Wednesday, August 14, 2013

Stephenie Meyer Hates Twilight - "I'm So Over It"

If you want to make millions of fans angry, just act like Stephenie Meyer did yesterday. In an interview promoting the movie she is producing, the Twilight author was asked about the series of books and she replied, "I'm so over it. I have moved so far beyond what that was." Yeah. Not a nice thing to say to all the people who continue to buy your books and pay to watch the movie and continue to generate tons of income for you. Stephenie Meyer is a terrible author who got lucky. Very lucky. She should be grateful every second for the fans and think about where she would have been if not for them. She would be trying to scratch out a living instead of producing movies and acting like a Hollywood big shot. She is going to learn that she should not be putting up her own money for producing and when she crashes and burns, she is going to be looking to the same fans she is now trashing. Make no mistake. She is trashing them. She thinks they should move beyond Twilight and move on with their lives like she did.

I said this yesterday on Twitter, but JK Rowling would never say that about Harry Potter. First, she loves the characters, and second, she would never do anything to tick off the fans who keep buying the books. As much as you might dislike Tom Cruise's choice of religion, if you decided to ask him 20 questions about Days Of Thunder, the guy would answer every single one of them with a smile and never make you feel bad about asking them or tell you he was so beyond that. I once asked Anthony Edwards about something in Top Gun and he gave the same kind of answer that Stephenie Meyer did. He came off as a jerk and someone who didn't care. Not a good trait when you are dependent on others for your success and fame.


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