Friday, August 09, 2013

Your Turn

How many hours a night do you sleep?


  1. Not enough - it's been 4 hours a night all week and I'm a mega crabby bitch today

  2. Not sure but no matter where I am, even on vacation, I get up at 4:50am which is the time I get up to head to the gym. Wish I could turn it off during the weekends, arrrghhh

  3. 8 usually, or 7. Shark week has made me want to sleep 14 hours. Unfortunately, that's not happening with a job, life, etc.

  4. Lucky enough to be having 10 since June. Will end in one week and back to 8. If I get less than 8 I feel physically ill.

  5. 4hrs of sleep has become a full nites rest for me.

  6. I get three hours a sleep unless I complain; then it's just two. :(

  7. *wistfully* I used to be able to sleep really well, but not anymore. Usually 3-5 hours. I envy those of you who can sleep longer. Lucky!

  8. Bad Girl's Club! Don't make VIP pop off.

  9. Thanks for that VIP!

  10. 6 to 8. Never been good sleeper, always very wakeful. Once got up in middle of night to track down noise-it was the rack on the toaster oven vibrating!!!! My hubby calls princess and the pea, anything can wake me. I envy oeople who sleep great. Use white noise machine now.

    1. @auntliddy. You too? The least little thing can wake me up (and make me a snarling bitch.) My family's called me "Princess, Princess" for years.

  11. Not enough...I'm a bit of an insomniac, and I usually get the best rest during a quick nap during the day.
    Sucks, but it is what it is.

  12. Eight. I LOVE my sleep.

  13. prob 7 total, after waking after 2 or hours, then dozing again, sleeping 2 more, then waking, but damn, that last hour before giving up is the best!

  14. My goal is 8. Rarely happens. Do like to get up early on weekends to enjoy as much time off as possible.

  15. None sometimes. Especially lately.

  16. 8-10. I have always needed a lot of sleep. Born in the Year of the Dog and all...

  17. Six, if I'm luck. Less than five and I can't function.

  18. Not enough is right

  19. Not enough but i watch asmr vids to actually relax enough to do so.

  20. Anonymous11:20 AM

    after some good ass sex, a solid 8

  21. at least 8 or I'm a kinda bitchy. Parissucks....what's the Year of the dog have to do with it? Is this why I need to sleep so much? Curious.

  22. lol! @nudibelle, anal makes u sleepy =p

  23. 8+ Longer if the dream is really good!

  24. About 5-6, and I don't think it's enough. I have a psychological aversion to going to sleep -- it feels like giving up, or like I'm going to miss something -- and I'm a natural night owl anyway. I also can't turn off my GAD brain. It's getting bad lately and I'm considering going to a sleep clinic.

  25. 4-6 during the week. On weekends when I get to sleep in I take a sleeping pill and get 8-10. It's beautiful.

  26. Redd said...
    prob 7 total, after waking after 2 or hours, then dozing again, sleeping 2 more, then waking, but damn, that last hour before giving up is the best!

    I read : "prob 7 total, after waNking after 2 or hours, then dozing again, sleeping 2 more, then waNking, but damn, that last hour before giving up is the best!".

  27. Depends on the day.
    Today, about four, and more than half an hour up because apnea.
    I hope tomorrow more than 8.

  28. I sleep in spurts I guess is the best way to put it and at most I get only a couple of hours of sleep during the night and I also take a nap during the day. I suffer from severe insomnia and unable to take any of the meds that are on the market as I have an adverse reaction to them.
    Once I do fall asleep it is usually about 4-5 in the morning and I will sleep for an hour or two then wake up. Am awake for awhile then will doze back off usually for about another hour or so and then wake again at 8 when it is time for both mine and my sons to take meds. We will take our meds and we will both usually lay back down for another hour and if lucky 2. I would not know what to do if I slept over 2 hours in any one period anymore and there are times when I only cat nap as I call them as I sleep for 30 minutes at a time but with the spasms and such it is hard to be able to sleep comfortably.

  29. Anonymous2:48 PM

    Whenever I can't sleep I read the "Your Turns". Works every time.

  30. 10+.
    Meds make me sooooo sleepy plus I could already win the gold medal in the sleeping event at the Olympics! (If there was one).

  31. I've been taking a dose of Trazadone with a shot of ZZZquil every night for about 6 months--and sleeping about 6 hrs. Prior to this I would be up for hours during the night.

    The Trazadone is a low dose that doesn't make me hung over in the am but keeps me asleep but it is slow to take effect--the ZZZquil makes me sleepy really fast.

    First time in many years I've slept this much every night.

  32. I was sleeping 3-5 hrs a few months ago but finally finished graduate school so now I'm back to 7-8!!

  33. MzHarley here - if I skip my meds I can sleep for 10-14 blissful hours. I try to never get less than 8.

  34. About 7 during the week, 8 or more on the weekends. I sleep like the dead, because I've actually slept through a tornado passing right by the house.

  35. 2-14 depending on the day.

  36. Probably about 3 - 4 all together. Depends on how well my 7 year old sleeps. And how annoying my dog is. I remember when I could sleep for 12 hours and then nap for an hour later that day. I've always really enjoyed my sleep. I think this is karma for something terrible I've done in my life....

  37. 8.5 usually.
    It's so humid now though, it's hard to get any.



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