Wednesday, August 14, 2013

Your Turn

How many hours a night do you sleep? Is it enough?


  1. I always stay up at night, thinking about class rings and how much I wish I had gotten one.

    1. @Cathy. But really, do you think you'd still wear it? I'd still ear the ring Grandma got me, if I could fit my fat finger in it, but I can't imagine still wearing a Hanford High School ring (especially since it was my third high school.)

  2. Seriously? AGAIN?

    I don't wear my fucking high school ring anymore, either. Preemptively answering.

  3. Right on, @Cathy!

  4. The Enties don't lose any sleep coming up with Your Turn questions, obviously.

  5. wasn't this the question just a few days ago?
    CDaN has alot of insomniacs.
    Nobody still wears their class ring.
    Get it together, Enties

  6. 7 if I'm lucky and no it's not enough

  7. I have very bad insomia so I wake up throughtout the night. I sleep no more than two or three hours straight before I wake up.

  8. At least 8. My record is 16 hours.

  9. I use my class ring as a nipple ring, from which I hang my eco-friendly hemp bag. ;)

    1. @MelanchOly Baby, and then you go to sleep? ;)

    2. Oops, I mean @MelOncholy Baby. My bad.

  10. Repeat your turns make me sleepy

  11. When this question came by last week, I meant to mention Sleep Cycle, which is a great smartphone app that tracks your sleep and helps you sleep better. It also adjusts your morning alarm to wake you at the most advantageous time in your sleep cycle. Highly recommended for all people who struggle with sleep, as I do. Glad the question made a second appearance so I could bring this up.

    1. @Nutty_Flavor, the only problem with that app is if you don't sleep alone. I sleep great, but my husband gets up a lot during the night so Sleep Cycle thinks I'm always ready to wake up. I use it anyway because I like the way it wakes you up gradually.

    2. @Cool, I could see why that would be a problem. It doesn't help if the phone is on your side of the bed by the pillow?

    3. @Nutty_Flavor, that's where I have it. It seemed to work better when I had a spring mattress instead of a memory foam (though I would have guessed the opposite to be true). We have a queen-sized bed, too, so it's not like we're too close together. It's no big deal--I just groan at him that he needs to move less when getting in and out if bed.

  12. Thought I'd finally lost it. Glad to see I haven't.

  13. So, anyone tried the Cronut yet?

    1. @Nope. Nope. Can't say it sounds all that appealing, but I heard Emma Roberts will run over small children and old people to get one.

  14. What I want to know is - has anyone ever seen a ghost?

  15. 6-7, it's not enough, I prefer sleeping on my side, opposed to my back and with lots of blankets,I sleep in yoga pants/t-shirt, oh & there must be a light on somewhere in the house, fear of the dark, does that answer all your sleep questions? Are you going to come watch me sleep now?

  16. I love my sleep. NOT looking forward to school starting next week for that reason only.

  17. Yeah nellie, that's a good one. I've never had issues with ghosts or paranormal activity.

    in fact, I find most people full of shit when they say they do.

    I jokingly say I'm so broke I'd live in the amityville house if I could

  18. @Nelli I have never seen a ghost as far as I can remember but I do believe in their existance.

    On the other hand I do suffer from sleep paralysis(phenomenon in which people, either when falling asleep or wakening, temporarily experience an inability to move which tends to make you believe you are seeing or hearing demons). Look it up; it's not fake, it does exist. It can't harm you but at times can be quite scary. Knock on wood it hasn't happen to me in awhile.

  19. @ Nellie- yes I did, twice! One was sitting on a tree branch.....the other appeared beside me in my living room one night as I was about to go to bed.

  20. Not only enough sleep, but a huge lack of uninterrupted sleep (says every mom ever).

  21. Hmm, *not* enough sleep.

  22. I never sleep. I am a phantom, a ghost , a zepher.

  23. I don't get enough sleep but I Blame it on the incubus.

  24. My family has a genetic circadian rhythm dysfunction called Delayed Sleep Phase Syndrome/Disorder, we don't sleep at night. Since we naturally sleep during the day, we don't get nearly enough sleep. But at this point in my life I get about 7 hours per day, on and off.

    Yeah, we get a lot of vampire jokes.

  25. I just can't get enough...

  26. Elissa, that's a thing? Seriously? OMG it would explain so much. I always just thought I was a night owl.

  27. @888, Google it. I always thought that we were just abnormal and weird; how many other families make tacos at 4 AM??? I only found it online a couple of years ago, and it perfectly explained everything, like why it affects so many of us (though not all), and why we've had no success trying to sleep a "normal" cycle.
    Some people with that disorder sleep just a few hours off, some people--like us--sleep an entirely different shift.

  28. I'm a lifelong insomniac (genetic problem) and cannot sleep without medication. I have never known the feeling of waking up refreshed. Not once.

  29. Oh, and I TRY for 8-9 hours/night but usually wind up with about 6. Not enough.

  30. Anonymous6:47 AM

