was. Very sad.

Habibti said...

She will be okay. Just go on a reality tv show afterwards or do talk shows after release and the money will come in again. People are strangely fascinated by Amanda.

Anonymous said...

Schizophrenia is conventionally thought to be best treated by long term mental hospitalization. It's not as simple as "swallowing a pill."

Don't believe me? Look at the huge numbers of roaming crazy people on the streets of any American city who are hospitalized, if at all, for only 3-4 days at a time and then released. Or treated, if at all, with simply a prescription and a "good luck" from their outpatient provider in jail or in a clinic on skid row.

Beetlejuice said...

Lola is hating cause no one mentions her in every post

Lola Lola Lola Lola.

Hope that helps.

Desiree said...

Unknown said...

sounds like her brain broke and they have to reprogram her so she can be a money making walking zombie like Britney

love/hate said...

Empathy Enty has a different tune about Amanda than in days past. Mental health is so pervasive and important, I WISH people would start realizing it can take that long to become a "normal" member of society again. Having a get better date is weird and likely just a number pulled out of somewhere, but I really hope she gets all the help and love she needs. And I'm totally on board for her to have a comeback in a few years, we need people living with mental illnesses to speak out more!

Count Jerkula said...

And here I though Lindsay was going to be Frances Farmer v2.0.

They gonna have to put Miss Mandy on heavy meds to get her to go 2 yrs w/o dick.

LSD and Torture. That is how you have to reprogram someone. Break em down and build em back up. She would make a quicker turn around in Guantanamo.

Y'all say whatcha want about Lola, but she is just trying to defend people incapable of defending themselves. It may be misguided, but it is admirable.

Did anyone see Amber Tamblyn is going to be on 2 1/2 Men? I bet that Cryer fuck got a signed book.

DontRainOnMyPrada said...

You just pretty much described Britney's life for the past few years. Institution or not, that girl has been heavily medicated and controlled...and made to work like a workhorse to keep everyone in the money. I think the institution is a better idea because it gives her more privacy to recover.

Anonymous said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Anonymous said...

Often a drug induced psychosis can take time before a working diagnosis can be clinically arrived at. If the symptoms continue beyond the psychotic state it could be a dual diagnosis. They often treat the drug dependency issues as well as a tiered approach to the actual psych symptoms. Must be fucking serious though.

Unknown said...

I have to agree with Enty - even if she has schizophrenia which is the hardest mental illness to treat I find it incredulous that any doctor can say she needs to be confined to a hospital to a certain set period of time nor find the need to announce this publicly.

It make take months to get it sorted but it is way too early to say how long it will take.

Let's say it is schizophrenia. Well pot especially and other illicit drugs are going to make it worse so any addiction issues that has to be deal with first and then they have to find a medical cocktail that will work with the kind of schizophrenia she has. The biggest problem with schizophrenics is even if they find a mix that works, it is taking it regularly as they will forget or feel good and refuse to take it or they feel the meds make them zombies and refuse to take it. But she or her family if they have a conservatorship and the key word is conserve? could afford to hire someone to make sure that happens if she gets to a state of wellness.

Still I don't see how you can make any predictions like this will take 1 1/2 or 2 years to fix. It's a day by day, week by week, month by month kind of thing.

Anonymous said...

Schizophrenia is a broad spectrum which covers multiple symptoms with each individual with varying symptoms. They're probably dealing with substance issues, previous abuse/possibly PTSD and then the actual psych condition. It would involve psychiatric, therapeutic, pharmacological and personal care and Tx.

Anonymous said...

Also, potentially she has a PD. these are known to be often Tx resistant in psych circles, so couple it with possible hallucinations, paranoia, dysthymia, self harming and risk taking, substance abuse, previous abuse and trauma and you've got a whole lotta pain to unravel and treat. They'll probably review as they go. Here we have treatment orders for people unable to engage in treatment. They need dates on them legally, but they can be rescinded or extended upon review and response to Tx

Unknown said...

PA It may indeed taken longer than 2015 so anyway you slice I agree with l'auteur this is not the kind of prediction anyone should be making. And you know you do have to worry that hospitals are taking advantage of rich patients or colluding with parents with agendas and motives that are not about getting their daughter back and well again as fast as medically possible.

Unknown said...

Layna Day - it does make you wonder how many in Hollywood have real issues that they are hiding but the parasites that live off them think it is in their best interests to hide it and the longer it takes to get help the longer it may be to ever get better or it ends up being too late because they do commit suicide etc. Sad.

sayitwithyachest said...

Amanda was a perfectly normal girl before she signed her life away for fame and fortune. She has mental issues due to the fact that she is programmed as a MK Ultra. Just like Britney Spear and her "meltdown " . Everyone knows Britney is a zombie now. She's told what to say and do and has no personality what so ever. She's been programmed also but they finally got her back where she can at least function. Basically this will happen to Amanda Bynes. If they don't decide to kill her first.

Count Jerkula said...

Are the MK Ultra programming kooks here for fun or do they believe that fecking lunacy?

Anonymous said...

Good point- either way it's totally screwed up.

This is why these women need an UNBIASED court to monitor cases like this, w the presumption heavily in favor of the patient's free will. IE, conservatorships only in cases of incapacitated zombie. (Aside: incapacitated zombies don't have the wherewithal to work)

JSierra said...

@Lola you might have a point if you didn't comment on every single one of pip's posts, which makes you look like the obsessive one. Is your scroll button broken or is it physically that hard for you to scroll past others comments and ignore them?

Pinky said...

"I bet that Cryer fuck got a signed book."

THAT was funny.

Count Jerkula said...

@Pinky: Thank you.

Desiree said...

Oh count you're breaking my heart! I'm not a kook, but I do believe in alternate theories/explanations. In my way of thinking....nothing is as it seems.

Count Jerkula said...

@Desiree: If the government was programming sex slaves, then would be pilfering orphanages and juvie prisons, not Disney and Nickelodeon studios.

auntliddy said...

I concur with others here. She may and probably have some major trauma to work thru, in addition to her mental issues. I dont think there is any sort of conspiracy against her.

JSierra said...

Thanks for the links @hag, I didn't want to study today anyways. This stuff is hella interesting, i love conspiracies and all this other crazy shit.

AKM said...

I'm also in the mental health field, and L'auteur is correct. This makes no sense.

Desiree said...


This system of mind control has its origins in Illuminati based black magic practices. Multigenerational Satanic cults and high level Illuminati members have employed mind control for centuries. The basics of this type of mind control slavery was optimized and expanded after World War 2 following the gruesome experiments conducted in the Nazi concentration camps.

The primary MK-Ultra project adapted from these early systems was the Monarch Program. The reason why I think this system is important is because it is the original programming used to lay the groundwork for future more sophisticated mind control systems. The main factors for success in Monarch programming is the genetic tendency for dissociation, high intelligence and creativity.

It was discovered years ago, by the Illuminati that dissociative ability was passed on from generation to generation. The children of multigenerational abuse are good at dissociation.
All programming is anchored upon some type of trauma. A variety of scripts may be used, along with specific training for individual alter personalities. This extends into the childhood and adulthood of the slave. The idea behind this is to create the perfect slave who can carry out a variety of functions while maintaining secrecy and obedience to the programmers. Such functions may include assassination, espionage, sexual servicing, couriers, "photographic "mind file data storage, and even psychic abilities.

Barton Fink said...

I am always intrigued by a discussion that veers from schizophrenia on the one side to alien transdimensional shapeshifting mind-control conspiracies on the other.

OneGirlRevolution said...

@Count +1

(Geez...if we aren't careful, people are going to start talking about us)

Lisa said...

Good grief Enty one would think that you would understand some law! The order is that they can keep her for up to two years not that they will keep her that long! Doctors don't want to have to go back into court every month and show progress reports and ask to keep her and a judge doesn't want to tie up the system that way especially if it has been shown that she is severely mentally ill.
I am betting that the doctors have presented a comprehensive medical plan to her lawyer, court appointed advocate, her parents and the judge that was reviewed and approved. Every so many months they will be required to submit reports on her progress as well as other documentation on her.
My son spent 18 months in a care facility and trust me it was the longest and hardest thing we ever had to deal with but it was also something that had to be done for him.

OneGirlRevolution said... do realize that except for the weekends, I don't post much anymore, right?

Perhaps you are confusing me with the other myriad of people who are really annoyed by the obsessive Jax griping?

OneGirlRevolution said...




(now that I've wallowed, I think I'll let responses speak for themselves)

maggs said...

totally agree with you Desiree. MK Ultra is very real. Don't be mean Count, LOL! I'm not a kook either!

Jason Blue Eyes said...

There were reports early on stating Amanda was responding well to meds, now they say she isn't. Looks like it'll be a week by week, month by month case with professionals closely monitoring her behavior. They'll try one group of meds for a period, then another until they notice improvement. How long has she been in now? Over two months?

I want a signed Amber Tambourine book too. How do I get one of those?

OneGirlRevolution said...


(the +1 is to the MK Ultra posts, if you're not reading mobile)

Orvilla Bedinbacher said...

This just isn't right. There is something far more disturbing going on with this situation.

Hope she gets better. Hope it's for her and not for someone else. I also hope they don't go through all of her money 'getting her healthy'.

Orvilla Bedinbacher said...

@hags I so completely agree with
this statement 'Having third party "authorities" depriving Amanda of her liberty is tantamount to incarceration- and I believe Tara is right for calling it as she sees it. You can't just lock someone up in a mental institution and permit the institution that is assessing a patient unilaterally decide how long the patient needs to be under their care. Just think of all if the abuses that can go on in an arrangement like that.'

Nail right on it!!!

Count Jerkula said...

@Lola: Let em talk, Doll. Unless of course you are married. I don't wanna get caught arguing with another man's wife. That would be wrong, unless he knows and is cool with it.

Arguing with you is fun though. Much more satisfying than being hit over the head with falsehoods by the riff raff.

I'm into roleplay arguing too if you like. Just set the scene. I scummed your parking spot, ate the last Nutter Butter, showed up late for work stinking like booze and crack whore? Maybe you think enough young people will sign up for Obamacare to make it work? There are a myraid of roleplay arguments we could have. We are bound only by our imaginations and vocabularies.

Considering the friends you keep, I'm going to be unable to swap photos with you. You were kind enough to tell me your height a while back, can I trouble yo to tell me what it is you use to clean the kitchen floor? Broom, mop, sponge mop, one of those electric Shark sweeper things?

I am a guy, and half a slob, so I only use a broom (plastic bristles, sweep not push) and occasionally a wad of paper towels under my foot for spills.

kmd0113 said...

Schizophrenia is a very serious condition that is tricky o treat. Medication is not one size fits all, and it can take a while to find the right dosage. Her doctors might want to take that long to ensure that they find a medication regime that works for her as well as have her develop coping strategies she can use in the real world. There is a reason why an extremely large portion of the homeless community is schizophrenic. The meds can make them feel crappy, and they might not have strategies set up in place to help ensure that they stay on medication. When you are sick, you know taking medication will make you feel better. That isn't always the case with mental health.

Orvilla Bedinbacher said...

understandable @kmd but specifically saying 2years for treatment is something that doctors shouldn't or normally don't do. how can you quantify that amount of time...

i've worked with the homeless population and individuals with mental illness this sort of treatment isn't typical. the treatments that are typical here are treated for 6-8weeks. the patient is sent home and continues out-patient check-ins and home visits until something goes wrong and then new assessments can be made.

i find ms. bynes situation strange and upsetting.

Diana said...

It's amazing to me that this enty person thinks an entertainment career is the most important thing. LOL I guess enty is against evolving as a human. Idiot.

Sailor Mouthed Angel said...

I think some people have their arms crossed, eyes wrinkled shut and screaming that they don't want to believe in MK Ultra and Programming because it hasn't been openly discussed in their local paper or on TV. But I appreciate those that look beyond what is spoon fed to us and understand that this is real. I have a degree in History and history has shown that this type of programming is real, the CIA are evil and this shit does happen to people. I would think that after seeing Britney fall apart and become of herself that it would obvious to the public what has happened to her. I feel very bad for Amanda to be incarcerated like this. I hope she can break free. :(

Sailor Mouthed Angel said...

***Britney become a shell of herself...

Count Jerkula said...

You realize people have been going batshit crazy for centuries, right? Britney and Miss Mandy are not special cases. If anything the pedos at their networks profiled them as lil kids who would be susceptible to diddling and had at it.

Now if you wanna say the CIA runs strung out hookers to generate funds and gain info on people, then yes I agree. They aren't mind controlling the whores, they are just targeting junkies, and giving them the really good Afghan dope that is coming home in empty supply planes.

Desiree said...

Thank you sailor :)

OneGirlRevolution said...

Mental illness (being relatively common) would seem to be the simpler, more likely explanation for their decline than a convoluted government scheme to make stepford wives out of Disney and Nickelodeon stars.

Sailor Mouthed Angel said...

Yes Count, pedos did profile them, but why is it that they isn't it that these child stars have ever openly said that...not one...because they are programmed into it all. Lola, with the high occurrence of child stars having these sort of melt downs, it becomes less and less likely that they all have mental illnesses and rather have some fucked up shit happening to them, tha's why.....But no worries, you guys aren't obligated to believe me, but I just want to point out that sometimes the issues hide in plain sight.

lazyday603 said...

The problem with every conspiracy theory is that it discounts the inability of humans to all work in concert. Somebody will tell somebody else who will tell somebody else and pretty soon Bob Woodward is writing a book about it. People aren't competent enough to build these huge organizations up and keep it all secret. There are too many dumbasses in any collection of 3 or more people to make any conspiracy hold together for long. I doubt if a group of people could even agree on the outlines of a conspiracy at the start.

Count Jerkula said...

@Sailor: So I guess every rape victim, hiding in the corner, too ashamed to tell anyone or too damaged to relive the incident was also programmed by the government to keep quiet and not tell anyone, huh?

And all the people who came out as adults and said, "Hey, 30 years ago my parish priest sucked me off and then ass raped me." They were programmed by the government too?

Why don't child stars shout it from the roof tops? They were little kids and probably fucking mental to begin with. They could have thought it was their fault. They could not want to admit mommy and daddy were selling their lil asses for TV jobs. They could not want to admit the abuse actually started at home. They could just be in denial about it because every time a producer pulled their panties off they fucking shut down mentally. They might not want to out the abuse of others. They could fear for their life if they out people. They could be worried about their career. They could have brought another kid in hoping their abuse would stop if they helped get the next victim. There are 100s of more plausible reasons than that the government programmed them to be mindless cock sockets.

I hypothesize the high occurrence of meltdowns is due to the fact these kids were raised sheltered and entitled, so they have no clue how to cope in the real world.

JSierra said...

@Lola I can't keep track of my own posts, let alone yours. The only reason I said anything is because I have noticed that there are a handful of posters here lately who have decided that they do not like other posters, so they go out of their way to obsessively hate comment on every single post of those they don't like. It's like they scroll through the comments searching for those they hate so they can pick apart their words and make some moral, superior attack about what trash they are (not you, other posters). I saw your comment and my irritation with them spilled into my keyboard, which I suppose is hypocritical of me. Some have just turned the comment sections into a high school self righteous tattle fest and it irks me, my apologies for directing that irritation at you.

JSierra said...

Have I mentioned that I love a good conspiracy theory? I have never heard of any of this MK Ultra Programming shit until this board.

Bacon Ranch said...

Are you talking to me Count?

Don't f*ck with the bacon.
You f*ck with the bacon and the Illuminati and Xenu are the LEAST of your worries.



Notorious W.i.g. said...

What the hell is going on here?! I have a weird craving for Michelob Ultra and I hate that shit.

Bacon Ranch said...

Sailor et al, I have no doubt that child stars are taught early on to keep their mouths shut about improper things. Money hungry parents and a little ones yearning to be accepted and loved probably comes into play a lot. At the same time the term 'programmed' creates an image similar to Terminator.
Maybe it's screwed up formative years,maybe it's people who had no business raising children. Maybe some people are just born 'broken'.

But programmed? It's just an unfortunate word to use when it comes to human beings.

Bacon Ranch said...

I'll split one with ya W.I.G

I find it surpisingly refreshing.

OneGirlRevolution said...

@lazy...+1 seems far more likely (not to mention simple) that it is a confluence of factors. Take parents who push their children into showbiz/view their kid as a commodity, add in the availability of drugs/alcohol (especially during a period in their lives when the impulse control centers of their brains) add in encourages of yes men (and women) and you have all sorts of personal disasters waiting to happen. Then take someone with a genetic predisposition to an illness such as schizophrenia and you end up with the tragic tales of young stars like Britney and Amanda (and really, it's fairly rare to see mental illness of that ilk...most of Hollywood is beset by addiction, which, not incidentally, is the most common mental health issue amongst the general population).

No conspiracy, no mind control...Just bad parenting and a few other factors endemic to Hollywood.

Sailor Mouthed Angel said...

I'm just glad to have the conversation we are having. We can bounce back our theories and let each other decide what may be the truth. That makes me happy. :)

Count Jerkula said...

I had a moment to think, and I believe I have found the most concise way to debunk this conspiracy theory:

If the US government had a process or technique to control crazy betches and get them to keep their mouths shut, then they would market it and be out of debt by the end of 2014.

Orvilla Bedinbacher said...

@wig HIGHlarious! Nice one.

OneGirlRevolution said...

@JSierra...I appreciate the apology. Truly. I think we're all probably sick of the griping, in all of its myriad forms. Even though (as you pointed out) we are probably both adding too it. The same thing happened to me today one too many enty=Jax comments. And I do know what you are talking about, I know I irritate several people (such is life) and one of them feels the need to make a nasty/condecending comment to me whenever I post. I'm not sure when the comments became a bitchfest about enty/each other instead of the celebrities but it has way exceeded my irritation tolerance as well.

OneGirlRevolution said...

@Count...I find 3 large dogs clean up most everyday spills fairly adequately (the last time I cleaned up spilled food was when I dropped a bowl and it broke). For the actual cleaning, I use a swiffer (the kind with the wet pads, not the fancy ones) mostly because it's easy/convenient.

Alexa Rose said...

I thought she was showing many signs of schizophrenia for a few years. Very, very sad. I hope she gets better and can get back out in the real world and function. Oftentimes there is a family history of schizophrenia.

Count Jerkula said...

@Lola: Say it aint so, Sweetness! Say it aint so. A swiffer, really? Awwwwwww....DAMN. Swiffer is like the least erotic household implement.

I don't know, call me an old fashioned guy but I'm all about the mop and broom. I like when a woman toils. There aint no toiling with a swiffer, that shit just glides away the dirt and grime. I bet you don't even break a sweat with that thing.

How am I going to come home from a hard day's work, see a broad swiffing, and be like, "Yeah, that's my woman. All sexy and domesticated"? I mean, I do traditional man stuff too. I change the oil and do some back yard mechanicing to save some money for an extra night out here and there. I sit around drinking beer in a wife beater from time to time. I'm not worth my weight in shit doing anything involving woodwork, but I'm a champ a putting stuff together involving Chinese flow chart instructions.

A swiffer....maybe this wasn't meant to be? Maybe I'm not ready for a modern girl? I don't know. This is a lot to wrap my head around.

Unknown said...

I think she may have adult onset schizophrenia, and it appears it may be a treatment resistant form, which is a very sad prognosis and outcome for her.

Bit dams said...

The whole mind control thing, THAT can be prevented with tinfoil hats. Learned this from a woman at a party who reported aliens living in her attic. Numerous calls to police and fire were ignored (outrageous, right?). Then she discovered the power of the tinfoil hat. All her issues resolved. Your welcome.

SophiaB said...

I read vigilantcitizen amongst many other sites. I am not willing to take one person's word for anything, but the pattern does seem kind of simple to recognize.

I have never heard of anyone hospitalized for TWO YEARS. there is something really wrong with this whole situation.

SophiaB said...

They do that too. Look up the Franklin Files. Do a cross search on Omaha, Nebraska. There is a film and a book. Just go to YouTube. This crab has been going on for decades. Just because you don't know about it does not mean it isn't happening.

Bubbles said...

Doesn't her SAG insurance cover a big chunk of her hospital stay?

Count Jerkula said...

Miss Mandy hasn't done anything in quite some time. Dont you need a certain amount of credits each year to maintain your SAG card.

PJJ said...

It's the timing. I was just thinking about that blind the other day and thought Gaga could be the faker but I bet she doesn't fit.

PJJ said...

+1. I really like this picture ♥


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