Monday, August 26, 2013

Taylor Swift Tells Harry Styles To Shut The F**K Up

Taylor Swift actually dropped an F bomb and it wasn't because the Starbucks delivered by her assistant was too cold or too hot. Harry Style and One Direction were on stage and the director at the VMA's should be given credit for cutting to Taylor at the exact right moment and got the best reaction of the night. No volume was necessary to understand exactly what she was saying.


  1. And also, I start to like her more and more.

  2. Actually most people think that she said that when the audience was booing, because you/she couldn't hear what was being said on stage. She went backstage and congratulated them afterwards.

    But it does seem more exciting that she said it to her ex, doesn't it?

  3. It was a whole new Taylor last night between the aforementioned and her acceptance speech. Those few days, weeks (?) with Harry must've really gotten under her skin. She must've really got served.

  4. I wonder what really went down between them. She seems to be pretty bitter still. Its not like they just broke up yesterday.

  5. @cleodacat...the song she won the award for was not about Harry, and she was not referring to him in the speech. The song was about Jake Gyllenhal.

  6. Homegirl sure holds a grudge. I believe it. She even made a dig at him when accepting her award. Move on, Bitter Bolt-ons.

  7. Some are saying she said, "Sorry about my arm" but I like the STFU version better.

  8. @Renoblondee, you can see it here.

  9. He's gay it was an arrangement and then he started talking crap about her....that's enough for me

  10. Love it!!!! Go miss swift!!!!!

  11. It doesn't really seem to be aimed at him. I would have thought so if she had said when they called them up, but not while they were talking.

  12. She contracted her boyfriend through a PR pimp... he's not the only one who needs to shut the fuck up....

  13. Video is no longer available, but this does not look like sorry about my arm. @Freya, I saw that on Facebook today, too. One person said that Taylor Swift doesn't swear because she's a good girl.

  14. Yeah, There is no way that is "Sorry about my arm".

  15. Selena's reaction to it

  16. Kind of funny actually, first her sticking her tongue out at Bieber and now this.

    Why wasn't the Biebs there by the way?

  17. In my opinion, she's directing her STFU to the fans who are losing their minds screaming for the 1D boys.

  18. I like this chick. It all started when she made that with her tongue after seeing Beaver and Selena kissing, and comes until today.
    I wouldn't date her because she is nuts, but I like her more and more everyday.

  19. Please this was staged. EVERYTHING this girl does is set up in advance. It's the third time a camera cut to her saying something or rolling her eyes during an awards show has become the main story of the show the next day. I hope her PR peeps are well-paid for all the tricks they pull off.

  20. @ Seven of Eleven
    @ Crystal
    When I first heard the claim, I thought no way.

  21. I saw the video, and it doesn't look at all like she is telling him to shut the fuck up. She is clearly talking to or about somebody who was NOT on the stage!

  22. Also, if you look at her mouth she actually says "Sorry my arm," as her arm is trapped behind Selena Gomez.

  23. Maybe Selena Gomez made some comment about being hot for the 1D boys and TS was talking to her!

  24. I'm now thinking some chick in the "regular" people crowd said something stupid to Taylor when One Direction was on stage, and that is what she was responding to. I can totally see some ditzy fan making a bitchy comment to her about him. I'd tell her to shut the fuck up, too.

  25. I'm not a fan but will give her the benefit of a doubt on this one, not that it matters in the least what I think. I thought this was a PR thing, so it's hard to believe she was ever invested enough to have been truly hurt, especially since Mr. Styles is gay, gay, gay.

  26. To be fair, you can't hear what she says, we can assume she is saying it by her mouth movements.

  27. As Lainey said today... I wish the camera people/AD for this show did the Oscars and Emmys. My day was filled with "Oh, HELL YES" moments that people helpfully gifed.

  28. OMG! Miss Professional Cock-Tease said the f word?
    Alert the media.
