Monday, August 26, 2013

Today's Blind Items - It's Always The Quiet Ones

This actor has never been a blind item before. It's shocking to me that he hasn't, but this actor, who has flirted with A list as a mostly movie actor his entire career has so far escaped being a blind item. Today though, the man who has a name that sounds like several others in Hollywood, finally get his chance to show up here. He seems quiet. Hell, he is quiet. Good looking. Really good looking. Women and guys in my office go crazy for this guy. He does have his issues though.

#1 - Cheated on his then girlfriend with his A+ list mostly movie actress co-star.
#2 - Went out with this B list mostly movie actress who has A list name recognition and is beloved north of the border for as long as it took to convince her to sleep with him. He went out with her for a week after they first had sex to make sure he had seen all her "tricks" as he says and then dumped her.
#3 - Cheated on his significant other with his barely underage co-star. She was legal where they had sex and she does act way older than her age. I always assumed she was in her 20's.


  1. DM
    1. Julia Roberts, co star in my best friends wedding

  2. If it's Mulroney, he's almost 50. Why am I saying that? I'm almost 57. I keep track of how old everyone is because I'm frickin delighted that I look younger than Edie Falco, OK?! It's all I have left.

  3. Cosign Dermot. Who's the ladies though?

  4. Woohoo @Cleo!!! Abigail Breslin for #3. Age of consent in OK is 16, where they just filmed August:Osage County

  5. Yep.
    2. Rachel McAdams - Family Stone

  6. Dermot Mulroney's name "sounds like several others in Hollywood?"

    Other than Dylan McDermott, whose names sound like "Dermot Mulroney?"

    1. Kermit Baloney.

      Hermit Bullpony.

      Sherbert Dullphony.

      I mean, jeez, the list is endless!

  7. High fives all around! Love when it's a team effort :)

  8. Also, Enty? If she was legal where they had sex, she wasn't underage, "barely" or otherwise. "Barely legal?" Sure. "Way too young for him?" Fair enough. But legal is legal and underage is underage, and they're two different things.

  9. Who assumes Abigail Breslin in in her 20s?? Isn't she, like 13 now?

  10. Interesting as he plays a bit of a sleaze ball in Laura Dern's cable show Enlightened which is on my must see list of HBO/other Cable shows, dying to see where Season 3 goes. Good casting.

  11. I'm with Jason - who else sounds like Dermot Mulroney

    1. There is a whole SNL skit devoted to this: Dylan McDermott or Dermot Mulroney. Quite frankly I can never tell either!
      I think that's where Enty is getting the idea that his name sounds like others: bc of the skit

  12. I was thinking someone like Chris Pine, of course not sure if he is actually straight.

  13. Sorry, @Tina Mallette, Enlightened was cancelled. I really liked that show, too. @JAS, here is another same-sounding name for the list: Dean McDermott.

  14. I love Dermot Mulroney, talented guy.

  15. Ahhh, Dolphy that's right.

  16. Also there are actually 3 of them that are confused when you count looks...It is Dermot Mulroney, Dylan McDermott and Kyle McLachlan.

  17. Who is the actress beloved North of the border??

  18. Wait guys, Dermot Mulroney was married from 1990-2007 and 2008-present. Either the first part predates 1990, thus nixing Julia, or it's not Mulroney. Says girlfriend.

  19. Had to watch the SNL skit to see who the 3rd might be.

    They tossed out Rupert Everett (but only as someone who looks similar).

  20. Beloved north of the border is definitely Rachel McAdams.

  21. Thanks Dolphy, no season 3, darn.

  22. Michael Sheen
    Martin Sheen
    Charlie Sheen

    and we definitely know Michael Sheen and Rachel were an item

  23. Really good looking? Women and guys go crazy for the guy? I don't dislike the guy - could take or leave him. But is he really good looking? Doesn't he have a hair-lip/cleft palate type thing?

  24. No wait Michael Sheen is NOT GOOD LOOKING.

  25. Plus he and Rachel were dating longer than just a few weeks

  26. What about Ryan Gosling? A+ movie actress = sandra bullock (if he had a gf)

    north of the border = Rachel

    not sure of barely underage.

    There's Ryan Gosling..ryan reynolds..

    i dont know.

    1. Ryan Gosling has been a BI several times.

  27. Ryan Gosling
    Emma Stone
    Rachel McAdams

  28. I never assumed Abigail Breslin was in her 20's. I watched The Call this weekend & I was shocked Little Miss Sunshine had more or less filled out. I doubt the #3 description is her.

  29. Abigail was 11 when she was nominated for her Oscar. That was six years ago (I think). She'd be aroundt 17 now.

  30. Ryan and Rachel dated for a long time, so it can't be them

  31. Josh Lucas?
    1. Not sure maybe Jennifer Aniston
    2. Rachel McAdams
    3. Sami Gayle (17 but looks older)

  32. Colin Firth, Colin Farrell, Will Farrell...those are the names I always mix up, but they look nothing a like.

    I would never ever have guessed Dermot, but you never know. Rachel McAdams is B list, mostly movie and beloved North of the Border in the U.S. and Canada.

  33. The Dermot Mulroney guess is good, with Julia being his A+ co-star, Rachel being the B lister...I found pictures of Dermot and Abigail online from July 26, 2013. She's 17, and co-starred with him in 2005, Family Stone. I think it's Dermot.

  34. Wow surprised I'm the first that thought of this.. CHANNING TATUM.

    Channing and Tatum are both Hollywood names and Enty alternates between "then girlfriend" and "significant other".


  35. @Groovy, excellent deductions! Pretty sure he's been in the blinds before though? Or at least his wife....

  36. If Rachel McAdams is supposed to be "beloved" around here, no one sent me the memo.

  37. Yeah, I remember the SNL skit about that. I get the names mixed up too.

  38. I thought ryan gosling too but he's be in blind items before.

  39. I LOVE Dermot Mulroney. I don't care if he's a dog or not!! I'd do him in a heartbeat! I watched him in Party Monster just last night, and he's even hot in an eye patch!

  40. Leto has been in atleast 2 blinds that I can think of.

    Sheen isn't good looking by a long shot.

    Don't have a guess though...

  41. Oh, SHIT!! See??? I just solved the blind for us! I said Dermot Mulroney when I was thinking about Dylan McDermott in my horny little head!!

  42. I always get those two mixed up, but I think this is Dylan McDermott. I'd rather it be him than Dermot Mulroney.

  43. What about the Bills-- Paxton& Pullman? I can't keep them straight at all.

    Also C Thomas Howell and Timothy Hutton. I mix them up all the time.

  44. I am with Jenn - this blind made me think of Bill Paxton/Pullman. I think this would be Bill Paxton from Big Love and the barely legal girl is Amanda Seyfried.

  45. Please don't be Paul Walker...

  46. I agree w Colin Firth. Women go nuts over him but apparently he's a real entitled asshole to the crew on movies. His squeaky clean reputation is undeserved.

  47. Ryan Reynolds cheated on Alanis with Scarlet J.

    2. ?

    3. Kristen Stewart, maybe. She was 15 or 16 when she filmed 'Adventureland' before "Twilight." It was released after Twilight but filmed first.

  48. Alexander Skarsgard

    #1 Kate Bosworth (??)
    #2 Ellen Page
    #3 Emma Holzer (wild guess, she's 16 though)
