Tuesday, August 27, 2013

Your Turn

Does anyone still listen to Blurred Lines when it comes on the radio? So, why is it played every five minutes?


  1. I never listen to a song that is played constantly. That is how I keep from getting sick of it. I still love "Somebody That I Used To Know"!

  2. Soooo sick of that song! It's not that great. Not loving his new stuff, but Robin Thicke has had much better songs that get little to no attention. The world is a strange place.

  3. I have satellite radio. I never listen to the pop stations, just First Wave, 80s on 8, Lithium, & AltNation.

    1. Anonymous10:13 AM

      @chopchop - exact stations I listen to also. Sometimes throw in "Chill" station when necessary : )

    2. Ah makes me think of Lucy, Ethel, and Fred from years ago. Goood stations.

  4. I can't remember the last time I actually listened to the radio.

  5. I've listened to it three times. I powerfully hate the Thicke family, in every way. They all suck. I detest Robin Thicke. It is a sad culture that has him as a pop star.

  6. It never comes up on the Alt Nation, XMU, First Wave or Lithium stations on XM. Why, does it suck?

  7. Never liked Robin Thicke. I listened to the song to see what all the hype was about, found it pedestrian and unimpressive, never revisited it.
    Radio? What does "radio" mean?

  8. Pretty sure I answered this question yesterday but absolutely not. I was over it the first time I heard it. :/

    On the flip side, I heard 'The Un-done Sweater Song' yesterday for probably the zillionth time and it still doesn't get old for me. Favorite.Song.Ever.

  9. We're kindred spirits @lazyday. I love me some Richard Blade.

  10. i've never even heard it once all the way through

  11. Classic vinyl for me on XM

  12. I heard the song for the first time just a couple of weeks ago (I'm not interested in new music and rarely listen to radio) and was I underwhelmed... Just another boring throwaway song nobody will remember after a few months.

  13. I listen to trop rock and classic rock, mostly, so I literally just heard it for the first time last week. I dig it. I liked it better the first time, though, when Marvin Gaye did it and it was called "Got To Give It Up."

    Barton, care to elaborate? I've always heard that Alan is a total womanizing douche.

  14. Uh, I guess I'm the odd one out. I still blare it when it comes on! Although I did just discover it not too long ago though.

    1. Me too, I still love it. Must be a blonde thing?

  15. I may be the only person in America, perhaps the world, save North Korea, who has never heard this song.* Okay, and maybe some goatherds in Afghanistan have never heard it either.

    *Rabid NPR fan. Exclusively.

    1. Absolutely. That prairie home companion is the shit. Fresh air. Wait wait don't tell me

  16. I like the song, as I've said previously. That said, I never listen to radio, so I haven't been assaulted by it.

    Reminds me of "La Vida Loca" a few years ago. That one was unescapable, unless you were driving through a tunnel. "Mmmbop" was similar.

  17. @Hanwi, I like your Garbo icon. Looks like a Sardi's piece!

  18. Yes I do, I don't hear it that much. That's because I usually don't listen to the radio much. I have my own playlist on Pandora internet radio as well as Jango. While I'm in my car I play music through my phone through the bluetooth in my car. But I do love that song. I'd rather hear that than JT's Suit and Tie.

  19. Figgy, I have not heard it either. I don't listen to the radio, only my ipod. On the rare occasion I do, then I skip the song that is played every 5 min.

  20. It's catchy, but forgettable. Also the lyrics and uncensored music video are disgustingly rapey and misogynistic.

  21. I am more sick of seeing it on tv all the time on shows like ET tonight and Extra. Its like it is the song that old people think makes them look hip because it is so popular now. I use to like it but I never wanna hear it again especially after that Miley situation

  22. @VIP -- MY SIDES!! I'm dying..lololol..cool rider....

  23. I have never heard it on the radio. I listen to sports talk all day, not the "songs to douche by" station.

    1. So you like sports radio for when you douche.


  24. oh VIP, I forgot how handsome Maxwell was. and I rarely listen to the radio.

  25. Did you know that I have never heard it? I don't listen to the radio (I know, I'm a loser), so I have never been exposed to it. I have resisted the urge so far to hop over to YouTube just so I can see what the deal is...

    1. @Chrissy Buns - I was in your shoes but took the youtube path 2 weeks ago. Do not do it. It is a horrid song, full of shitty standard off-key flat riffs and subjectification (saw the YT vid by default). Spare yourself and just remember all the other ones like this, and consider that mmmmbop (reffed by DrM above) is far better. A pop song without femmes down under.


  26. It's also cute that we all seem to like the same stations of Sirius...

  27. It's not on the radio station I listed to ever. I can't get the song "Royal" by Lorde out of my head though!!!

    Leo: I looooove WWDTM. My husband calls it Wait Wait, Don't Talk to Me. Everyone knows not to call at that time.

  28. Don't listen to radio.

  29. I just listen to sports (soccer really, fuck the rest of sports) in the radio, however, the video mesmerizes me every time I watch it on MTV.

  30. I only listen to radio stations that play hair band music from the '80s so I've never heard the song.

  31. truthfully I think the reason its so popular is the heavy borrowing from Marvin Gaye---don't even think the young unz realize that they are listening to a re-do

    It was a great song originally........

    not sure it its a tribute or a diss to Marvin......

  32. The hint that payola is keeping Blurred Lines on the airwaves is interesting in the CDAN context. Ur-Enty started out in radio and was also a label promoter.

    1. Interesting, B. Profane. I am surprised that still goes on. Though I don't know what you mean by Ur-Enty.

  33. @VIP - I get that song stuck in my head too along with the Jermaine Stewart song referenced on CDAN in the past few weeks. Lawdamerzee, that song will not leave my head!

  34. I hate that song. I don't like "pussy" music.

  35. I love Blurred Lines, and I'm not ashamed to admit it!!! Don't judge me.

  36. Who the hell actually listens to commercial radio anymore?

  37. @ VIP..niiice!

    I'm one of the .003% who think "Grease 2" is better than the original (can't stand Travolta).

  38. Hey, Grease 2 is a cinematic masterpiece! I love that freakin' movie so much!

  39. I've never heard it. I never listen to the radio; I'm all about audio books on CD or downloaded from Audible or the library.

  40. I've never heard that song. I don't feel the desire to hear it, either. I'm a dedicated NPR-listener. That and my own CDs and assorted music files.

  41. I love satellite radio. Classic and Vinyl, and some Alt, and 90's hits for me. We had it on another station the other day, and Blurred Lines came on about 3 times in 2 hours. I finally turned it off the 'hits' channel for good that day. My husband thought it was a Marvin Gaye song at first though.

  42. WELL! My BFF was visiting from NY a few weeks ago and this song came on. Our kids were all , "don't talk! We like this song!" So she and I started dancing like they do in the video. Totally ruined the song for all our kids. Haha. It's my favorite now, but only because I think back on that and how we were laughing so hard. I don't see her in person very often. Been 2 years before this visit. Anyway, enjoy it and it makes me smile :)

  43. I love that song; think it's one of the best of the year fo sho. In fact, just ended my husband's bday party tonight; we finished it off by everyone (okay, all the women) dancing to it. Same way we finished off another party Saturday night. It still rules in suburbia.

  44. I more tired of people calling it misogynistic and rapey...

  45. @di butler - it is kind of rapey...

  46. I don't hear it that often since I don't listen to pop radio, so yes, I do still enjoy it. It's also a good workout song. I like the beat & it's fun to sing along to.
