Tuesday, August 27, 2013

Tim McGraw And Faith Hill Deny Divorce

Five days after The National Enquirer announced that Tim McGraw and Faith Hill were divorcing, the couple finally responded to say they are not getting divorced. I think that five day gap shows that maybe the two of them are not on the same page about whether they are getting divorced or not. Without actually saying he was cheating on Faith, the Enquirer did say that Tim had sexual chemistry with Taylor Swift. Does anyone really have sexual chemistry with Taylor? I'm not putting it past the two of them to hook up, but I think they wanted to say things about other women, but couldn't find anyone to step up and spill. McGraw is also said to be fed up with the way Faith treats him and wants out.


  1. Faith Hill is a lioness, extremely protective woman.

    1. They have had 2 of their homes up for sale, for a while now. I figured we'd get an announcement any time. No, no one has chemistry with Taylor Swift, except maybe her Ken doll.

  2. @ian, didn't she call out a fan at a concert you grabbed his ass, or something like that?

    The big question is if these two are on drugs? Even Mr Patty commented about how lean he looks and that he could use to gain some weight.

    1. Fan grabbed the franks and beans!!!!!

  3. Sad. I have always liked both of them, separately and together. Tim has seemed to change a bit over the past few years. Hasn't there been blinds about him because of his weight loss?

  4. @Patty
    Yeah, that's exactly what I'm referring. I think it was his crouch! Ha!

    If things were rosy between these two, Faith would jump up straight away and be defensive. Her silence says more than anything.

  5. I just cant understand what is attractive about Taylor Swift...

  6. I'm not saying Tim is faithful, but cheating with Taylor Swift? Is that supposed to be a smokescreen for the real mistress? No way Taylor is stirring up that shit. Not b/c I think she's some goody-goody, but b/c she is a lot smarter than that. Way too much risk for very little reward.

  7. and it would be memorialized in a song. don't think he'd want that.

  8. I'd heard a rumor that they were doing coke together, but then Faith stopped and got religious, but Tim was still using.
    I'm not sure how credible the rumors were.

  9. i love you, but sit your ass down, enty.

    poor taylor is the current media go-to scapegoat lately. if you'll go to a few other sites right at this very moment, you'll note she's apparently also after drake and timberlake, cuz you know, she hugged them hello at the VMAs so OBVIOUSLY she's on the hunt. you need to stop feeding into this crap in the name of hits. #eyeroll

  10. Tim McGraw always creeped me out. He just seems oily.

  11. Tug McGraw > Tim McGraw and always will be. Quick Draw is greater than both.

  12. She's already name-dropped Tim McGraw in song. It's the name of the song that was her breakout hit.

  13. I kinda hope this isnt true.

  14. Faith Hill scares me. I get the feeling she could really beat some ass!

  15. Maybe it took 5 days to respond because the Enquirer isn't exactly credible and no one gave a shit the first 4 days? Faith could chew TayTay up if she ever thought something was going on.

  16. Anonymous9:39 AM

    Yep, just look at all that chemistry oozing out of TS in that photo. That's a "ugh, he's touching my leg?! Take the photo and get out of here so I can quickly excuse myself and tell all my friends how uncomfortable this was" face if I ever saw one. It's the same face you make at a close talker. He cheats? Probably. Faith knows? Probably. But I would bet it's not with swifty

  17. I don't know if this means anything, but Friday night they were here together in Louisville to watch their daughter cheerlead for her highschool football team against our team. And later were at a bar here together. I mean I know if doesn't really matter, but they are still at least amicable.

  18. Sooo does this make anyone else think about the blind about a girl next door type getting accused of being the other woman? Was it last week? Idk too lazy to go a hunting.

  19. Anonymous10:37 AM

    I'm not buying this story.

  20. I've mentioned it a few times before, but I dated a DJ in the early millennium who had worked with a comedian who opened for or worked with Tim and Faith. The comedian said that Tim was a huge coke fiend who introduced Faith to it. I've always believed it, because the sources seemed too honest.

  21. All of their hands look creepy big in this picture.

  22. AKM---I believe that also, for the reasons you mention, plus the statistics would make it unusual if they had NEVER used coke, working in that industry in the era they started.

  23. Weren't Tim & Faith each married to someone else when they got together? Pretty sure he was...seems like it wouldn't be much of stretch to think either one or both would cheat if unhappy.

  24. She was engaged -- already divorced from first husband Dan Hill -- and he had just ended an engagement when they started that tour together.

  25. Also, their last daughter was born prematurely and she was very, very sick for quite a while IIRC. I hate to even think it, but I always worry about that...

  26. That would be so sad! I remember back in the day when Tim McGraw was all eff-me eyes and Faith was a twinkie in a lace top that no-one thought would make it. That could have been just me.

  27. I have always heard that they both are involved with coke pretty heavily.

  28. @Pooky enty makes it pretty clear that (s)he's not buying the TS connection, just that THE ENQUIRER commented on it. Go bitch at them.

  29. Folks around here, like a consultant on a TV show that is filmed here, say that there are three characters on a the show based on Faith Hill, Tim McGraw and Swift. I always thought it was Vince and Amy myself.

  30. The sexual chemistry he has with Taylor is the fact that she doesn't like sex, which would let him have at it with Kenny Chesney whenever he wanted!!!

  31. Taylor and Tim and Keith Urban, I think, have a song together. Logically, there should be a rumor about a 3some.

    I like Faith more than Tim, but feel bad about it because like he's our hometown hero. Don't Take the Girl still makes me a little sniffly though.

  32. They have been the guesses for so many blinds I would love to know the real story with them. Also, I don't get the Taylor Hate. Except for the clinginess there isn't really much else.

  33. When I lived in a condo in Nashville (burbs now), two of my neighbors were country music execs. They both told me on separate occasions that Tim and Faith are PR only. Very good PR. And Faith has a nasty reputation around town.

  34. I'm sure he's been doing what he wanted for a long time, but maybe just got sloppy of late. I agree that she is scary.

  35. @Ellie Buckles -- 'Nasty' in the sense that Faith will stab anybody in the back, or she'll go after someone who [in her opinion] threatens her? Or 'nasty' personally or in her general dealing w/people?

    There's something 'off' about her. She's not your basic back woods babe w/good pipes and stems who can stomp around and pound it out.

  36. I remember the days when Faith Hill was pushed down everyone's throats. All I remember hearing about her was that she was not too bright, but very pretty.

  37. I have it on pretty good sources that both Faith and Tim are egomaniacs.
    He has wanted out for quite some time but has stayed due to their $"brand".

  38. I have it from an excellent source that Tim has been cheating the whole time. I don't know what Faith has done, but he is a dog and has been mean to the girls afterward (insisted they be fired so he didn't have to deal with them).

  39. I am curious about the speculation of Tim's drug use when he has been very, very candid about alcohol abuse and chemical substance use. He has shared the stories on late night talk shows, Katie Couric special and GMA's Robin Roberts. So why the bashing when he admitted it? What would you do if some random woman grabbed your husband's crotch or strange man put his hand between your wife's legs? Would you smile and say "have a nice day" or what Faith did?
