Monday, August 26, 2013

TMZ And People Go Hard After Lamar Odom

The decision has been made. Lamar Odom is out of the Kardashian circle of trust. Therefore, he must pay. Before this weekend had you ever seen any kind of negative article about Lamar Odom other than the terrible t-shirts he designed for his company? Does he even still make those things? They are awful.

Here is what I want you to think about when you read all of the anti Lamar articles all over the Time Warner family, which includes TMZ, People and Huffington Post. Remember how late last week, all Khloe cared about was saving Lamar's life. Now, he goes missing for three days and the family, using TMZ and People have the world convinced he is using crack and is on some crack binge for the three days. For the sake of argument, lets assume that he is out there smoking a pipe somewhere and has been doing so for the past three days. Then, how do you explain the story this morning on TMZ that says that the pair have separated and the story yesterday on People that made sure to mention that Khloe was out without her wedding ring on.

I thought that Lamar's life was the most important and you weren't worried about the marriage right now. So, in the middle of him missing on some drug binge that you say is going to kill him, THIS is when you decide to take off your ring, make sure you are photographed with your wedding finger showing and tell the world you are separated?

That all really seems contradictory to what you had said Friday. Remember how everyone had said that no mention of the affairs would be mentioned on the show? I think you can forget about that now. I think what you are going to see is a guy who portrayed to be a drug using, cheating, out of control crack head who Khloe tried desperately to save and was going to forgive him for the cheating and only wanted him to stop using and hired people to help him and that Khloe should be sainted for everything she did. Every few seconds during these saintly moments, there will be stock footage of Kanye saying, "Yep," so that way it looks like he agrees with everything.


  1. hope he is able to sue for libel.

    1. Hey Enty- if you're going to just repeat your item from last week then why don't you just copy all the comments that were made then you lazy POS.

  2. His eyebrows though.

    And he married her so I don't feel sorry for the idiot. What did you think was going to happen?

  3. Yeah, I have to say this slander is incredibly low, even for them.

  4. Sorry enty but cant feel bad for this cheating scum, he is a adult, he is rich if he didnt want marriage he should have filed papers for divorce instead he was running around dicking everything in sight

    1. @ittookforever your are so misinformed. I bet you only read people and tmz right?.

  5. The most disturbing thing to me isn't what they (the Kardashians) do, but that they are embraced by millions of followers who are OKAY with what they do. Who are these people (their fan base)??? I mean the woman (the mom) arranged for and probably filmed a sex tape involving her daughter and then peddled it to the highest bidder. Who freaking does that???

  6. I knew as soon as a non-KarTrashian crossed Momma Pimp that the nails would come out ... Can't wait to see what Momma Pimp does to King Scott when he finally leaves KortHole.

    1. Scott is really the only one they can't get and it wouldn't even be worth it to do anything to him if he left Kourtney. Hes already shown us how bad he can get...and we still like him.

    2. Scott isn't leaving that gravy train voluntarily. If he leaves it will be because he is dismissed.

  7. Hope Lamar sues the Fuck out of the Cuntrashians.

  8. Yeah, Lamar is a big time drug addict that manages to get past the regular NBA drug tests.

  9. He shouldn't bother wasting his time and money on these jerk -offs. While 2 years ago Lamar did almost destroy his NBA career by being disinterested and out of shape he came back respectfully last year. AND NO ONE ACCUSED HIM OF BEING ON CRACK ever until the past few days. If he us on it now its from all their b.s. it could drive anyone to drugs.

  10. TMZ keeps trying to get around the NBA drug tests fact by claiming Lamar only "recently" started using crack again after the NBA season ended. But a sentence later, TMZ will say he's been a hardcore crack addict for 2 years. and that's why Khloe and Lamar's marriage has fallen apart. The NBA season is what, 6 months? And that doesn't even count the pre-season.
    Furthermore, the cheating rumors have been swirling around K&L for like a year.

    So which is it? The timeline doesn't work out at all, and TMZ contradicts itself in the middle of the damn article.

  11. Never get mixed up with the K-Klan they will destroy you.

  12. @Faith - The NBA season is 13 months.

  13. complete bullshit. an addict is not able to control the usage, hence why they are an addict. the NBA would of had no qualms announcing if he had tested dirty for any substance. as far as I can find, he never failed a drug test. does the league also test on the off-season?

  14. Wasn't it just last week that they were saying how in love they were and that they marriage was strong. So it took a week after to come up with another fake story.

  15. There doesn't appear to be an NBA off-season.

  16. Yes Lamar is an idiot for getting involved with them but if he isn't a drug addict its wrong to label him one especially since there are a ton of actual addicts out there and this is making light of it.

    Not to mention he has children I don't think they deserve this either.

  17. kanye should beware. that is all.

  18. The Kardashian's already cost this man his spot on the Lakers. That's exactly when things went downhill for the marriage. Who wouldn't despise these people and their blatant disregard for everything that he had worked so hard to achieve.

    I have not seen a photo of khloe and Lamar together in a long time. Every photo of her at a game from the last basketball season looked as though her mother told her to get her butt to the game so I can send it to tmz to look as though all is well. This marriage has been over for a long time and they all know it!

    I hope the owners of the Clippers come after the Kardashian's hard. They think they are something....they won't know what hit them when the lawyers of people with real money get through with them. I can't imagine an nba team is going to allow this trash to make them look foolish for having a crack addict playing for them.

  19. I have a feeling PMK went to him and said something like "if you don't go on this papz infested love vacation with Khloe to make up you're goin to regret it" and unfortunately stupid LO thought she was bluffing.

    Looks like Humphries got off easy really

  20. I agree with it took forever. Hes a grown man, and he knows the right way to behave. Cheating snd drugging isnt on the list. Im kind of glad to see that smirky half ass smile wiped off his idiot face. Is he off doing drugs? Who knows, but wherever he is, if all was well, he cld pick up a phone to any paper and say, hey, im fine. Imagine he turns up dead, the conspiracy theories would be awesome, lol.

  21. Under the terms of the agreement between the NBA and the players association, the league drug testing policy is as follows:

    "All players are subject to four (4) random tests each season (from October 1 to June 30). All players are also subject to two (2) random tests each off-season (from July 1 to September 30). All such tests are scheduled and conducted by an independent, third-party entity and are without prior notice to the player. The NBA and the NBPA are not involved in the scheduling of any tests or the selection of players for testing."

    Testing is year-round. Kris and Harvey should have read up on the salient details before claiming Lamar only used in the off-season.

  22. Funny how none of the mistresses mentioned his abuse/use. Wouldn't they have seen it for themselves???

    1. Vintage, the answer is in your question. " mistresses" love the recreational drugs, of course they dont mention it or have a problem with it!

  23. I don't know what the deal is, and I don't trust the Kardashians, but this guy can blow up their whole spot by just appearing in public or giving a TV interview. Why doesn't he?

  24. What I don't get is why is Time Warner helping the KAssholes. TW is a mega media company worth billions. The coverage of Kloe and Lamar on TMZ over the last couple of days has just been mind blowing from a "the hell with journalistic ethics" point of view. Why would TW allow that? I don't get this at all.

  25. PMK taking this public now and in this way makes Khloe seem all the more pathetic. She was always a distant third anyways in PMK's prize pig competition, but making her such a victim to big bad Lamar (*snert*) can't be helping the wookie's ego.

    Hahahaha, like I care about these horrible people?

  26. Michael Irving would only use crack during the off season. While he was playing with the cowboys he stayed clean. just saying it's possible.

  27. Okay so you are telling me that Lamar has been on crack for two years, all the while klhoe was trying to get pregnant by him? There are lies all around with these people, and hopefully now the public( whoever actually watches the show) can be done with them.

  28. Doesn't Rob live with them? TMZ says that Khloe has been keeping this to herself for a long time, wouldn't Rob of seen this, he spends more time with Lamar than she does. I guess Kris Humphries got off easy. Wouldn't that be a great interview..Kris and Lamar.

  29. Well, Michael Irvin also got away with this assault on a teammate.

    It was a very different era in the NFL.

  30. Hopefully Lamar is taking this down time to consult with a really good lawyer, who knows what else is up their sleeves or what kind of legal entanglement they have. I'm praying all this is false and it bitch slaps the k-klan in the face.

  31. I understand that PMK likes to control their "brand" but I believe this Lamar Odom drug this has to be at least partly true. His reputation is at stake which affects his career, money, family (he has children). if it weren't true he could hire a lawyer, take a drug test and sue everyone. but he isn't. i think that the media involvement came up during his intervention as one of the negative consequences they told him would come about if he refused to get treatment. khloe kicked him out and told him that she wouldn't keep his secret anymore and now everyone will know. he still refused treatment, so they kept their word. I cant wait til he comes out of his crack den, hes going to be pissed! this is the best gossip since britney lost it!

  32. @Dewie what the hell does the NFL have to do with this?

  33. PMK hasn't learned that people who live in glass houses....

  34. Anonymous9:31 AM

    I guess I'm a sap genuinely wanting Khloe and Lamar's marriage to work.

    But the cliche holds true: Easy come, easy go

  35. This comment has been removed by the author.

  36. @K, another commenter mentioned Michael Irvin using crack during his (NFL) career. I was responding to that comment. Try to keep up, dear.

  37. I really hope lamar sues for slander. As for the cheating its been well published that khloe is no saint. Has evryone forgotten her rumored fling with The Game and his brother Ivory.

  38. I feel for Lamar but then I think about his fake charity scam.

    I do think this is all a way for Khloe to save face due to Lamars cheating. The Ks like to call the shots and don't like being dumped.

  39. Who produces PMK's talk show?

  40. Yeah, I don't think they would be printing this stuff if it was slander, y'all. I'm thinking it's true.

  41. The poster yesterday who said PMK is doing this as a master manipulator nailed it. She's the damned Wizard of Oz!

  42. OMG, this whole story makes me SO freaking mad. Granted, Lamar should have known (as much as Kris Humphries 'should have' known) what he was getting into. He HAD to know if/when it went south he would be brutalized in the media. There was no way he could walk away from that relationship unscathed. PMK chose to go the drug addict fueled path to end the relationship in the media. This family is worse than a soap opera family! FFS, I hope he has attorney's that go after PMK and all she's doing. TMZ and People Magazine, too. They both lost any last shred of decency they had left. Any one who buys this story is as sad as the rest of them. Shame on the fans who support PMK, TMZ and People. Ruining what's left of someone's career due to their own selfishness and greed. They are pathetic. I'm done with all that media whoring.

  43. And for everyone claiming the NBA's drug testing would have caught it, newsflash: it did.

  44. Poor Lam Lam is getting the wrath of a Kardashian scorned. I do not believe for one second that he is a crack addict. He may have some sort of alcohol/drug issues, but crack? Come on.

    When Kanye leaves, it is going to be very, very ugly.

  45. Horrible people who all deserve to die screaming, hopefully sooner rather than later.

  46. it took forever said...
    Sorry enty but cant feel bad for this cheating scum, he is a adult, he is rich if he didnt want marriage he should have filed papers for divorce instead he was running around dicking everything in sight

    Rest assured, Khloe and the whole family convinced him that he could marry her, screw around as much as he wanted and get some publicity out of the deal. Hell of a backfire, but you play, you pay.

    Murphy said...
    Scott isn't leaving that gravy train voluntarily. If he leaves it will be because he is dismissed.

    As I understand it, Scott's family has far more money than the K's. He must love the fame, because there is no other reason for him to stick around.

  47. I hope he sues them for slander and takes the majority of their ill gotten money.That whole family is nothing but a bunch of money grubbing golddigging whores.Lamar needs to file for divorce and then write a tell-all book exposing just how dirty and trashy they all are.And if he is on drugs I could understand it. Anyone would need to be on drugs to live in that Witches den.

  48. Since PMK is the mistress of deflection, I think she initiated Operation Ruin Lamar to try to keep something else off the radar. So, what's really going on that she wants hidden?
    My guess is it has to be her Prize Pig.
