Tuesday, August 27, 2013

Today's Blind Items - Evil Jealousy

This director was about A list when he was essentially blacklisted from working for a two year period. Why was he blacklisted? This is where it gets really interesting and really spiteful.

It starts with this A list mostly movie actor who insists on staying closeted despite everyone knowing he is gay and never seeing him with any kind of female love interest. Plus, he is an a-hole. No one really like shim. They out up with him because he is a great actor. If he sucked as an actor, he would be the old man in the gay bar, hoping he can scrape up enough money to buy some young kid enough drinks and get him to go home with him.

Anyway, this resentful closeted gay actor was having a little fling with our director. The actor was treating the openly gay director like crap, which is the actor's usual way. The director got tired of it and on his next movie had a fling with a very good looking A list mostly movie actor who enjoys the men from time to time, but never publicly talks about it any longer because he enjoys women a whole lot more.

Well, word got back to our cranky closeted A list actor and when the director would not apologize for having a fling with the other A list actor, the director was blacklisted. The cranky actor couldn't do anything about the director's project at the time, but made sure he didn't work for a few years because of some very vicious rumors he spread about the director. About Thanksgiving of last year, the director, needing to work again, apologized to the actor and the actor immediately got the director a high paying gig.


  1. Director-Byran Singer or Schumacher
    Actor-Kevin Spacey

  2. Spacey for the A-list closeted mostly-movie actor?

  3. Cranky has got to be Spacey. No clue on the others bc I suck at blinds.

  4. Is Fassbender considered A? If so I can see him and Singer going at it during filming of X-men first class or x-men days of future past.

  5. Who knew Spacey had that kind of power.....

  6. Kevin Spacey
    Robert Luketic
    Gerard Butler

    1. @Chaparra Great Job! Just finished researching, was coming to post the same!!

    2. Holy mother. Just picturing Butler and male buttsecks is giving me a raging lady boner.

    3. I don't think luketic was almost A.

  7. Misch I'm with you. Spacey pissed away his American Beauty juice almost immediately by following it up with a string of bad or indifferent films. Pay it Forward, K-Pax, The Shipping News, The Life of David Gale. If he had an ounce of Hollywood power after that run, it was because somebody still liked him. There's no way anybody thinks they can make any money with Spacey as lead.

  8. My immediate thought was Spacey too.

  9. Bryan Singer
    Kevin Spacey
    Usual Suspects

    Not sure who the other alister could be.

  10. Yep, I thought Kevin too.

  11. francis j underwood has all the power!

    1. @Boozie - Ha! Love House of Cards!

  12. This comment has been removed by the author.

  13. It's funny cus when I research Schumacher I thought of Butler since he starred in Phantom.
    Also GB would do anyone, this I can confirm.

  14. Closeted A list actor: Kevin Spacey
    Blacklisted director: Bryan Singer
    The movie they worked on together: The Usual Suspects

    The next movie (it was actually 2 movies later): X-Men
    Very good looking A list actor he had the fling with: Hugh Jackman

  15. can Gus Van Sant be the director?

  16. Well I guess this confirms everyone knows Kevin Spacey is gay...and an asshole.

  17. So spacey has that kind of power??? Esp if everyone knows he is an asshole. I wonder what the rumor was?

  18. Director: Rob Marshall
    Resentful closeted actor: Richard Gere (Chicago)
    Other A-list actor: Daniel Day Lewis (Nine)

  19. Yeah, I think this is most likely Spacey and Singer, but if that's the case, I don't believe it - not the sleeping together part, the idea that the actor was responsible for the director's lack of work. Sounds like an ax being ground.

  20. Obviously the closet actor is spacey but I think he more glass closet. Since I've been alive I haven't seen him with a women,

    The do director is Bryan singer

    The A list actor that goes gay from time to time but love the ladies could be Gerard.

  21. I thought of Spacey too, immediately. Total glass closet. Like with Lily Tomlin--The only folks who don't know aren't looking.

  22. Agree with Joel, Kevin & Gerard...Joel S directed Kevin in House of Cards released this year, and he didn't work for a few years after Phantom of the Opera (with Gerard)...

  23. In the Hollywood Justice system, Blind Items are considered especially heinous. In Blind item city, the dedicated detectives who investigate these vicious blinds are members of an elite squad known as the CdAn Unit. These are their stories. DUN

    MAIN SUSPECT:Kevin Spacey.

    Evidence: beside being bad Lex Luthor in the crap of superman returns and being in that awesome film which I cant remember right now but I know it involves a kid with a camera and bag floating beside him he is known to have a temper in real life. His own brother who wanted a 15 minutes of fame as well stated that Spacey is "weirdo" and "his private life is not the same as public life". By private I think he means gay. I would put a joke in there but I really dont know know much about him beside he's gay and sleeps with directors then blackmailed them back he is the only one who could tap him


  24. Any way to make the other A-list actor the director had a fling with be Leo? Because when he was young he told a reporter that he was bisexual, but his PR has eliminated any trace of that article. Whoever that A-lister is, he has to have some history of hinting publicly of his bisexuality. Robert Pattinson is another idea but I don't think he is "A." I suppose Jakey G is another as there have been rumors that he was openly bisexual at Columbia.

  25. Great, now I can't like Spacey any more. What a jerk!

  26. I guess Spacey's greatest acting was jacking of in the shower to Mena Suvari.

  27. I heart that comment, @The RealDragon.

  28. I find it very difficult to believe that any actor would have such power over a director, especially if that director is successful. Money is the bottom line in Hollywood, and no studio is going to avoid a money-making director on the word of some pissed-off actor. Don't buy it.

  29. Def Spacey..He is a total chicken hawk in reference to being an old man picking up young boys.

    And I wonder if Gerard is having buttscks..He's getting his dick sucked and isn't reciprocating most likely. He's a top all the way. (Besides not all gay men engage in that anyway)

  30. Kevin Spacey/Bryan Singer/Kenneth Branagh

  31. While Spacey hasn't done an Out & Proud number, he's never struck me as being "closeted" either. I thought most people have long assumed he is gay, but is just a very private person (literally, the sole pap photo I can recall showed him picking up after his dog in Central Park).

    Has he ever embarked on a fierce "Hey: I'm Hetero!" PR campaign? Because the "closeted" thing just doesn't seem to fit Spacey. He is a superb actor; but does he possess sufficient A-Listness to crack a major director's career?

    Still, am now dying to find anecdotes attesting as to whether he's seriously Cranky/evil to work with... (love Evil Lead Actor gossip ;-)

  32. Spacey and Robert Luketic, who directed '21'.

    I can see Spacey having the pull to get Liketic blacklisted. He didn't direct a movie between 2010 and 2013.

  33. I thought Spacey was already outed. Aren't there some pics of him doing a dude in a bar or something? That image was in my nightmares for a long time, but thank God I have already forgotten the details.

  34. Spacey's not closeted. He just doesn't acknowledge the closet nor any "obligation" to talk about his personal life. Also, does he even have the pull to get a director blacklisted? I just don't believe the Spacey guesses.

  35. I know for an absolute fact that Leo fools around with men, or at least used to. My friend used to be his body guard and told me about it years ago. He witnessed it first hand.

    I think it's Leo, not Gerard Butler.

  36. yes, I don't think that spacey is closeted either. I agree w/amartel, he just doesn't talk about his personal life. closeted to me in h-wood means having a beard. which he doesn't.

    I have friends who saw him at brunch in sf with a man who seemed to be his lover. no closeting. just not annoucing.

    also, it doesn't seem as though brian singer had any long period of not working. he's been working pretty steadily since the usual suspects, the movies or tv just haven't been as noteworthy.


  37. Could very well be Spacey. He doesn't exactly have to have power, just talk serious enough smack about a guy that other people don't want to work with him. We need to know the rumour...that's the good stuff, Enty!

  38. Old article with some interesting quotes from Spacey.

    He said that one day he did indeed want a family and had, in fact, been dating his personal assistant for nine years - and even joked that the "gay rumours" had added to his sex appeal.

    "For a few women, it's a challenge for them,' he said. 'They want to be the one who turns me around. I let them."

  39. Yep Spacey has a lot of clout, remember when Cruise was feuding with Speilberg and speilberg TRIED to blacKlist him it was sspacey whom he flew to england to talk into helping him.

  40. DEFINITELY Spacey and Singer. They announced right after Thanksgiving that he was directing X Men: Days of Future Past.

    I disagree that he's incredibly talented (especially now.. Spacey hasn't REALLY had a good performance in years and yes, I'm including House of Cards in that - he phoned in 70% of that role). I just think he sucked his way to the top and knows too many dirty secrets of OTHERS.

    Geez - the more I hear about what a total bitch Spacey is - the less I like him.

  41. What about Channing Tatum as the young actor? He was my first thought - he used to discuss being bisexual but hasn't publicly mentioned that in years. I guessed that his PR team though being bi would water down his action star/family man appeal.

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  42. What Movie as Gerald done with Bryan Singer?

  43. Hell, I actually love Spacey now. I'd like to take him out to supper, ply him with liquor, and get all the juicy details he must know on people to have this kind of power.

    I'd share with y'all of course. None of this Blind Algebraic Equation BS either. Names. I'd get names. ;-)

  44. Tom Hardy for the actor the director moved on to? He used to claim bisexuality, then furiously backpedalled.

  45. Not convinced it's Spacey. I know some folks who worked with him here in Canada and they all thought he was great and didn't hide his gender preferences.
    I saw him and he is far shorter than he looks.

  46. I'd have guessed an actor with Frank Sinatra kind of power - the wake-up with a horse head in your bed kind of clout. Does Spacey have THAT kind of clout? If he did, then would he not have developed better meatier roles for himself between "Men who Stare at Goats" and "House of Cards"?

  47. I was thinking it was Tom Cruise/Bryan Singer/Gerard Butler

    Or John Travolta
