Monday, August 26, 2013

The Shortest Reunion In History

Talk about embarrassing. Want to know how important NSync was musically to Justin Timberlake's life? About 30 seconds. That is about how long the anticipated reunion of NSync lasted lasted night during the VMA's. Justin Timberlake must have called Beyonce for some advice about how to deal with unwanted reunions that take away from 15 minutes of the cameras focusing on you. During the Super Bowl halftime show, Beyonce wanted those billions of people focused on her, and not rumors of some reunion of a group she will erase from her official history and soon as she can buy Wikipedia. She brought out Michelle and Kelly for about thirty seconds and then went back to being the most important one.

I'm not sure if Justin's 15 minute performance last night was the longest in VMA history, but it had to be close. It was approaching needing to be interrupted by a commercial territory. Out of that whole 15 minutes, he gave a whopping 30 seconds to NSynce, much of which seemed to involve Chris Kirkpatrick trying to find a hole to jump back down that worked so Justin could have the stage to himself again.


  1. must realize what an enormous favor he did them....
    Why aren't you praising his selflessness ?

  2. Timberlake turned average talent into a long career around the board.

  3. I watched the vmas just for this. My 13 year old self was so excited when they came out on stage. It was pretty disappointing how short it was. But to be fair to Justin, the other definitely can't perform like they used to. Still cool to watch even if it was only 30 seconds.

    1. I'm anxiously awaiting the Miley Cyrus vma article! For once I'll be happy that snarky enty is writing :)

  4. I'm grateful JT allowed those 30 seconds, no matter how short it was. Plus, I heard Joey couldn't find someone to cover his whole shift at Home Depot Garden Center and had to get back.

  5. I loved JC trying to extend his 2 minutes of renewed fame at the end of the performance.

    1. YES!! JT couldn't open the trap door quick enough on his ass.

    2. Poor Chris, his trap door didn't work and he had to jump down to get out of the way

    3. He moved awful quick at that point though.

  6. I'm disappointed. The members of Nsync are younger than NKOTB and NKOTB can still move for more than 30 seconds without looking like they're going to have a heart attack. Don't blame JT at all for the shortened performance, the rest of Nsync probably begged for it....

  7. I thought JT's performance was great but I do wish the NSYNC part was longer. So much hype about it and all we got was 30 seconds. Either way though, Kanye needs to pay attention. JT showed him how it is done.

  8. @jes7o, I thought the same. Nsync really didn't seem physically capable of much more and still being able to sing at the same time. To be fair, they haven't done this in 10 years though.

  9. Should have been called the JTA's.

    At the same time, I doubt his fellow band members have kept in shape long enough to do more than a minute or so of a routine that was, what? 15 years old? He actually did acknowledge them (and you know they were paid well for it) so that's pretty cool. Even after Lance wrote his book about what a prick Justin is.
    What would have been better is the Backstreet Boys as a followup and New Kids on the Block as the encore.

    I have to say, I loved the reaction of One Direction. If and when they can outsell any of the bands mentioned above, I will eat my proverbial hat.

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  11. Replies
    1. @Dirty - wait, so you are going to correct "parlayed" and just leave "waste" in there in place of "waist"? Some people's children...

  12. For someone who doesn't care, you sure do seem to care.

    I'm sure children everywhere are relieved he's not Michael Jackson.

  13. Justin killed the stage, he was feelin himself cause Jessica Biel was at Saks after hours on 5th ave spending his NSYNC royality checks he clearly no longer needs. When the set was over, they were lowered back down into irrelevance under the stage. When Justin thanked them, he said "those four guys" and solidified their background position in pop culture.

    I was satisfied.

  14. I attempted to watch the award show last night but not being 15 I could not enjoy it

  15. It's nice to know you enjoy celeb gossip sites, though.

  16. Don't worry, Lucas. I'm sure they'll be back with a new poster real soon. And wrestling is real. Well, it's still real to you, I'm sure.

    No one disputes what I've said, of course. What a goofy attempt at a meaningful "event".

  17. Why was there a light flashing in my eyes throughout the video? Heaven help anyone with epilepsy.

  18. It sucks when you have a box attached to your waste.

  19. Eh, it was 7:30 on a Monday when I typed it. Here.

    Who the fuck cares???? It's a manufactured image for a non-existent "band" that exists solely for the purpose of fake emotions that have now turned into fake nostalgia. How can anyone seriously yearn for the days when these shrewdly packaged "songs" were mimed by 5 greasy goombahs with one being given the keys to the city for some off reason. That one, the most talented one, has parlayed dressing up like a taco and having a box attached to his waist into a sadly inept recording career. He's not Michael Jackson. He's Corey Feldman AS Michael Jackson. Utterly bereft of any meaningful statement unless the color of the tape you used to stick their grinning or fake serious visages with their attempted mustaches is "meaning" to you.


  20. You know..person who doesn't care..your wording could apply to the Beatles as well.
    So I guess Paul is Corey.
    Which Corey? Because remember, Paul is dead.

  21. I, too, noticed that JC desperately tried to extend his 30 seconds of fame as if to let those music exec's that were watching that he still "has it"! So desperate and funny!

    Kinda bummed with all the reveals, books, etc. that paint Justin as a total ass. I can kinda see it in him. Some would say he has earned the right.

    Whatever, still going to his concert!

  22. @Bacon Ranch - The Beatles weren't a band? They were bereft of meaningful statements? They mimed? One of them dressed up like fast food? Which "Beatles" are YOU trying to shoehorn into your logic? Inept recording career? Fake emotions? Oh, I see. You're just being silly. You got me.

    By the way, who's Corey?

  23. I disagree. I thought Justin was very gracious to them during his acceptance speech. And heck - these guys don't have anything going on at all. Justin didn't have to do the reunion at all.

  24. So it wasn't the 2:00 minutes the video showed? Or are you just picking at straws. Did you want a NSync reunion showing them as they always were? Where JT sang the majority along with JC because that's what they did and that's what you're complaining about. I guess they could have left it up to Lance Bass and dreadheads, and the 5th member's name I can't remeber.

    I thought it was fun. Why should Justin feel guilty because he was able to parlay his career into something bigger. He has a stronger voice and some comedic timing as well to make him valuable to shows like SNL and Jimmy Fallon.

  25. I had hoped for a little more for a "reunion". Were their mics even live? Aside from JC's, of course.

    The snark on their lack of success on their own is a little mean, even for this site. Not everyone hits it big in Hollyweird.

  26. He may be an ass, but honestly what top performer isn't? Name someone super successful that isn't known to be a D? Dude is mega talented.

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