Friday, August 23, 2013

Your Turn

Have you ever been in a physical fight?


  1. Is it even possible for anyone with siblings to have never been in a physical fight? Many many times.

  2. Every day with my younger brother until he grew to 6'3" and then I backed off. I'm short.

  3. I'm the eldest of 8, so yeah.
    I'm also a hard core metal bitch so I've been in many, many mosh pits.
    And yeah, I've been known to knock a few bitches on their ass in my youth.
    Of course, I'm a respectable grown woman now so I don't knock bitches out anymore.
    I still get in the pit though.

  4. With my brother growing up. Multiple times.

  5. Not exactly.

    One time tho, I was visiting my mom in the hospital late in the evening and as I went out to my car, a guy jumped me from behind and put his arm around my neck and started feeling me up from behind, and without thinking I whipped around and started screaming and beat the crap out of him with my purse.

    Turns out he was a pervert who had been staking out the hospital and a local grocery store and following lone women to their cars.

    It was scary--I think that is the only time I've ever hit anyone--but it seemed to come naturally to me.

  6. Its just U - I'm the middle of 8, so I grew up in a rough-and-tumble household, too. Plus, in my pre-teens and teens I ran with a crowd of guys and fights often broke out between us and other groups. More than once I took on a guy and won, too. They always underestimate girls, and girls tend to underestimate themselves.

    Since I was used to punching and getting punched in my youth, I have never been afraid that a guy could physically hurt me. Sure, they could try it - but they'd have no idea what they'd be getting themselves in for. If/when they did try to get physical with me, they'd find themselves sitting on their asses if they were lucky, flat on their faces if they weren't.

    Frankly, more girls should learn to fight, so they won't be afraid of getting hit and will be able to fight back should any jerk try something with them.

    Feel strong, women.

  7. I'm gonna give you five seconds to defend yourself or take this ass whoopin'
    And DAMMIT! I just spent 10 minutes trying to make a clicky link of Tanisha threatening an ass whoopin' but don't have the smarts to pull that off. burp.

  8. Anonymous10:27 AM

    No and the only time I ever threw a punch was in line at a bar of a Tiajuana jai alai club when I was 20. A drunk dude grabbed my butt so I punched him in the face. I don't like violence but that sure felt good.

  9. I pushed a girl into a concrete wall because she attacked me. I also smashed a few heads into tile floors for talkin shit, hit a few boys in the head with rocks for hittin on me. Other than that, no I've never been in a "fight". They never fought back.

  10. was the day of my Junior Ring ceremony and my mom was outside arguing with girl who wasn't to fond of me (her boyfriend always flirted with me sometimes right in front of her). So I go outside to see what was going on and the girl swung at me, she missed. We then started going at it. I had her on the floor and grabbed my hair and pulled some of it out in the front. She then pushed me off of her got up and got her kid who was in a stroller and walked away. The joys of growing up in Bayonne.

  11. I never got a class ring.

  12. Quite a few actually in my younger days, I was a feisty little thing. Friends called me the banty rooster. Once 3 guys jumped my boyfriend in a parking lot, I grabbed the baseball bat out of his ball bag and literally chased a guy 3 times my size through the lot. I still haven't lived that down almost 20 years later, small town living at its finest.

  13. Not yet. I have one planned for this weekend though. High noon on Sunday.

  14. No, I was too much younger than my sister and brother.

  15. Unless Sunday's sermon runs long then it will be postponed until Monday at 2:45.

  16. Absolutly not I am a lady! But a if a bitch crossed me I wouldn't hesitate to put her or him in their place.

  17. Anonymous11:09 AM

    I'm the middle child in a family of girls. So there were more than a few altercations. Shoe fights, angry chases around trees, even a grungy steak knife fight. No one got knicked or stabbed. I did however get bitchslapped by my oldest sister. It was well deserved and we all lived to snipe another day. Lol

  18. a few bar brawls when I was younger those days luckily have ended

  19. a few bar brawls when I was younger those days luckily have ended

  20. Yeah I got into a fight about my class ring. I was really tired because I only slept 12 hours the night before. I was also really sad because all my pets died and I haven't found Sean Penn hot since he was Jeff spicoli. Aloha, Mr. Hand!

    1. Anonymous2:33 PM

      You should've had coffee to wake up, and kept track of how much it cost. : )

  21. Anonymous11:33 AM

    Grade 5. Our backpacks were our melee weapons. We even stopped to admire a cute stray dog. Lame, I know!

  22. My brother and I used to have "play" slap fights. It would start out just tapping the others cheek, then every touch escalated until we were slapping the snot out of each other.

    I was often his victim, he knocked me cold with the butt of his Roy Rogers gun when we played bank robber. The worst was getting laid out with a croquet mallet when he pulled up the wickets at my seventh birthday party, and I told mom.

    I believe that if accosted I wouldn't do the sensible thing and let the robber have the purse or whatever, I would fight like a crazed bitch from hell.

  23. Anonymous11:58 AM

    I'm actually surprised more siblings dont die or aren't severely maimed through sibling fights. My best friend has all sisters too and she said when she was a preteen, 2 of her sisters pushed her down a flight of stairs. One of her sisters started a potfarm in her mom's backyard story still kills me. They are all productive, successful, well balanced women now. So go figure..

  24. Too many times.
    Coke fiends are violent and you have to defend yourself unless you want to finish in hospital after a party night.

  25. In fourth grade a boy pushed me down so I grabbed his sweatshirt and pulled him down too and then I hit him with my pencil. He was always picking on girls and I was just sick of it! Jeez, I hadn't thought about that silly "fight" in years, until I read this question. Ha.

  26. When I was a kid, yes. As an adult, only once. I was attacked and fought back. On the whole, I'm a nonviolent sort of person.

  27. I'm so pleased about this Your Turn. I mentioned having a punch up fight with my brother in high school at the hairdressers & you should have seen the looks I got.

  28. Outside of martial arts tournaments/practice I have only been in one fight. Knocked a dude on his ass for throwing a rock at my friend's head and stomped on his face in my soccer cleats.

  29. I recall once a fight as a like 8 or 9 year old , dont remember why, but everyone was hitting me, and i was stunned and shocked this could even happen!!!!!! No big damage tho. I learned as a young girl to bob and weave and sling the bull to avoid getting smacked by my mother, who was fast with her smacks. I cultivated a cruel, sharp tongue that can inviserate a foe as well as a punch.

  30. Yes. Personally and professionally.

  31. I have a large, loud extended family. Dozens of cousins, young aunts and uncles, my age or close to it. We'd fight, beating the crap out of each other, secret alliances would form--pacts made to keep the weak safe from the truly 'bad seeds' like those that sprout from of almost every family tree.

    This vicious cycle known as Family Warfare would last the entire Summer, until the Annual Fall Peace Treaty was struck because you always, always put up a united front at school. Mess with one of us, mess with all of us. Until the next Summer...

    1. You made that sound super fun

  32. I have a huge family, and no, I've never been in a physical fight. What is with you people?

  33. A few, tho I really try not to any more. I find it barbaric and I was mortified after my last brujaja/brouhaha.

    HEY! Trouble comes looking for ME, not the other way around!!! ;)

  34. was one of those roll around on the ground fights... I was 8 and it was the boy op the street....I feel like I won but it was prob a stalemate...

  35. Yes. Only because I was jumped by a random crowd and had to get away.

  36. Many, including a classic one-punch fight. Mouthy dude. Waited until he threw the first punch (important to avoid felony assault charges!), stepped inside it and knocked him out with an uppercut flush on the chin. When down like a ton of bricks. Fight over.
