Friday, August 30, 2013

Your Turn

Are you the black sheep of the family?


  1. nope, the exact opposite - the golden child

  2. Taking all Full Frontal Friday celeb requests. If the pics are out there, I'll post them :)

    1. @VIP - AM please.

    2. Ummmm any dirty pix of ASkars (besides the finale of TB)??

    3. VIP - my request is Aaron Paul, my newest boyfriend. This may be a challenge but I have faith that if they're out there, you're the only one who will find them!

      I'll take anything though. WINKY FACE!!!!!

    4. If you can find my beloved Brandon Flowers, lead of The Killers, I would live the test oft life as a happy and content woman!?!? A girl can hope right?!
      Thank you!

    5. WTF??? I didnt type that right. What I meant to say was I would live the rest of my life as a contented woman. Knowing what is going on underneath his jeans is vital information.

  3. Yes. I'm the oldest of four daughters. Everything any of my sisters ever did wrong was somehow my fault. I was (and still am) the scapegoat for everything.

    1. That happened to my husband. He is oldest of four, son of a Mennonite minister. His dad beat him if any of his three subs did anything wrong. This messed badly with his head.

      I trade places regularly with my younger sister. My mom is a Type A narcissist. I love her dearly but she somehow feels entitled to spout the most awful judgments about my sister to me, and about me to my sister. And do NOT bother her with the truth.

      It is The World According To Mom. Always and forever. My sister came close to a nervous breakdown a couple years ago and finally detached. Her situation was harder than mine because she was a single mom with the only grandchild.

      I got smart and moved 3000+ miles away so I only have to deal with the nonsense in small doses once or twice a year plus phone calls.

      My sister is my hero for figuring out how to withstand galeforce wind level abuse and bullshit while keeping up the relationship with the kid and the grandparents. I will never know how hard it was because she kept it mostly to herself.

      I am proud to say, though, that last Christmas, everyone in my family was happy, settled, cozy, and speaking to each other. My version of a true miracle.

  4. Well, I should qualify that. I am certainly the odd ball/square peg in a round hole, but I am not ostracized, no one is. I am actually the one they turn to when shit goes bad, because I smart and can handle things.

    Can we expect a just curious appearance to say how "black sheep" is racist?

  5. @VIP: I haven't seen nude Dana Delaney screen caps in a while, if you can find them.

    1. @Count, thanks for asking. Dana was and is one well of an actress, and so beautiful.

      @VIP, wherever you go to get all this FFF Gold, I wanna live there! Eternal gratitude. Not sure what you do for a living as I have said before, but instantaneously providing awesome nude shots SHOULD be a valuable skillset SOMEWHERE...

  6. Lets see... I'm adopted, gay and a witch.
    My family consists of "connected" lawyers and accountants, wife beaters, cheaters, and other Springer rejects.
    But yeah, I'm the black sheep.

  7. Yep yep. But in the fun way. I'll say what u want to say, but won't. :-))) I'm loved but it's understood I'm much more progressive than my siblings or parents. I'm the youngest of 5. We range in age from 40-58. So technically I'm a baby black lamb :-)

  8. Anonymous10:13 AM

    Yes- I'm inclined toward the intellectual, my family is inclined toward sports and shopping. Neither good nor bad, just different and cannot connect enough to be close.

    Actually can find points of connection through dishing on celebrity gossip, clearly my guilty pleasure.

  9. Replies
    1. YUM!!! VIP for President!!! ;-) thank u that made my weekend....

  10. Yes, I'd be the closest thing we have to a black sheep. Not married, tattooed, was pierced......oh well. I like me. :)

  11. Thank you VIP. I would definitely go to the dentist for a hair cut to get a taste of Dana.

  12. @VIP- Colin Farrell! I never tire of those pics.

  13. Ewan Mcgregor please!

    1. I second that! He's my runner up boyfriend until I tire of Aaron Paul. Then he returns to the top spot.

  14. I saw some of Farrell's sex tape. The chick he is with acts incredibly bored.

  15. I like to think im the normal one. Yes, actually, i am. I should write a book about the others, lol

  16. Definitely a black sheep, and proud of it. The stories I will tell my grandchildren...

  17. The black sheep in my DH's family has spent most of the past 25 years in jail because he can't seem to stop stealing money from others and writing bad checks. Yes, I'd call that a REAL black sheep. He is a complete embarrassment to the rest of us.

  18. I'm definitely the odd creative one in the family but it doesn't make me the black sheep. I get along with everyone.

    VIP: I much prefer your version of "your turn"

    Count are you doing your subject next Friday? BTW (not flirting) but when younger I was told I looked like Dana Delaney quite often.

  19. VIP: An added thank you for Ewan and Colin..mmm. OP is getting very lucky this weekend.

    1. Ewan/Colin sammich pleeze? As long as Colin washes and Ewan doesn't??

  20. I prefer to think of myself as the white sheep in a very black family of sheep.

  21. Nah, I think today kicked it off, and maybe VIP and I can alternate the hijacking next week. Only for a week, just to see if it can be done.

    MMmmmm. Miss Delaney used to cause tingles in a young Count's whitey tighties. 1988 was the year, I had just crested into my teens. I believe China Beach was on Wednesdays at 10, I wanna say ABC. Miss Delaney led to many a sweet dream.

    It was worth toughing through the Rosie O'Donnell stuff in that movie to get to see the glory I dreamed about as a boy.

  22. @VIP - It's my birthday, got any hot ladies to share? :)~

  23. Oh, and of course I am.

  24. Happy birthday, Dixie!

  25. no, I do tell people that I'm the white sheep of the family, though. My parents were good people with good character although my mom was an alcoholic all her life which was difficult. That said, all 3 of my brothers are idiots in range from a miserable pothead to a thief/drug dealer to an abusing, car thieving, drug dealing murderer. I don't know what happened to them, jeezus!

    1. MAYYYYBE a little bit of fetal alcohol syndrome? It surely could explain stupidity, lack of impulse control, and utter indifference to consequences. Sound familiar?

      Are you the eldest? If so maybe the drinking wasn't as bad to start. Just a theory and I am probably totally wrong.

  26. No. Except for the whole crack cocaine thing. Um Ben Affleck??

  27. The black sheep of this family was in jail, on a 5150 hold, is a booze hound and junkie, gay, going on welfare, couch surfing, and being kicked out of some place for the fifth time in not even two years.

    They think they're bucking the system, but I think they're boring. If you're going to be a black sheep, do it right. Make a living as an artist when the rest of the family are boring lawyers and accountants.

  28. No. everyone in my fam believes I'm awesome.

    @Parissucks - Not married, tattooed and pierced? You sound awesome.

    @VIP - how about throwing some Megan Fox my way? Megan in leather perhaps?

  29. I'm kinda ashamed of us that we haven't asked for more nudie pics from VIP. Who else do we want to see naked? Come on people!

  30. Anonymous11:51 AM

    Im the polar opposite-- the silver tongued dandelion.

  31. Replies
    1. @ethorne Becks Butt. Happy Friday Betch :)

    2. Thanks betch! Happy naked Friday!

  32. I'm definitely the black sheep, funny thing is my family is a bunch of weirdos.

  33. I'm the white sheep in a family of black sheeps.

  34. @VIP Molly Ringwald?

  35. Ian Somerhalder!

    Chris Hemsworth!

    And just for fun: Corey Feldman!

  36. I'm the smartest and the artiest. Well in my thirties and never been into marriages and baby-making. Never brought a guy home to meet the parents, so everybody probably assumes I'm a slut(always been popular with the boys, though). And they're right! Don't even get me started on how I spent my twenties. But the arty ones can get away with it! On the side note, I do have a respectable career these days (as well as a variety of toyboys!).

  37. Would have requested Mr Farrell, but it looks like I'm not the only one!

  38. Not even a little. Although my mother does constantly tell me I'm going to hell. Mostly because I'm the youngest, and far more successful than any of my older siblings.

  39. damn, go away and miss all the fun!!

  40. oooh @Vip rdj?? or james marsters Spike from Buffy??

    happy bday Dixie!

  41. Both my son and I are. We think for ourselves, are pierced and I had the audacity to get tattoos. Also my stepfather hated me (he was a drunk and beat the shit out of my mother most of my life and I hated him for that, didn't mind telling him so either but that was WRONG because everyone else in the fam was scared of him and did whatever he wanted them to do.) and so that hate extended to my son just because. Last time I saw him, my son and I had just lost everything in Hurricane Katrina (we lived in Biloxi MS less than 3 miles from the water) and I thought since we were homeless that we could come home. Wrong. He threw a fit and told my mother we had to leave. We did. Happily I never saw him again because he died of cancer 6 months later. I haven't spoken to my mother since because she stood by and did nothing. She is a Professional stand-by-and-let-her-children-be-abused type of person. All my brothers and sisters of course took his side. The sisters are school teachers because their father told them to be, I have a CPA brother and an electronics engineer brother, and one who is a foreman on an oil rig. Sigh. They are all married (most of them unhappily) with children. I am happily divorced. I always fantasize that I was adopted because I never belonged with those people. So yeah, I am the very definition of black sheep but that's ok. No one tells me how to live.
    VIP, thanks for the nudies. It's a great ending to a horrible week.

  42. @VIP - Benedict Cumberbatch

    I have an aunt who is hands down the black sheep, but when she passes away, the mantle will probably go to me next. I am the quirky oddball with lots of issues while everyone else is relatively "normal".

  43. @VIP - DAMN. That Works! You're the best. ;)

  44. I'm the nerd of the family, but not the black sheep.

    1. Me in s nutshell. My siblings are all very "in" and I am a mega nerdball who uses phrases like mega nerdball. But my husband and children adore me and I'm still a daddy's girl, so it's not so bad.

  45. Mostly. Perhaps more of a 70 percent cool gray, however.

  46. Yep. I am not an addict, don't smoke, I never went to prison, and I graduated from college. I am the odd girl out in my family.

  47. yep, cause i'm broke and they are all rich.

  48. Yes. My bro has a masters and my sis is a doctor, and I have no job.

  49. No, I'm just the bitch.

  50. I'm definitely the black sheep, and proud to be because I have never followed the crowd. Matter of fact, I always felt like the black sheep of my whole damned town growing up. NOBODY understood me, and I didn't understand them. I only fit in with the freaks and losers because they were the ones who just accepted everybody as they are. I'm still attracted to the dark underbelly of life, but I have kids now and can't be bringing that shit home. LOL Moving to a big city definitely helped; I'm far more comfortable here than the place I grew up and spent the first 30 years of my life.

  51. Yes, only because the original black sheep of the family died. :(

  52. I'm the "White Sheep" of the family. I'm the normal one.

  53. yes, SophiaB, maybe a touch of FAS but definitely the oldest was diagnosed as sociopathic at age 18. As for birth order I'm 3 of 4. Mom did slow it down a lot when pregnant but made up for it after. 1 & 2 also had lifeline addictions to drugs & alcohol. I got really lucky with no inclination toward excess, occasionally have 1 drink at a function, worked all my life, pay my bills, stable home life. I consider myself very very lucky.

  54. What the fuck you think, bitch?

  55. not necessarily black sheep but definitely the most different from the rest of the family.

  56. Very much so and proud of it!

  57. A little of both. Im the first grandchild on both sides so i am the immortal, perfect beloved as far as grandparents are concerened. I am also the only one to not go to college, became a stripper @ 19 just so i could get the fuck away from my drug addicted mom and my borderline retarded catholic father and his evil cunt of a new wife. Im a "bad influence" on all of my half siblings as i am the only child from my parents. I think for myself, ive always taken care of myself and the grama n grampas lovingly shake their heads and smile when the parents bitch about how i do not conform. So, yes...BLACK SHEEP is the NEW BEAUTY.
