Tuesday, August 27, 2013

VH-1 Tough Love Host Caught Exchanging Sex For Roles

Everyone knows the casting couch exists, but usually it's hidden behind a wall of silence and subtlety. The host and executive producer of Tough Love, Steve Ward has been busted though. Radar has a tape of the host offering an escort a trade. He gives her sex and he will get her on the show.

“I will promise to do my very best to get you on my show and put you at the very front of the line to be on my show if you f*ck me, right now.”

The offer was recorded by the escort when the pair were at a hotel her in Hollywood. The man told her nobody would know how she got cast on the show. Apparently the escort went ahead and had sex with the guy. The woman normally charges as much as $5000 a night for sex.

Two months after the sex, the woman auditioned, but she never made it on the show. Yeah, so you know the recording was coming out when that happened.

Hey, and guess what, Tough Love starts tomorrow on VH-1.


  1. knock me over with a feather, a bottom feeder using another bottom feeder.

    But good for her for expsosing the shit. Personally, I always thought he was gay.

  2. Never heard of it. The whole scenario reeks though. Bribery, escorts?

  3. I guess she's showing him some of her tough love. glad she recorded it.

  4. I'm sure with this show being part of the MTV family it will be nothing but high quality and sending out positive messages to the trailer park trash watching it.

  5. That's too bad! I really liked that show, it was one of the few where the women didnt get caught up in bashing each other answer seemed to really want to work the program. Like you could tell they were really going to all be friends later. Now I'm going to spend far too much time trying to guess who was escorting in previous seasons and bouncing on the old Steveeroonie

  6. Is he the one who works with his mother as a matchmaker? I saw a bit of that show and was repulsed. It was too Norman Bates for me.

  7. As for the hooker, no way a 5000/night pro falls for that. More like 500 craigslist special fluffing up her resume

  8. Douche Noz got some karmatic tuff nub! :P

  9. This is great publicity. Well done.

    1. Yeah, nuthin' like a PERFECTLY timed little scanDAHL!!!

      Sheesh. That sex tape thingy is getting old, so now THIS. Chica is a plant. She was PAID. Now she and the show will be FAMOUS!!!

      Wooo to the HOOOOOO!!

  10. Oh Shit, I wonder what his know it all mother has to say about this.

  11. Drew Barrymores company produces that show

  12. Please, like he's straight.

  13. I agree w/Timebob. Not at all surprised about this, except for the sex of the escort. The host always struck me as a bossy bottom in need of a ball gag...

    1. Ooohhh, Biloxi, you got a Way Wit' de Woids. Lovin' it!

      Bossy Bottom in need of a Ball Gag!!

      That is just so YUMMY.

      AAAANNNDDD I just mighta had too much caffeine today. Woooo!

  14. Anonymous7:44 AM

    Thought he was gay...comes across like Secrest...total douche

  15. Not surprising, I seen one of the chicks from the first season advertised on Eros back in the day. I think she was also a Miss Howard TV, where I assume the same things are required to get the spot.

  16. He is a little too good-looking to be unobjectionably heterosexual, I agree. But maybe he's just a confused mama's boy and he doesn't know what his tastes are, being clutched to his stereotypical yenta-mother's bosom 24/7.

  17. I am a horrible, horrible person, but i totally love this show. And may or may not have had some fantasies where i showed sexy Steve some of my own tough love. I can't help it guys, i was born loving shit tv.

  18. You should credit Nik Richie at the Dirty for breaking this - not Radar.
    I enjoyed his show - very disappointing but not surprising.

  19. This is old news for those of us who live in Philly and run in the same social circles. He's been cheating on this GF for years and is the total OPPSITE of what he portrays on his VH1 show. Total scumbag and womenizer.
