Today's Blind Items - Work With Her At Your Peril
You sometimes hear about people who are difficult to work with as they become a star. They change from a great person to a not so great person. Let me introduce you to someone who has never been nice to work with. I have never met one person who says she is fun to work with. I have never met anyone who says she is a pleasure to be around. I have never met anyone who says they would work with this actress again. You would have a tough time finding anyone ever in the history of Hollywood who has anything nice to say about this actress. Unless they have not met her. Or heard of her. Yeah, because if you have heard any of her stories, you would never say anything nice about her. She is from an acting family. B- list. Mostly television, although if she was smart, she would switch to movies because maybe a film could be finished before everyone wanted to run her off the set with pitchforks.
She has been kicked off several television shows. Do you know how rare that is to happen once in a lifetime? It has happened to her multiple times. Why do you ask? See the paragraph above. No one likes her. She can't even walk down a red carpet without causing drama. This past weekend she refused to walk before or after several people because she felt she was above them and was afraid they would try and pose with her to capture her fame. One her most recent show that she got kicked off, the cast would go out Friday nights after work and congratulate themselves on making it through the week with her. She would of course never want to do anything with the cast because she had other plans that were very important and could not be canceled. The crew had a raffle to see who she would yell at next. They had to have a raffle sometimes four or five times a day because that is how often there were winners.
The producers had heard of her reputation before hiring her for her most recent show, but she convinced them she had changed and matured. Nope. Granted, this time she would come out of her trailer and work even when she was angry. On one of the other shows she was booted from, she would stay in her trailer for the entire day if someone had offended her. It is quite possible she is the worst person ever to ever act.