Wednesday, August 14, 2013

Stephenie Meyer Hates Twilight - "I'm So Over It"

If you want to make millions of fans angry, just act like Stephenie Meyer did yesterday. In an interview promoting the movie she is producing, the Twilight author was asked about the series of books and she replied, "I'm so over it. I have moved so far beyond what that was." Yeah. Not a nice thing to say to all the people who continue to buy your books and pay to watch the movie and continue to generate tons of income for you. Stephenie Meyer is a terrible author who got lucky. Very lucky. She should be grateful every second for the fans and think about where she would have been if not for them. She would be trying to scratch out a living instead of producing movies and acting like a Hollywood big shot. She is going to learn that she should not be putting up her own money for producing and when she crashes and burns, she is going to be looking to the same fans she is now trashing. Make no mistake. She is trashing them. She thinks they should move beyond Twilight and move on with their lives like she did.

I said this yesterday on Twitter, but JK Rowling would never say that about Harry Potter. First, she loves the characters, and second, she would never do anything to tick off the fans who keep buying the books. As much as you might dislike Tom Cruise's choice of religion, if you decided to ask him 20 questions about Days Of Thunder, the guy would answer every single one of them with a smile and never make you feel bad about asking them or tell you he was so beyond that. I once asked Anthony Edwards about something in Top Gun and he gave the same kind of answer that Stephenie Meyer did. He came off as a jerk and someone who didn't care. Not a good trait when you are dependent on others for your success and fame.


  1. This woman is such a Bitch, there is nothing likable about her....

  2. Spank those ingrates!! Spank 'em hard, Entities!

  3. So does she finally realize that she wrote a stinking pile of crap?

  4. Considering she has 1/100th of the talent of most aspiring writers I agree she got extremely lucky and should be grateful. I read the first Twilight book and it was some of the worst writing I've encountered from a person over 14.

    1. @Nope Have you read Fifty Shades yet? Even worse.

    2. @Kristin No I had heard that so I stayed away!

  5. When was Anthony Edwards in Canada?

  6. LIES!! Anthony Edwards doesn't have a mean bone in his wonderful body.

  7. Can't we all just move passed these God awful books and movies??

  8. Well, if I remember correctly, didn't Anthony Edwards hook up with Meg Ryan on the set of Top Gun and didn't she cheat on Anthony with Dennis Quaid? So maybe, in retrospect, Top Gun wasn't good memories for him which is why he was like, "I'm over it"? I would like to believe that Anthony is professional, he always comes across that way.
    As for Stephanie...well there is an ocean difference between her and JK Rowling. Rowling wrote a good story that will long survive her and be remembered well. I don't think anyone will be saying that about the Twilight series. And Rowling is a far better writer.

  9. On the other hand, if you asked Tommy about Legend...

    1. @Jason, at least the one who was out would say "wait for it, but not if you're lactose intolerant - DARY!!"

  10. "Twilight" and "Harry Potter", a bunch of books which massive readings depict current mental retardation of most humans.

    1. @8=====D : thanks for putting things into perspective, the infantilization of adults through is scary.

      When I learned that two 40y guys I know went on a bromance trip especially to the Harry Potter studios in London, no wives, no kids, no excuse, my faith in humanity got a serious shakedown.

      Never read them and I don t think I have missed else than a good fairytale book. Maybe I ll read them someday, but I ll always find something more interesting to do. That adults care so much about it ... they d better get a life. A real one.

    2. @Babo, I had the same fear about Harry Potter. The movies are shyte for sure, but the books are funny and rich and do not play down to the lowest common denomination. They are magical and mentally challenging and emotionally resonant. This is from a decades long book snob of the highest order.

      I really respect the way JK Rowling reawakened a deep love of books and reading in kids. It has definitely spawned some awful book series in its wake but at least they are being READ.

      If you are afraid to get into the HP series for fear of brain meltage, go with The Golden Compass, first book in an amazingly well written series entitled His Dark Materials. That will show you that young adult books can be about serious subjects, be totally fascinating AND thrilling, and make you CARE about every single character, even the baddies. Brilliant.

  11. Maybe she is over it because she was accused of stealing the story from one of her college roomies. I don't know if that claim went anywhere, but it still makes you wonder why someone so religious would choose vampires and werewolves as a subject for a series of books.

    1. Always wondered how a Mormon wandered into that subject matter. She should never have said this. She SHOULD apologize for unleashing all the TwiTwits upon us. They SCARE ME!

  12. I watched ER for Anthony Edwards. He's got a gaggle of kids and a very wealthy wife. His one and only wife.

    There is nothing bad about him !
    Don't pick on Anthony!

  13. This comment has been removed by the author.

  14. Note to self: 6:15 a.m. Enty is the cranky one?

  15. Honestly think this woman is mentally about 14/15, only explanation for her writing and interviews

  16. This bitch gets six movies, meanwhile the author of "My Immortal" languishes in obscurity!

  17. I agree with Enty. She should be terribly grateful.

  18. To be fair, shouldn't we all eventually move on from the things we did ten years ago? No, don't spit on them, but really, how many times can you answer the same questions over and over to inane idiots still living in the past?

  19. JK Rowling CAN actually write.

  20. Let's not forget, her other movie, "The Host" was sh*tted on too.

  21. She's just saying what we're all thinking! She should be grateful though, she got lucky big time.

  22. She got lucky, but those Twihards and TwiMoms are batshit. I can see wanting to disassociate yourself from that cray.

  23. You should really not trash J.K. Rowling and Harry Potter. They are VERY well-written books. A large segment of my friends are graduates of the MFA program at my local university and I can't think of one of them that would trash Harry Potter, even if it isn't their thing. Twilight and its god-awful spinoff 50 Shades are fair game though.

    1. Lucas! Welcome back. Was wondering where you went... you been missed...

  24. @babo - You have a right to your own opinion, but make it an informed one. Read the books, and if you think they are lame, then speak your mind.

    I have read both the HP books and the Twilight books, with the reasoning that I wanted to know what the big deal was with what EVERYONE was talking about. I became a lifelong fan of all things Harry Potter (and went on to read the books to my kids, who also loved them). The Twilight's for tween girls. Stephenie Meyer is the Judy Blume of the undead set.

    1. It's been a long time since I read any Judy blume but surely she's a better writer than Stephanie?!?!

  25. Anonymous4:00 PM

    @Lucas! Good to see you, buddy!

  26. too late bitch!

    no sympathy for creating this masterpiece-del-CRAP! and, FYI, you are NOT a good writer.

    Jaysus, my GF harked about how 'fabulous' this book is, had it surgically attached. so, hey, i gave it a try. omg....couldn't get post 5 chapters.

    twilight books are like, the kristen stewart of written word. BORING

  27. Finally enty's snark is right on! Twilight books are so horribly written. *shudders*

  28. Forks will NEVAH let Twilight die. It's surreal. Did you know you can buy Twilight firewood in Forks?!?!?!!?

  29. J K Rowling can write. The Harry Potter books are well constructed, have character development, all the things required for literature.

    I confess I have no interest in this woman's writing but I'm stunned no one schooled her on not biting the hand(s) that feed you. Her characters have a very loyal fan base. They also know when they're being spit on.

    She's using her own money to produce a movie? Amateur.

  30. My favorite quote comparing Harry Potter to Twilight (commonly attributed to Stephen King but source disputed):

    "Harry Potter is about confronting fears, finding inner strength and doing
    what is right in the face of adversity. Twilight is about how important it
    is to have a boyfriend."
